the devil image

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning

The Devil tarot card is often associated with challenges, chaos, lies and being trapped in certain situations. The appearance of this tarot card indicates that you are stuck in a particular situation with no way out. It is a reminder that you should not let external factors take control of you.

Main Features of the Devil

Before we discuss the Devil card meaning in detail, let’s quickly examine its main features! This includes associated elements, planets, zodiac signs, etc.

  • Parts of the Devil Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Earth
  • Planet- Saturn
  • Zodiac Signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Yes or No Card- No
  • Healing Crystals-- Onyx, Hematite

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The Devil Card Symbol Meaning

The image of the Devil tarot card showcases a demonic figure or Satan in the form of a satyr or half-human and half-goat. Let us look at the meaning of each symbol in the appearance of the Devil tarot card:

  • The Devil: The central figure of the card, the devil, represents the darker side of human nature. It represents temptations, fears, and the things that control us and make us feel trapped.
  • Horns and Bat Wings: The devil’s horns and bat wings represent evil and darkness. It shows that the devil is connected with dark, evil and negative energies.
  • Loose Chains: The chains around the necks of the man and woman represent the hold of worldly desires. They also show that people can become evil if they don't maintain balance.
  • Inverted Pentagram: The inverted pentagram on the devil’s head represents chaos and mess. It shows that things have gotten out of control in our lives.
  • Torch: The torch symbolises desires and how destruction rises from elaborate passion and wants.
  • Tails: The man’s tail (flame) represents our passion or desire. Meanwhile, the woman’s tail (grapes) symbolises the pleasures of life.

The Devil Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The tarot card the Devil meaning may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us look at the different meanings of the card one by one:

The Devil Upright Meaning

The Devil tarot card Upright card symbolises cheating, lies, obsession, secrets, and disturbance. The card's appearance indicates that you are trapped in a situation wherein you feel powerless. So, getting this card is a sign that you must reevaluate your goals and make appropriate decisions.

The Devil Reversed Meaning

When Reversed, the Devil tarot meaning refers to independence, leaving things, freedom and detachment. Getting this card is a sign of ending the cycle of pain and disappointment. The card reveals that soon, you will heal from the past traumatic experiences and start a new life.

The Devil AspectsThe Devil UprightThe Devil Reversed
CareerLack of motivationLeaving a toxic workplace
LoveConflicts and chaos in love lifeEnding a toxic relationship
HealthDrug addictionHealing from health issues
FinanceUnjustified purchasesSmooth finances
SpiritualityLack of hopePeriod of spirituality

The Devil Meaning in Love

Upright: The Devil card love reading hints at conflicts and chaos in your relationship due to unhealthy habits and patterns. You and your partner are overly attached and are extremely possessive. So, take this card as a warning from the Universe that you should make changes in your relationship dynamics.

Reversed: The Devil Reversed feelings in Love talks about releasing toxicity and making way for positivity. You and your partner finally have a clear vision of the future and are doing your best to keep things smooth in your love life. The card's appearance also hints at the ending of a toxic relationship.

The Devil Meaning in Career

Upright: On the professional front, the Devil as feelings indicate anger, irritation and lack of motivation. You are not receiving your share of appreciation, growth opportunities and recognition. So, the Upright Devil tarot card reminds you that it is not your fault that people cannot see your worth.

Reversed: You may have been working at a place that made you unproductive and dried all your enthusiasm. But as the Devil card reversed appears, you will soon regain energy, motivation and control. The card hints at leaving the unhealthy and toxic workplace and avoiding office politics.

The Devil Meaning in Health

Upright: The appearance of the Upright tarot card the Devil in a health reading is not a positive omen. It hints at drug addiction, mental health issues and overeating. It is time to learn how to let go, adopt better lifestyle changes and habits, and care for yourself.

Reversed: When the Devil tarot comes up in a health reading, it is a sign that you will soon heal from your ongoing health issues. Moreover, the card reveals that you have started prioritising your health and are avoiding unnecessary stress. To improve your health journey, you can adopt healthy lifestyle changes.

The Devil Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Devil tarot card meaning calls for attention to the financial aspect of life and to be careful with your actions. You haven’t been wise with your money, and the Universe is asking you to slow down. If you don’t change your habits, you will create problems for yourself.

Reversed: The Reversed Devil tarot card says everything in your finances is going smoothly. You are paying bills on time, saving money and avoiding reckless spending. However, in the future, you might come across situations where your patience will be tested. So, stick to your plans and do your best to maintain financial stability.

The Devil Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: In an upright position, the Devil spiritual card indicates two meanings: inclination towards materialistic things and lack of hope. These situations are stopping you from paying attention to your spiritual side. The tarot Devil card asks you to care for your loved ones to come out of this phase.

Reversed: Consider the appearance of the Devil card reversed in your spiritual reading a blessing from the universe. The card hints that the period of pain, disappointment and suffering will soon end. Once the negativity around you fades away, it will be easier for you to develop a divine connection with the higher power.

The Devil Yes or No Meaning

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Devil tarot revolves around manipulation, control and illusion. Let us look at how the meaning of the Devil yes or no changes in upright and reversed positions:

  • Upright- No- If you draw the Devil card yes or no, it is an absolute no. The card wants you against going after your desires and wants.
  • Reversed- Yes - Drawing the Devil reversed yes or no question is a positive ‘yes’. You are finally breaking ties for what stopped you from moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Devil card meaning as a person says that you are someone who gets fascinated by worldly things and can often lose control of your life. You want great things for yourself, and it is easy for you to lose stability and security.
The Devil tarot card number is fifteen. The 15 the Devil tarot card meaning and relationship highlight the connection between the number 15 and this tarot card. Both talk about obstacles, bondages, manipulation and karmic cycles.
The Devil as feelings talks about manipulation, deceit or lies, and misfortune. You will not be surrounded by positivity and good vibes; the energy around you will make you feel stressed and anxious.
The Devil tarot card is a negative or no card in a yes or no tarot reading. Drawing this card means that co-dependency or attachment issues might stop you from moving forward.
The Devil card love card, focuses on bad vibes in your love life. You and your partner will go through difficult phases and periods where you both experience conflicts, chaos, and destruction.
The Devil daily card appearance in the Upright position suggests that you're stuck in unfavourable situations. You will find it difficult to break free from challenges. But with the right attitude, you can surely break free from these chains and grow in your life.
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