Learn Vishnu Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Lord Vishnu, a part of the Trimurti, is known to be the preserver of the Universe. It is believed that worshipping Lord Vishnu helps people get rid of all evil in their lives. The Vishnu Ashtottara Shantanamavali is the best way to do so. This list contains 108 names of Lord Vishnu, which can help a person connect with Lord Vishnu’s divine energy and attain his blessings. Continue reading to know more about the Shatanamavali.

108 Vishnu Names With Meaning

Mentioned below is the list of 108 names of Lord Vishnu with Meaning. These names are believed to represent different qualities of Lord Vishnu. Chanting them is said to bring peace, joy and harmony in one's life. To ease your reading experience, we have provided the 108 names of Lord Vishnu in English. These are as follows:

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No.108 NamesMantraMeaning
1AchyutaOm Achyutaya NamahInfallible Lord
2AnantaOm Anantaya NamahThe Eternal One
3AniruddhaOm Aniruddhaya NamahThe Lord Who Cannot Be Obstructed
4AdityaOm Adityaya NamahThe Son of Aditi
5AcyutaOm Acyutaya NamahThe Infallible Lord
6AbhayaOm Abhayaya NamahThe Fearless One
7AmaraOm Amaraya NamahThe Immortal Lord
8AjeetOm Ajeetaya NamahThe Invincible One
9AnandaOm Anandaya NamahThe Lord of Bliss
10BalaramaOm Balaramaya NamahThe Strong and Mighty One
11BhagavanOm Bhagavane NamahThe Blessed Lord
12BhaktavatsalaOm Bhaktavatsalaya NamahThe Protector of Devotees
13ChaturbhujaOm Chaturbhujaya NamahThe Four-Armed Lord
14DevadidevaOm Devadidevaya NamahThe God of the Gods
15DevakinandanOm Devakinandanaya NamahSon of Devaki
16DharmadhyakshaOm Dharmadhyakshaya NamahThe Lord of Dharma
17DwarkapatiOm Dwarkapataye NamahLord of Dwarka
18DayanidhiOm Dayanidhaye NamahThe Repository of Compassion
19GopalOm Gopalaya NamahThe Protector of Cows
20GovindaOm Govindaya NamahThe Protector of the Earth
21HrishikeshOm Hrishikeshaya NamahThe Lord of the Senses
22JagannathOm Jagannathaya NamahLord of the Universe
23JanardhanaOm Janardhanaya NamahThe One Who Bestows Boons
24JitendriyaOm Jitendriya NamahThe Conqueror of the Senses
25KamalnayanOm Kamalnayanaya NamahThe Lord with Lotus-like Eyes
26KeshavaOm Keshavaya NamahThe One with Long Hair
27KrishnaOm Krishnaya NamahThe Dark Lord
28LakshminarayanaOm Lakshminarayanaya NamahThe Lord with Lakshmi
29MadhavaOm Madhavaya NamahThe Husband of the Goddess of Fortune
30MadhusudanaOm Madhusudanaya NamahThe Slayer of Madhu
31ManoharOm Manoharaya NamahThe Enchanter
32NandgopalOm Nandgopalaya NamahThe Protector of Nanda
33NarayanaOm Narayanaya NamahThe Refuge of All
34NrisimhaOm Nrisimhaya NamahThe Man-Lion Incarnation
35PadmanabhaOm Padmanabhaya NamahThe Lord with the Lotus Navel
36ParabrahmanOm Parabrahmanaya NamahThe Supreme Absolute Truth
37ParameshwarOm Parameshwaraya NamahThe Supreme Lord
38PurushottamaOm Purushottamaya NamahThe Supreme Person
39RameshOm Rameshaya NamahThe Lord of Lakshmi
40ShrinathOm Shrinathaya NamahLord of Lakshmi
41ShridharOm Shridharaya NamahThe Holder of Goddess Lakshmi
42ShyamOm Shyamaya NamahThe Dark-Hued One
43SudarshanOm Sudarshanaya NamahThe Discus-Bearing Lord
44SureshwarOm Sureshwaraya NamahThe Lord of the Gods
45TrivikramaOm Trivikramaya NamahThe Three-Stepped Lord
46UpendraOm Upendraya NamahThe Brother of Indra
47VaradarajaOm Varadarajaya NamahThe Lord Who Bestows Boons
48VasudevaOm Vasudevaya NamahThe Son of Vasudeva
49VenkateshOm Venkateshaya NamahThe Lord of Venkata Hill
50VishnuOm Vishnave NamahThe All-Pervading Lord
51VishwaksenaOm Vishwaksenaya NamahThe Commander of the Universe
52VishwatmaOm Vishwatmane NamahThe Soul of the Universe
53YadavendraOm Yadavendraya NamahKing of the Yadavas
54YamunapriyaOm Yamunapriyaya NamahBeloved of Yamuna
55Yashoda NandanaOm Yashoda Nandanaya NamahSon of Yashoda
56Aadi NarayanaOm Aadi Narayanaya NamahThe Original Narayana
57Aadi SheshaOm Aadi Sheshaya NamahThe Prime Serpent
58Aadi VarahaOm Aadi Varahaya NamahThe Original Boar
59Ananta SheshaOm Ananta Sheshaya NamahThe Endless Serpent
60BhaktavatsalaOm Bhaktavatsalaye NamahThe Protector of Devotees
61CharuchandraOm Charuchandraya NamahThe Beautiful Moon
62GopalaOm Gopalaya NamahThe Protector of Cows
63GopinathOm Gopinathaya NamahThe Lord of the Gopis
64JagadguruOm Jagadgurave NamahThe Preceptor of the Universe
65JitendriyaOm Jitendriya NamahThe Conqueror of the Senses
66KaivalyaOm Kaivalyaya NamahThe One Who Grants Liberation
67KeshavaOm Keshavaya NamahThe One with Long Hair
68KrishnaOm Krishnaya NamahThe Dark-Hued Lord
69LakshminarayanaOm Lakshminarayanaya NamahThe Lord with Lakshmi
70MadhavaOm Madhavaya NamahThe Husband of Lakshmi
71MadhusudanaOm Madhusudanaya NamahThe Slayer of Madhu
72ManoharOm Manoharaya NamahThe Enchanter
73MukundaOm Mukundaye NamahThe Liberator
74NandgopalOm Nandgopalaya NamahThe Protector of Nanda
75NarayanaOm Narayanaya NamahThe Refuge of All
76PadmanabhaOm Padmanabhaya NamahThe Lord with the Lotus Navel
77ParabrahmanOm Parabrahmanaya NamahThe Supreme Absolute
78ParameshwarOm Parameshwaraya NamahThe Supreme Lord
79PurushottamaOm Purushottamaya NamahThe Supreme Person
80RameshOm Rameshaya NamahThe Lord of Lakshmi
81ShrinathOm Shrinathaya NamahLord of Lakshmi
82ShridharOm Shridharaya NamahThe Holder of Goddess Lakshmi
83ShyamOm Shyamaya NamahThe Dark-Hued One
84SudarshanOm Sudarshanaya NamahThe Discus-Bearing Lord
85SureshwarOm Sureshwaraya NamahThe Lord of the Gods
86TrivikramaOm Trivikramaya NamahThe Three-Stepped Lord
87UpendraOm Upendraya NamahThe Brother of Indra
88VaradarajaOm Varadarajaya NamahThe Lord Who Bestows Boons
89VasudevaOm Vasudevaya NamahThe Son of Vasudeva
90VenkateshOm Venkateshaya NamahThe Lord of Venkata Hill
91VishnuOm Vishnave NamahThe All-Pervading Lord
92VishwaksenaOm Vishwaksenaya NamahThe Commander of the Universe
93VishwatmaOm Vishwatmane NamahThe Soul of the Universe
94LakshminarayanaOm Lakshminarayanaya NamahThe Lord with Lakshmi
95YamunapriyaOm Yamunapriyaya NamahBeloved of Yamuna
96Yashoda NandanaOm Yashoda Nandanaya NamahSon of Yashoda
97Aadi NarayanaOm Aadi Narayanaya NamahThe Original Narayana
98Aadi SheshaOm Aadi Sheshaya NamahThe Prime Serpent
99Aadi VarahaOm Aadi Varahaya NamahThe Original Boar
100Ananta SheshaOm Ananta Sheshaya NamahThe Endless Serpent
101BhaktavatsalaOm Bhaktavatsalaye NamahThe Protector of Devotees
102CharuchandraOm Charuchandraya NamahThe Beautiful Moon
103GopalaOm Gopalaya NamahThe Protector of Cows
104GopinathOm Gopinathaya NamahThe Lord of the Gopis
105JagadguruOm Jagadgurave NamahThe Preceptor of the Universe
106JitendriyaOm Jitendriya NamahThe Conqueror of the Senses
107KaivalyaOm Kaivalyaya NamahThe One Who Grants Liberation
108KeshavaOm Keshavaya NamahThe One with Long Hair

Choosing A Lord Vishnu Name For Newborn Baby

It is not uncommon to name a child in the lord’s name. However, one must be careful while doing so. If you want to name your child based on the Vishnu Shatanamavali correctly, here are some tips that can help you with that. These tips for naming a child on 108 names of Lord Vishnu for baby boy are as follows:

  • While naming your child in Lord Visnu’s name, you can look at the 108 names of Narayana namavali above and choose the names you like.
  • You should also remember that choosing a name is not simple, as names deeply affect one’s life.
  • So if you want your child to be compassionate, you can choose the name of the Vishnu - Janardana.
  • After choosing, you can collaborate with your family members and select one name.
  • Before naming the child, it is important for one to check the name with an astrologer to get guidance about the name and know the most suitable name for the child.

For example, You want to name your child one of Lord Vishnu's names and choose Upendra. The meaning of Upendra refers to the brother of Indira. Once you have chosen the name of your choice, you must ask an astrologer about the name and get it checked with your child’s kundli. This is done to see if the name is compatible with the child’s kundli and will not bring any harm or negative energies into the child's life.

Benefits Of Chanting Lord Vishnu 108 Names

Chanting 108 names of Vishnu is quite auspicious. It is believed that a person who chantes Vishnu shatanamavali is blessed with peace, joy, and harmony in their life. However, this is not all; there are other benefits of chanting Lord Vishnu's name. These are as follows:

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety: Chanting Lord Vishnu’s name benefits a person as it helps reduce anxiety and stress levels. The positive vibrations from the chants are said to have these effects.
  • Improves Focus & Concentration: Chanting the Vishnu shatanamavali improves one’s focus and helps with better concentration. It is also believed that it allows students to learn better and sharpens their minds.
  • Provides Peace Of Mind: It is well-proven that chanting the shatanamavali helps a person attain peace of mind. These chants help calm one down and keep one’s mind stable.
  • Connects with Divine: One prominent spiritual benefit of chanting these 108 names is that it helps a person connect with the divine energies of Lord Vishnu. Chanting these names helps a person find peace and harmony within themselves and also helps in purifying their mind.
  • Enhances Spiritual Transformation: Chanting the 108 names can help one turn towards spiritual awakening. It is said that chanting these names enhances the feelings of devotion in one’s mind, pushing one towards spiritual growth.

The Ideal Way To Chant Vishnu 108 Names

We have already covered the benefits and 108 names of Vishnu, so it is not time to look at the ideal way to chant these names. Chanting is beneficial, but when done right, it can unlock the hidden potential and blessings for a person. Moreover, knowing the right way to chant upholds significant importance in Hinduism. Let us look at the ideal ways to chant 108 names of Lord Vishnu. These are as follows:

Ideal Direction To Chant Vishnu Namavali

The science of Vastu Shastra emphasises doing every task in the correct direction. This is also true in the case of chanting namavali. The Narayana 108 names must be chanted while facing East or North. On the other hand, it is also important for a person to have complete focus and devotion while chanting.

Ideal Time To Chant Vishnu Namavali

The most auspicious time to chant the namavali is during the early morning. It is believed that during this time, an individual’s mind and body are the purest. Moreover, starting off one’s day by remembering god helps promote feelings of positivity, harmony and joy among oneself.

However, on the other hand, one can also chant the shatanamavali from in the evening. This is also the time for the evening puja in Hindu culture. Also, one can do so before going to sleep at night.

Ideal Beads To Chant Vishnu Namavali

Lord Vishnu is quite fond of Tulsi. In his worship, the use of Tulsi is a must. Thus, Tulsi beads are considered the most beneficial choice when chanting the namavali. It is believed that using Tulsi beads helps one attain the blessings of the Lord.

Ideal Setting/Atmosphere To Chant Vishnu Namavali

Ideally, the name chant should be done in the morning, after bathing, and after changing into clean clothes. One should be seated on a proper asana on the floor; they can also light dhoop or incense near them.

Holding the bead mala in one hand, one must start the chant while keeping their mind focused and stable. If one cannot do so in the morning, it is advised that the individual follows the same procedure in the evening.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the benefits of chanting the Shatanamavali include attaining peace, wellness, and joy in one’s life. It also helps reduce anxiety and stress.
An individual can chant Lord Vishnu name in the morning, which is also the best time to do so. However, you can also chant the names in the evening or before sleeping.
According to Vastu Shastra, the ideal direction to chant Lord Vishnu's name is while facing the North or East. These directions are considered to be auspicious for pooja and chanting.
It is said that Lord Vishnu has over 1000 names. His 1008 names are known as the Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Yes, chanting the Shatanamavali at night before sleep is also considered beneficial.
Anyone can chant the Vishnu Namavali. All you need to chant is a clear and focused mind and complete devotion towards the Lord.
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