the tower image

The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower tarot card meaning is all about destruction, the breaking down of structures, sudden changes and crises. When this tarot card appears, it indicates that soon, your life will fall apart along with your known beliefs and order. However, you can build something better out of it.

Main Features of the Tower Card

Before we learn about the symbolic meaning of the Tower card, let us explore its main features! It includes associated elements, planets, zodiac signs, etc.

  • Parts of the Tower Card: Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Fire
  • Planet- Mars
  • Zodiac Signs- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Yes or No Card- No
  • Healing Crystals- Obsidian

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The Tower Card Symbol Meaning

According to the Tower tarot card picture, a couple is flying out of a Tower on fire. Let us learn the meaning and representation of each symbol of the card in detail:

  • The Tower: The Tower is a symbolic representation of destruction and chaos and how you cannot outrun changes.
  • Lightning: The bold lightning striking the tower depicts sudden changes. Whatever destruction is happening is sudden and has turned everything upside down.
  • Crown: The crown falling off the top of the tower shows the fall of your pride or ego. It shows that when things go wrong, the ego always falls first.
  • Flames: The flames burning through the windows show destruction. However, they also show the cleansing process, taking away all the negative things from one's life.
  • Grey Sky: The grey sky in the image depicts disturbances in your life. Right now, things may seem confusing, but remember, the storm always passes.

The Tower Tarot Card - Upright & Reversed

Before we briefly understand the meaning of the Tower card in different areas, let’s examine its upright and reversed meanings quickly.

The Tower Upright Meaning

The arrival of the Tower tarot card Upright says that chaos is coming your way and is unavoidable. No matter what you do, you cannot run away from the destruction rising around you. It is time for you to face your problems with a brave approach and bring positive changes.

The Tower Reversed Meaning

The Tower reversed card relates to avoiding change, being fearful of the future, and delaying problems. You are scared of change and unwilling to accept that bad things will happen. In this case, the Tower advice would be to be brave and face everything with strength and stability.

The Tower AspectsThe Tower UprightThe Tower Reversed
CareerSudden career changeFear of change
LoveChaos, breakupUnhappiness in love life
HealthInjuries, accidentsNeglecting health
FinanceFinancial loss, instabilityAvoiding financial loss
SpiritualityBig spiritual shiftResistance to change

The Tower Meaning in Love

Upright: In the upright position, the Tower tarot card meaning love, indicates chaos and difficulties in a relationship. A breakup or conflict is on the cards, and you should be prepared for the worst times. So, the Tower tarot card love wants you to stay strong and support your partner, as adverse situations are unavoidable.

Reversed: The Tower love tarot in the Reversed position indicates that it is time for you and your partner to rethink your relationship. This is because you both are unhappy with each other and are not putting in enough effort. For single people, the Tower love tarot card suggests making better decisions.

The Tower Meaning in Career

Upright: The Upright the Tower tarot card career indicates that you may experience sudden disruptions in your professional life. These disruptions may come in the form of a job loss, a change in work responsibilities, changes in the workplace environment, or even a shift in your income.

Reversed: The Tower tarot card career reversed says that you are unwilling to grow in your career because you're scared of change. The Tower Reversed is a warning that you are not doing the things that will help you grow in your career. It is time to leave your comfort zone and explore whatever career possibilities come your way.

The Tower Meaning in Health

Upright: The appearance of the Tower tarot card health upright is not a positive omen. It hints that you will experience sudden injuries, accidents, or health issues soon. Getting this card is a sign to review your health and do things that align with your body’s mental, physical, and emotional needs.

Reversed: When Reversed, the Tower tarot card in health says that you have been neglecting your health for a long time. Soon, you may develop health issues related to blood pressure, head or hormonal problems. This tarot card warns that if you don't prioritise your health now and make changes, you will regret it later.

The Tower Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Tower tarot card money says you may lose all your financial stability and security if you're not wise with your financial decisions. You need to be wise, or you may worsen your financial situation. The tarot card advises you to take the help of learned people who can help you gain financial independence.

Reversed: Per the Reversed the Tower tarot card in finance, you are not addressing your financial problems and avoiding making major decisions. In addition, you are not judicial with your money. The appearance of the Tower money tarot says that you may face some financial crises due to your unstable habits.

The Tower Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The appearance of the Tower card in a spiritual reading means a big change will soon knock at your doorstep. This unexpected change will shake up your old spiritual beliefs and make you think about what’s real or not. Remember this change will open new doors for spiritual paths for you.

Reversed: In a spiritual sense, the reversed Tower card highlights the need to let go of the old beliefs and traditions that are not working for you anymore. But the problem is that you are not ready to leave these beliefs behind. The appearance of the Tower card encourages you to move forward in your spiritual journey.

The Tower Yes or No Meaning

Drawing The Tower tarot card yes or no tarot reading is considered negative. Let us look at how quickly its meaning changes in the upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: No - Drawing the Tower yes or no card means a clear ‘no’. It hints that your resistance to change is stopping you from moving forward.
  • Reversed: Yes- Getting the Tower yes or no card means a big ‘yes’. It hints that big changes are coming your way even if you don’t expect them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, the messages behind this card are negative. However, it can be positive in terms of your growth. So, if you're unlikely to reject the development, this card can give you positive messages. You must strive for greatness wherever you go.
Pulling the Tower card establishes that the Universe urges you to be careful as significant upheaval and change are coming your way. If you pull it in the Upright position, things will not go your way. However, if you pull it in the Reversed position, you will find the tools to make things work in your favour.
In terms of feelings, when Upright the Tower tarot love card is all about conflicts, problems, and chaos. In addition, the Tower as feelings represents problems and devastation. You will go through chaotic times, which will test your patience and make you feel weak.
The Tower tarot card zodiac sign is Aries. Its astrological sign is Mars, and the element is Fire. The connection between the Tower Arcana card and Aries is that both highlight the qualities of fiery energy, destructive power, strength, and resilience.
The Burning Tower tarot card meaning represents sudden changes or chaos in your life. These new changes will collapse your belief system. But on the positive side, it will also bring you new growth and possibilities.
If you keep getting the Tower card in your reading, your angel guides have a special message. It is advisable for you not to dismiss change and go with the flow. You cannot keep going away from challenging situations and will have to face them eventually.
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