
About Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is the 11th sign in the zodiac cycle, which is also known as Kumbha Rashi in Indian astrology or Sanskrit. The symbol of Aquarius signifies the water-bearers, which means that they give life and spirituality to the world. Also, the water-bearer means that it washes away all the negativity and past venture so that one can open a door for a renewed and fresh start. Therefore, the sign in Aquarius represents their go-ahead, enlightened and progressive attitude. Aquarius is believed to be ruled by Uranus, but on the other side, according to Indian astrology, Aquarius is ruled by the Planet Saturn. However, it's believed that Aquarius or Kumbha is also correlated with the famous Kumbha Mela. However, that's when the Planet Jupiter or Brihaspati moves into the Aquarius zodiac cycle. Furthermore, Aquarius is an Air- fixed sign that falls around winter. Also, it's the last fixed sign, which uses its intelligence and creativity mindset to develop its understanding and beliefs. These natives are always aloof and keep or maintain a distance from physical and emotional attachments. Moreover, they are more focused on solving all worldly problems so that the world becomes a better place to live in. Therefore, they tend to indulge themselves in productive and progressive work and are always lost in the thought of how they can change the world.


Aquarius Nature and Traits

Here's everything you need to know about an Aquarius. Mentioned below are some of the traits of Aquarius that you'll be proud to read if you are an Aquarius. These natives are honest and have pure intentions, which comes from being true to oneself. Also, these traits are developed by being able to speak their minds genuinely. Also, they need to be quicker with taking action; instead, they would take time to figure out the best way.
Furthermore, being an Air element, Aquarius natives have a strong intellect and thinking ability. Also, these natives are soft-hearted and get hurt easily. Also, Ascendants of Aquarius are very caring and kind-hearted and always have a soft spot for the people they meet daily. Also, they tend to always involve in social activities so that their contribution makes a slight difference. Also, as Aquarius is the 11th house in the astrological chart, called the house of companions, they value friendship wholeheartedly and would go out of their way to lend them a helping hand. Furthermore, Aquarius natives are insensitive, which makes them bond with someone without being emotionally attached.


Aquarius Health

Aquarius natives need a good diet and vitamins to strengthen their physical strength. They tend to have a weak bone structure or a low bone density, leading to frequent joint aches. Aquarius natives are also prone to Arthritis, which leads to swelling and inflammation. Also, Aquarius rules over calves, ankles and the circulatory systems. Moreover, they have a good digestive system, and thus they can process heavy foods easily. Moreover, Aquarius individuals are excessive thinkers way too much, which leads them to stress and anxiety. Moreover, they may also experience fatigue and headache, making them feel dull and weak. Also, as Aquarius rules over the circulatory system, their blood vessels and heart might be affected. Thus, it might lead to chest pain and shortness of breath.
Furthermore, talking about some of the ideal food for Aquarius-born natives will be good that are high in calcium. Therefore, these foods can help to strengthen their bones. Aquarius natives must consume plenty of calcium in their diet and also must be aware of intaking vitamin D. Furthermore, these individuals must avoid saturated fats instead; eating whole grains, vegetables and nuts can improve and strengthen their circulatory system.


Aquarius Man

Aquarius men have dual personalities and can be soft-hearted and arrogant as well. They always like to be surrounded by people who have an intellectual mindset. Moreover, they have a very vibrant and positive personalities, and you'll feel the same aura if you happen to be around Aquarius men. Aquarius men are very clear about choosing their companions. They aren't friends with everyone; instead, they are either extremely close to you or completely detached from you. Moreover, Aquarius men do not like to stay ideal doing anything; rather, they would always indulge themselves in various activities and tasks to not unnecessarily waste their time. Also, Aquarius men are unpredictable because you can never predict what can be their next move. They do not keep things planned beforehand. Moreover, they keep very high expectations from people, making it difficult for the other person to meet their expectations. Also, it's very difficult for Aquarius men to trust someone, but once they do, they make sure that they do not stab you behind your back. Furthermore, Aquarius men are very affectionate individuals and have strong self-esteem.


Aquarius Woman

Aquarius women are smart and proficient individuals. They have a unique lifestyle that makes a huge impact on their life. Moreover, these individuals are excessively smart about sensing emotions and how they could impact a real-life situation. Moreover, Aquarius women are adaptable, making them cope with a new environment depending on the situations and people's behaviours. Also, these women set really high benchmarks for themselves so that they can put in all their efforts to get there. Additionally, these women are very knowledgeable and would always prefer to have philosophical conversations with people so that they can learn and gain more knowledge that they might be unfamiliar with. Furthermore, it's very difficult for Aquarius women to be emotionally committed to someone because they fear dedicating themselves to someone for a longer period of time. These women feel trapped and uneasy about getting into a serious relationship. Also, they are very popular and friendly with people in their social circle. They have earned the reputation of being extremely skilled individuals and kind. In addition, they enjoy working with the team because they feel that the contribution of several people can help them acquire more knowledge in detail.


Aquarius Relationship

Aquarius are passionate and dedicated towards relationships but also know their boundaries and personal space. They do not allow people to enter their boundaries easily if the person is extremely close. Moreover, Aquarius does not appreciate short-term relationships with people; it's either a lifetime friendship or relationship or else they do not entertain temporary people in their life. They do not allow negative people to spoil them at an individual level, and they also believe in the phrase that says, “One rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch”. This means that keeping unwanted people in their life can spoil the aura. Moreover, as lovers, Aquarius natives want someone with whom they can communicate intellectually so that the environment remains lively and communicative. Also, Aquarius are very difficult to date because they might have a lot of friends online, but when it comes to meeting people, they are shy and nervous.
Additionally, Aquarius people are reaching out to be supportive buddies that would stand with you in any circumstance. Also, Aquarius children grow up to be active, organised people. Although they strive for independence and an outgoing personality, they don't frequently act disrespectfully or go against their parents.


Aquarius Love

Aquarius in Love is a true gem because they have extremely vibrant personalities and would always do something unexpected in a relationship. Moreover, Aquarius tend to take the proper time to build a relationship to the extent that they do not feel uncomfortable or hesitant to speak on any topic with their partner. Moreover, they would prefer to build a good friendship before they get into a relationship because, after all, Aquarius is known to make great companies. Also, they believe in individuality; they would never be over-possessive in a relationship. Rather, they would give you enough space and maintain good boundaries between each other. Additionally, Aquarius folks are not known for expressing their feelings of affection, so if they do, it means that their feelings are strong and intense. Additionally, Aquarius tends to disclose all of their darkest secrets and innermost thoughts with you. In that case, it indicates that they have full faith in you and would want you to uphold their secrets. Aquarius people also have a hard time expressing their emotions toward their loved ones. In a handful of meetings and talks, they are unable to let go of their feelings. In addition, Aquarius guys who are in love do their best to make time for their partners despite their busy schedules.


Aquarius Career

Aquarius have a great aptitude for problem-solving; thus, their analytical thinking would make things easier. Also, these natives consider the problem a new opportunity for growth. Also, Aquarius ascendants do not mind working for long hours with full concentration. Moreover, they avoid doing boring things, and if they have to do the same task every day, they will definitely get bored. Therefore, there are better choices than a 9-5 job for them. Furthermore, they have a tendency to change jobs frequently because they get bored easily. They always strive to develop good skills that would benefit for them to make a successful career. As already mentioned, these natives are great problem solvers. Along with them, they are great team players with effective communication skills who can get along with their colleagues easily to meet the needs of their clients. Also, their honest and right attitude towards their goals can help them to grow as a better and a successful person. Moreover, you can tap on the read more option and read in detail about Aquarius Career to help you make the right decision.


Aquarius Decans

Saturn and Uranus rule the first Aquarius Decan. Natives born between January 20 and January 29 belong under the Decan 1 group, allowing them to be exceptionally emphasised as well as driven people. Additionally, the influence of Uranus makes them more open to invention and originality, which helps them think and act uniquely.
In contrary to that, next comes Decan 2, which the planet Mercury rules. However, these natives are born between January 30 to February 8. The Second Decan sign-born individuals are very rational thinkers and action-oriented individuals. Additionally, they have a very smart mentality and always love to engage in stimulating talks that help them learn more. Lastly, coming to Decan 3 of Aquarius, these natives are ruled by the planet Venus. As ruled by the planet of love and romance, Aquarius natives falling under the third Decan are born between February 9 to February 18. These natives tend to have a very attractive personality, which allows the opposite sex to be impressed by their beauty. Also, the ascendants of Aquarius in Decan 3 are quite romantic and tend to have a healthy relationship.


Aquarius Facts

Have you been looking to find out the fun facts about Aquarius natives? First, however, let's find out some of the unique facts along with the odd traits of Aquarius.
These natives are born in the depth of winter, which allows them to be water bearers. These natives are deep thinkers who often are lost in their thoughts. They take time to make decisions which comes from their analytical and contemplative personality. Also, these natives do not like when someone doesn't appreciate their individuality and would hate feeling unwanted and useless. Also, Aquarius natives strive to do something better for the world. Moreover, the ascendants of Aquarius are introverted individuals who would preferably choose to stay alone and solve their problems on their own. Also, along with their independent nature, they always crave to be free-spirited and do not like to change just to feel adjusted among their friends' group. Moreover, Aquarius does not take little things too seriously because they focus more on big thinking. The traits of Aquarius drive them to be visionary leaders such as Abraham Lincoln and Michael Jordan, who were great thinkers and innovators.


Moon in Aquarius

Moon is one of the fastest-moving planets and revolves around all twelve zodiac signs for at least a month. Therefore, Aquarius in moon will allow being social butterflies. Also, as the 11th house is a house of companionship and Friendship, they tend to make good friends getting along with people easily. Also, these natives might feel stuck in between, which will drive them to break through their old routines and habits. Furthermore, when Moon appears in the Aquarius, they tend to be highly observant and would be more inclined towards human behaviour and personality. Moreover, they tend to have a high ego which is why they do not mix around with people and would choose to stay alone. Furthermore, you'll find them dealing with mixed feelings and emotions but would not seek help from someone rather than trying to understand what and why they are feeling unusual. Also, due to their intellectual mindset, they attract a lot of attention from people and would be in the limelight among their friend groups. However, to discover more about Aquarius in Moon, you can read more in detail by tapping the read more option.

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