the wheel of fortune image

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune meaning revolves around good luck, the cycle of life and personal growth. It reminds us that everything is temporary and we should accept whatever changes come our way. Drawing this card in a tarot reading suggests good luck and fortune are on the horizon.

Main Features of The Wheel of Fortune

Before we discuss the Wheel of Fortune card meaning in detail, let's quickly examine its main features! This includes associated elements, planets, zodiac signs, etc.

  • Parts of the Wheel of Fortune Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Fire
  • Planet- Jupiter
  • Zodiac Signs- Aries, Leo, Scorpio
  • Yes or No Card- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Aventurine, Serpentine

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The Wheel of Fortune Card Symbol Meaning

Per the visual interpretation of the card, there is a large wheel floating in the sky and letters inscribed. Let us look at the meaning of each symbol in the appearance of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card:

  • Sphinx: Sitting at the top of the wheel, Sphinx is a mix of a human, a lion and an eagle. This creature represents strength and wisdom.
  • The Wheel: The big circle in the middle of the image represents life’s ups and downs. Just like a wheel turns, our lives have their fair share of highs and lows.
  • Snake: The snake moving downward on the life side of the wheel represents people’s worldly needs. It also symbolises life’s challenges and obstacles.
  • Anubis: Anubis is the Egyptian ‘God of the Dead’. This mythological figure represents transformation and new beginnings after an ending.
  • Latin Letters (TORA): The letters TORA or ROTA means wheal in the Latin language. The Latin letters show how everything in life is connected.
  • The Four Creatures: The four creatures—man, eagle, lion, and bull—symbolise the four fixed zodiac signs (Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Taurus).

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The Tarot Wheel of Fortune meaning may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us look at the different meanings of the card one by one:

The Wheel of Fortune Upright Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card meaning represents positive changes and opportunities in the Upright position. As the new changes come your way, the card wants you to be adaptable and flexible. Whatever is meant to happen will happen; you shouldn’t stress about it.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed Meaning

In the Wheel of Fortune Reversed, you are in a position where nothing is going your way, and all your plans are failing. The reason behind your failure is your resistance to growth or change. The primary message of this tarot card is that nobody can run away from destiny and fate's lessons.

The Wheel of Fortune AspectsThe Wheel of Fortune UprightThe Wheel of Fortune Reversed
CareerRecognition and positivityNo career growth
LoveJoy, happiness in love lifeDoubts and chaos in love
HealthResolved health issuesIgnored health and well-being
FinanceSlow financial improvementFinancial disbalance
SpiritualitySpiritual growthObstacles and hardships

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Love

Upright: The Wheel of Fortune love meaning says that soon, there will be moments of happiness, joy, and balance in your love life. All you have to do is accept the new and positive changes. For singles, the card reveals now is the perfect time to step into a new relationship and meet someone new.

Reversed: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed love card hints at uncertainty, imbalance, doubts and chaos in the relationship. You and your partner are not being completely honest with each other or have gotten out of sync. So, the Wheel of Fortune love outcome wants you to sit together and figure out what is going wrong in your relationship.

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Career

Upright: The Upright Wheel of Fortune career card hints at recognition and positive opportunities at your workplace. Some of you may also get a promotion or a hike in salary. The main message of the card is to be headstrong and grab these career opportunities as they come.

Reversed: The tarot Wheel of Fortune reversed career card indicates no career growth, a lack of colleague support, and failing career plans. All of this will make you stressed and anxious. So, the reversed Wheel of Fortune card wants you to step out of your comfort zone and make changes to move forward.

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Health

Upright: The Upright Wheel of Fortune tarot card in health says you will see positivity and happiness in your well-being. You may have been battling some illness, but soon, it will go away, and you will recover in the best way possible. All your worries will take a backseat, and you won't suffer for long.

Reversed: The Reversed the Wheel of Fortune tarot health card states that you have been ignoring your well-being for a long time. The card indicates that it is time to make changes and focus on prioritising your health. In addition, you must consult medical professionals or healers to heal correctly.

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Upright the Wheel of Fortune tarot card in finance hints at a period of financial security and stability. Your financial condition is slowly improving, and all your desires are materialising. You are at a phase where everything is going according to plan.

Reversed: The Reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card indicates a financial disbalance and chaos. So, it would be best to refrain from engaging in new monetary ventures and focus on saving resources. Furthermore, consult people who can provide better guidance in money management.

The Wheel of Fortune Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The upright Wheel of Fourtune card reading in a spiritual context indicates development and growth. Soon, the universe will send opportunities your way for your spiritual path. Meeting with experienced people who can help you on your path is also possible.

Reversed: In a spiritual context, the Reversed Wheel of Fortune reveals that nothing is going as per your plans. All the situations you are facing are there to test your inner strength and patience. So, the reversed Wheel of Fortune card wants you to establish a connection with the higher self and make room for changes.

The Wheel of Fortune Yes or No Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card revolves around personal growth, life cycle, fortune and success in a yes or no tarot reading. Let us see how quickly its meaning changes in the upright and reversed card:

  • Upright: Yes- The Wheel of Fortune yes or no card is a positive card. It reveals that the situation is improving for you, and all the negativity is fading away. This is when you pull yourself together and work towards your goals.
  • Reversed: No- The Wheel of Fortune reversed yes or no is a negative card. It hints towards some challenges and obstacles in your way. Though you can move forward with your situation, beware of the potential roadblocks.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is a card of success, fortune, and luck. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning says that you will attain all your desires if you maintain the right attitude and outlook towards life.
The Wheel of Fortune relates to four zodiac signs: Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Taurus. These four zodiac signs' impact highlights the flow of life, the role of emotions, strength, leadership qualities, transformation, change, growth, stability, and determination.
In the Upright position, the Wheel of Fortune meaning love, says you can experience greatness in your relationships. Per the Wheel of Fortune Upright, it is advisable for you to prioritise your feelings and take care of your and your partner’s needs in your relationship.
The Wheel of Fortune yes or no card is a yes card. In yes or no tarot reading it revolves around good luck, karma and life cycles. Getting this card means moving forward with the situation despite current challenges and obstacles.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card advises you to take things slow and change things as per your energy. It also urges people to pay attention to their feelings and emotions and analyse plans according to what's needed in a particular situation.
The Star and Wheel of Fortune combination say that happier times await you, and you will succeed. You will achieve the things you want, and all your desires will be fulfilled. However, it is essential to be determined and consistent in your approach.
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