the star image

The Start Tarot Card Meaning

The Star tarot card meaning is all about maintaining stability, welcoming positivity, and healing from past traumas. There will be situations where you may have to use your intuition to make the right decisions. Every day presents a new opportunity, and it is up to you to decide how to use these chances.

Main Features of The Star

Before we discuss the Star meaning in detail, let's quickly examine its main features! This includes associated elements, planets, zodiac signs, etc.

  • Parts of The Star Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Air
  • Planet- Uranus
  • Zodiac Signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
  • Yes or No Card- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Sodalite, Azurite

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The Star Card Symbol Meaning

The Star tarot card depicts a young woman sitting beside a pool with two water jugs. Let us look at the meaning of each symbol in the appearance of the Star tarot card:

  • The Naked Woman: The naked woman in the picture represents balance and harmony. Kneeling by the water shows her connection with both water and earth.
  • Stars: The seven white stars represent the seven chakras in the body. The big star symbolises a woman’s strong qualities.
  • Water Jugs: The first jug waters abundance and the cycle of life, and the second jug means the five senses.
  • Woman’s Feet: The woman kneels with one foot on the ground, symbolising her judgement and willpower. The other foot represents her intuition and emotional understanding.

The Star Wands Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The Star tarot meaning may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us look at the different meanings of the card one by one:

The Star Upright Meaning

The Star tarot card Upright card is all about positive growth, change, and peace. It means you are in tune with your inner self and the higher power. When this card appears, all you must do is keep faith in your heart and believe that good things are meant for you.

The Star Reversed Meaning

The Star card Reversed is all about difficulties, challenges, and obstacles. These problems will persist until you decide to address them. However, after this period of chaos and conflict, you will become stronger, and things will go according to you and your needs.

The Star AspectsThe Star UprightThe Star Reversed
CareerSuccess and positivityStuckness, no growth
LoveSpiritual connection in love lifeConflicts and arguments
HealthQuick healingHealth issues
FinanceGood money managementFinancial conflicts
SpiritualityStrong divine connectionPoor divine connection

The Star Meaning in Love

Upright: The Upright Star tarot card meaning love, says that you and your partner will get a chance to grow closer through a spiritual connection. Singles healing from a breakup will finally feel ready to reject all emotional baggage. Soon, they will allow themselves to connect fully in a new relationship.

Reversed: The Star Tarot Love Reversed reading says you will face several conflicts and arguments in your relationship. However, all these issues and problems can be solved if you and your partner work together. If you are single, the Star tarot love card says you will find someone willing to work with you on your relationship.

The Star Meaning in Career

Upright: Regarding your career, the Star Tarot Upright card is about success and positivity at your workplace. So, when this card appears in your reading, it is a sign that things will go your way. Moreover, you will be able to achieve career stability and success shortly.

Reversed: The Star tarot card hints you may feel stuck or dissatisfied in your job. The reason could be the negative energies or your unhealthy outlook for your career. Getting this card in a career reading means that the Universe is willing to bless you. All you have to do is believe in yourself and progress in the right direction.

The Star Meaning in Health

Upright: The Star tarot card in a health reading tells that you will undergo a period of quick healing and strengthening health. Moreover, you will experience fewer health issues and challenges. The Star tarot card pregnancy reading says that expecting mothers will experience no health issues and give birth to healthy babies.

Reversed: The Star card reversed health reading highlights your anxieties and fears. You keep overthinking your current situation, due to which your health is deteriorating. In this case, Reversed Star tarot card says it is time to connect to healers and medical professionals. They will help you choose the right healing methods or techniques.

The Star Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Star tarot card highlights economic management and good things coming your way. If you have been planning to save more and spend less, this card indicates that you can find the right ways to do that. In addition, you will also achieve long-term financial plans and goals.

Reversed: The Star card Reversed in financial reading is a reminder that you have the power to handle any and everything that comes your way. Therefore, it's time for you to go over your financial goals and plans once again. Several financial conflicts may come, but you can solve them by being careful about your economic needs and plans.

The Star Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: Getting the upright Star tarot card in a spiritual reading is a positive sign from the universe. The card hints that soon, you will develop a strong connection with the divine or high power. If you have been looking forward to healing, the card hints that now is a good time to do so.

Reversed: In the reverse position, the Star tarot card of the day hints at your poor connection with the universe. It hints that you blame the universe for all the adversities or problems in your life. So, getting this card in a spiritual reading is a sign of having faith in the universe. Pay attention to your spiritual side and ignore the negative aspects.

The Star Yes or No Meaning

The Star card revolves around hope, positivity, intuitions and healing in a yes or no tarot reading. Let us look at how the Star yes or no, guides the reader in approaching a particular issue or challenge!

  • Upright: Yes- Drawing out an upright Star tarot card yes or no card is a positive sign. The card hints to you to take action as the outcomes will be positive and rewarding.
  • Reversed: No- The reversed Star tarot card yes or no card hints at negative energies and challenges ahead. This is why you must wait and figure out these problems first.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Star tarot love reading establishes happy relationships and healthy bonds in the Upright position. On the other hand, the Star Reversed highlights conflicts, fights, and disagreements in a relationship.
The Star tarot card in past position indicates that you may have made some good decisions in the past which have brought you to your present. For example, you may have decided to act more like yourself and less like how others tell you to act, and because of that, now more people support you and your decisions.
The Star tarot card personality represents calm, kind, helpful, and creative qualities. This tarot card asks people to look within themselves, identify their needs and work on them in accordance with the resources provided by the Universe.
The Star tarot zodiac sign is Aquarius. Likewise, its element is Air. The relationship between the Star tarot zodiac sign, element, and tarot card meaning highlights the qualities of peace, stability, balance, and creativity.
The ruling planet of the Star tarot card is Uranus. The connection between Uranus and the Star tarot is that these both represent the qualities and energies of stability, balance, and security.
Regarding pregnancy, the Star tarot card indicates a healthy baby, a safe pregnancy, and strong immunity. Expecting mothers can experience happiness, extra support, and balance during their journey of pregnancy.
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