Sun - The King Of All Planets In Astrology

The Sun is the centre of our solar system and supreme among all the planets in astrology. It represents your core identity (your soul), ego, energy, power and father figures. The Sun in astrology meaning indicates who you are at the deepest level - your personality, goals, and how you shine your light out into the world.

Key Characteristics of Planet Sun

To get a detailed understanding of the Sun planet astrology, let us first look at the key characteristics of the Planet Sun, the Surya Graha.

Key CharacteristicDescription
Time Period6 years
Enemy PlanetsVenus, Saturn
Friendly PlanetsJupiter, Moon, Mars
Ruling DeityLord Ram
Exalted Sign / Debilitated SignAries / Libra
Associated ColourOrange

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Impact of Planet Sun On Zodiac Signs

The qualities of the Sun can be observed in various zodiac signs depending on its position in a Kundli during the time of birth. That’s why these zodiacs are also called your Sun signs. Let us see how the Sun impacts individuals of different zodiac signs.

Sun In Aries Sign

The fiery Sun offers the Aries natives a bold, creative spirit. You're driven to start new ventures and lead a group fearlessly, having great leadership qualities. Shining with youthful energy, you display confidence and passion in everything you do. Just watch out for the famous Aries anger!

Sun In Taurus Sign

The earthy Taurus enjoys life's simple pleasures under the nurturing Sun's influence. You appreciate beauty, comfort and building material abundance at a steady, patient pace. Though stubborn at times, your grounded nature provides stability. Appreciate the Sun’s glow while going for a morning walk or meditating for a calm soul.

Sun In Gemini Sign

The motherly Cancer finds ease and security in the Sun's influence. You have a strong, caring self, and you often create cosy home spaces for your loved ones. Though you can get moody, the Sun brings out your strong intuitive nature, which allows you to sense and understand things. You rejoice in family comforts.

Sun In Leo Sign

As the Sun's ruler, shining Leo lives to take up the spotlight! You possess a sunny, optimistic personality with a great creative soul. Born leaders and entertainers, you command attention wherever you go. Just don't let your dramatic side or ego blind you. The qualities of the Sun make you more powerful than ever.

Sun In Virgo Sign

The analytical Virgo desires for order, service and perfection under the authoritative Sun. You have high standards and a strong work ethic, strictly attending to every detail. Though you can be overly critical at times, your practical nature helps you complete tasks. The Sun enhances your skills.

Sun In Libra Sign

Charming Libra looks for harmony, balance and beauty - the qualities of Sun. You naturally bring people together with your diplomatic nature and beautiful eyes. Though indecisive at times, you have an irresistible warmth and style that attracts others. Under the Sun’s influence, you are guided by different people in life.

Sun In Scorpio Sign

The intense, passionate Scorpio feels the transformative power of the sharp Sun. You have an unstoppable desire to go deep and understand what truly motivates people. Though stubborn, your powerful insights are able to find the truth. The Sun signifies your research-oriented side.

Sun In Sagittarius Sign

The free-spirited Sagittarius lives for adventure and exploration, enhanced by the Sun. You have a positive, philosophical outlook, always looking at the cheerful side of life. Though you can be blunt, your attractive optimism and love of travel brighten everyone's day. With Sun’s influence, you gain an understanding of the world around you.

Sun In Capricorn Sign

The ambitious Capricorn sign in the presence of the Sun are good at decision-making and find success through their leadership skills. As a Capricorn, you are able to focus on practicality despite facing various emotional challenges. You are career-oriented and responsible towards your future goals.

Sun In Aquarius Sign

The water bearer Aquarius will get a new sense of life under the influence of the Sun. You may return back from your solo journeys and adventures and start socialising. Under Sun’s impact, you may wish to reconnect with the world and share the knowledge that you have gained so far.

Sun In Pisces Sign

Sun in Pisces sign enhances their sensitive and caring side. As an empathetic Pisces, you are compassionate, loving, romantic and artistic. The art field that you pursue as a profession is inspired by your own emotions. At the same time, any aggression or anger issues you have go away in this placement.

Impact of Sun On Different Life Areas

Your Sun sign actually examines your true self, as it is noted with respect to the position of the Sun during your birth. Let us see how the Sun influences you based on your zodiac sign.

Sun Impact On Love

In the presence of the Sun, one can expect a passionate and understanding partnership in the area of love. Not only that but there will be mutual respect for each other’s careers and personal space. People who are single and looking for love can also expect a loving partner to knock on their doors.

Sun Impact On Marriage

With Sun, especially in your 7th house, you will work hard to make your married life successful. You and your spouse would make every effort to share responsibilities, bring understanding and keep in-laws at peace. There are signs of getting a wealthy spouse and signs of getting rich after marriage.

Sun Impact On Career

Sun’s favourite area of life is career. When positively placed, it can bring a native tremendous success and appreciation at the workplace. Moreover, if Sun aspects your tenth house, you will shine the best in leadership roles such as politics, administration, team leading and management.

Sun Impact On Finance

A well-placed Sun can bring you immense wealth and financial stability. The Surya graha rules the decision and the risks that you take regarding money. It brings motivation to plan out future financial plans. This way, it encourages you to manage the money that you have generated from hard work well and focus on your work.

Sun Impact On Health

The position of the Sun in your horoscope can reveal the duration upto which you will face a particular disease. You can consult an astrologer for in-depth insights on it. A well-placed Sun motivates you to stay fit and have a routined healthy-eating lifestyle. However, when afflicted, it can cause issues in blood circulation, cause body pain, etc.

Sun Impact On Personality

The Sun impacts how other people perceive your personality. With a strong Sun in astrology, your way of interaction, your management skills at work and how you perform as a leader charms everyone around you. You are self-aware, and everybody is happy with you. However, you may lack all these traits if the Sun is weak.

Impact Of Sun Based On Houses

Wondering how to determine a strong or a weak Sun in astrology? The good or bad position of the Sun in Kundli is determined by the houses in which the Sun is seated. In fact, the houses are areas from where the position of the Sun in different zodiacs is also determined. Let us see the impact of the Sun on different houses in Kundli.

Sun In Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th)

The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses in Kundli make up the Kendra Houses. Let us see what happens when Sun visits each of these houses.

  • Sun In 1st House brings in a lot of positive vibrations, determination, and confidence to the natives if positively placed. It indicates success in terms of their career.
  • Sun In 4th House makes a native family-oriented. Here, you love to spend time with family and friends.
  • Sun In 7th House offers natives the support of their love partners to rise in success.
  • Sun In 10th House helps to fulfil one’s desire to achieve goals in one's professional life. However, a negatively placed Sun can bring ego.

Sun In Trikona Houses (1st, 5th and 9th)

The 1st, 5th and 9th houses are also called the Trikona houses in kundli, as they form a triangle together. Read below about the impact of Sun on these houses.

  • We already covered Sun in First House in Kendra Houses.
  • Sun In 5th House makes individuals self-driven. Their attitude towards their work helps them to scale new heights in personal and professional relationships.
  • Sun In 9th House offers natives a natural inclination towards spirituality, and they are quite philosophical.

Sun In Upachaya Houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th)

The 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses are called the Upachaya Houses. So, what happens when these houses are Sun aspects in astrology? Let us read below.

  • Sun in 10th house is already covered.
  • Sun In 3rd House offers natives the best ‘Communication skills’.They are best suited for the fields of media, journalism, and Anchoring.
  • Sun In 6th House can unmask your enemies. This placement can help you win over business rivals.
  • Sun In 11th House can indicate wealth gain and a rise in income. You may profit from your business, and all your desires will be fulfilled if you lead a task.

Sun In Moksha Houses (4th, 8th and 12th)

When Sun meets the Moksha houses (4th, 8th and 12th), following influence can be seen:

  • Sun In the Fourth House is covered already.
  • Sun In 8th House can offer you wealth from the property of ancestors or through your in-laws after marriage.
  • Sun In 12th House gives you direction to enhance your self-awareness. Here, you can sense your enemies, and you can pursue a political career.

Sun In Marakasthana Houses (2nd and 7th)

Below impacts can be seen when Sun is found in the Maraksthana Houses (2nd and 7th):

  • Sun In 2nd House is a positive placement. Representing a strong Sun in astrology, you know your self-worth and are confident enough to face people.
  • Sun In 7th House is already covered.

Effects of Planet Sun

Sun, the supreme of all, is also a planet of aggression and fierce competition. Therefore, one may see the bright and dark sides of the Sun depending on its position in a horoscope. Let us explore both sides of the Sun in brief.

The Bright Side Of The Sun

Ever noticed how you feel energised, motivated and alive on a sunny day? That's exactly how the bright side of the Sun's influence shines through! The benefits of the Strong Sun in astrology include fame, success, immense wealth, great focus at work and a loving relationship.

When well-placed in your birth chart, the Sun also offers confidence, charisma and a healthy ego. You show warmth, care and positivity that attracts others effortlessly. Wins and recognitions come naturally to you as you are honest and fully aware of your true self.

The Dark Side Of The Sun

The dark side of the Sun can bring a native arrogance, selfishness and an excessive ego. Those with ill-placed Sun placements may struggle with authority, lack empathy, and constantly need to be the centre of attention.

If the Sun is weak in your horoscope, you could experience issues with self-esteem, and a lack of direction or purpose. Depression, laziness, and health problems can arise when your essential energy is compromised.

Powerful Yogas Formed By Planet Sun

Certain conjunctions of planets and Sun aspects in astrology form powerful yogas in your Kundli. This can be either auspicious or inauspicious for you.

Auspicious Yoga Formed By The Sun

Auspicious Yoga is formed by the Sun when it conjuncts or aspects with friendly planets in a birth chart. Below are the most powerful auspicious yogas of the Sun.

  • Buddha Aditya Yoga: This yoga is formed when the planet Sun form conjunction with Mercury. This brings intelligence and a sharp mind to an individual, indicating a high-paying job in the government sector.
  • Veshi Yoga: This yoga is formed when any planet except Rahu, Ketu and the Moon are seated in the next house to the Sun. This offers a person wealth and good speaking abilities.

Inauspicious Yoga Formed By The Sun

Some conjunctions and aspects of the Sun form inauspicious yoga, bringing challenges in life. Below are the most inauspicious yogas formed by the Sun.

  • Surya Grahan Yoga: This yoga is formed when Rahu or Ketu conjunct with the Sun in a horoscope. This yoga gives you harsh lessons about your past life's karma.
  • Vidhriti Yoga: This yoga is formed when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction with the malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn. This is believed to be the most difficult time of your life.

Powerful Remedies For Planet Sun

We have heard enough theories regarding the strong and weak Sun in astrology. Now, let us look at the powerful Sun remedies to please the planet and get blessed with the benefits of strong Sun in astrology.

  • Remedy to please the Sun: Chant Surya Mantra every Sunday, the day linked to the Sun. The most commonly used Surya Mantra you can begin with is - “Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah”. This promises fame and abundance.
  • Sun remedies at home: Offer water to the Sun in a copper vessel every morning. Also, add Surya Namaskar to your morning exercise.
  • Sun remedies to avoid stress: Donate dark-coloured clothing. Avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol.
  • Sun remedies to avoid troubles: Pay respect to your father, any father figure or a highly regarded government official. The Sun highlights respecting fathers.
  • Sun remedies for students: Wearing the gemstone Ruby is highly recommended for students to improve their focus and efforts.
  • Sun remedy for Career and Love: Offer water to the Shwetark tree daily. Make sure to plant it in your house, wherever you are. Perform Surya Namaskar daily.
  • Remedy to improve the Sun’s position: People with a weak Sun in astrology must always have a glass of water with sugar before leaving home or starting a new project.

Mythology Behind The Birth of the Sun

According to Hindu mythology, the birth of the Sun began when Lord Brahma began creating the universe. In this process, Lord Brahma first created Daksha and his wife from the tips of his right and left thumb. One of the 13 daughters of Daksha and his wife was Aditi, the mother of Surya.

Aditi was married to a Sage named Kasyapa, with whom he gave birth to 12 sons called Adityas (form of devas). The Sage already had demons or Asuras as sons from his other wives. Once, a conflict arose between the Asuras and Devas. Once, Lord Brahma gave the prasadam of a powerful Yagya to the Devas. This did not go well with the demons, and they declared war.

The Devas found themselves losing and were forced to give up their place in the heavens and the portion of the Yagya. Seeing their sons tortured this way saddened Aditi. She fasted and offered devotion to Surya God, Vivasan, for help. Pleased Vivasan was then born to Aditi as an Ansh-avatar who burnt Asuras to ashes.

This way, the planet Sun was born and attained the name of the first Navagraha and the most supreme of all planets. The Planet Sun, or Surya Graha, brought with him, an intense amount of heat and became the controller of the universe.

Why Sun In Astrology Matters?

Sun in Vedic astrology is essential to understanding your true self and how the qualities of the Sun influence one’s life. Learning about sun aspects in astrology in terms of what it signifies can help us plan a better day for ourselves.

Let us see what the Sun represents in astrology in terms of body, physical appearance, diseases and profession.

  • Connection with Body Parts: The Sun governs the heart, spine, and metabolic processes (metabolism).
  • Physical Appearance: Your Sun sign shapes your physical energy, skin tone, hair colour and more. A strong Sun symptoms include a well-structured body, beautiful eyes and a good height.
  • Diseases Caused: When the sun is poorly placed, it can bring heart disease, spinal issues, or metabolic disorders like diabetes, thyroid, etc.
  • Profession ruled by Sun: Professions governed by the Sun include leadership roles, administration, entrepreneurship and management positions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sun represent in astrology, the ultimate source of energy. It offers one strength: it eliminates any type of problem. It symbolises Gurus, fame, creativity, leadership, health and wealth gain.
The Leo sign is ruled by the Sun in Vedic astrology. Due to its ruling deity, the Sun, Leos display exceptional leadership skills, especially in the tenth house of career. Their confidence, charm and popularity in the public result from their focus and hard work offered by Lord Sun.
The professional fields ruled by the Sun are government roles, administration and medicine. That means any higher government official, a political leader, a role in the civil services, a specialised doctor and other related jobs.
A weak Surya or Sun can lead to blood-circulation issues. At the same time, a native may face problems completing a task, particularly one for the government. It also indicates disturbances in a Son and father relationship.
Lord Ram is associated with the planet Sun in Vedic astrology. Therefore, worshipping Lord Ram and making offerings to his idol can immensely impress the Sun and bring its favours into your life.
There are various Sun remedies to follow to improve the sun’s position in your kundli. Some of them include practising Surya Mantra, offering water with a pinch of Sindur in a copper vessel, every Sunday, performing Surya Namaskara daily, etc.