Learn Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali

The 108 names of Lord Krishna, also known as Sri Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali, are sacred words chanted to please him. Lord Krishna is one of the most celebrated deities in Hinduism. He is the teacher of dharma, devotion and the true realities of the world. Taking his blessings offers great happiness in all aspects of life.

108 Names Of Lord Krishna With Meaning

For ages, people have praised Shri Krishna with names such as Govind, Kanhaiya, Parth etc. Below is a complete list of 108 names of Lord Krishna with meaning and associated mantra. Chanting these names together showers his divine blessings upon us.

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No.108 NamesMantraMeaning
1AchalaOm Achalaya NamahStill Lord
2AchyutaOm Achyutaya NamahInfallible Lord
3AdbhutahOm Adbhutaya NamahWonderful God
4AdidevOm Adidevaya NamahThe Lord of the Lords
5AdityaOm Adityaya NamahThe Son of Aditi
6AjanmaOm Ajanmaya NamahOne Who Is Limitless and Endless
7AjayaOm Ajayaya NamahThe Conqueror of Life and Death
8AmitOm Amitaya NamahInnumerable and Boundless
9AmoghOm Amoghaya NamahThe Lord Who Is Invincible and Indestructible
10AnandaOm Anandaya NamahThe Lord Who Is the Embodiment of Love
11AnantaOm Anantaya NamahThe Eternal Lord
12AnantajitOm Anantajitaya NamahThe Ever Victorious Lord
13AnayaOm Anayaya NamahOne Who Has No Leader
14AniruddhaOm Aniruddhaya NamahThe Lord Who Cannot Be Obstructed
15AparajitOm Aparajitaya NamahThe Lord Who Cannot Be Defeated
16AvyuktaOm Avyuktaya NamahOne Who Is As Clear As Crystal
17BalgopalOm Balgopalaya NamahThe Child Form of Lord Krishna
18BaliOm Baliaya NamahThe Lord Who Is All Powerful
19ChaturbhujOm Chaturbhujaya NamahFour-Armed Lord
20DanavendraOm Danavendraya NamahGranter of Boons
21DayaluOm Dayalave NamahRepositor of Compassion
22DayanidhiOm Dayanidhaye NamahCompassionate Lord
23DevadidevOm Devadidevaya NamahThe God of the Gods
24DevakinandanOm Devakinandanaya NamahSon of Devaki
25DeveshOm Deveshaya NamahLord of the Lords
26DharmadhyakshaOm Dharmadhyakshaya NamahThe Lord of Dharma
27DwarkapatiOm Dwarkapataye NamahLord of Dwarka
28GopalOm Gopalaya NamahOne Who Plays with the Cowherd Boys
29GopalpriyaOm Gopalpriyaya NamahLover of Cowherds
30GovindaOm Govindaya NamahOne Who Pleases the Cows, the Land, and the Entire Nature
31GyaneshwarOm Gyaneshwaraya NamahThe Lord of Knowledge
32HariOm Haraye NamahThe Lord Who Takes Away Sins
33HiranyagarbhaOm Hiranyagarbhaya NamahThe All Powerful Creator
34HrishikeshOm Hrishikeshaya NamahThe Lord of All Senses
35JagadguruOm Jagadgurave NamahPreceptor of the Universe
36JagadishaOm Jagadishaya NamahProtector of All
37JagannathOm Jagannathaya NamahLord of the Universe
38JanardhanaOm Janardhanaya NamahOne Who Bestows Boons on One and All
39JayantahOm Jayantaya NamahConqueror of All Enemies
40JyotiraadityaOm Jyotiraadityaya NamahThe Resplendence of the Sun
41KamalnathOm Kamalnathaya NamahLord of Goddess Lakshmi
42KamalnayanOm Kamalnayanaya NamahThe Lord With Lotus Shaped Eyes
43KamsantakOm Kamsantakaya NamahSlayer of Kamsa
44KanjalochanaOm Kanjalochanaya NamahThe Lord With Beautiful Lotus Shaped Eyes
45KeshavaOm Keshavaya NamahOne Who Has Long, Black Matted Locks
46KrishnaOm Krishnaya NamahDark-Complexioned Lord
47LakshmikantamOm Lakshmikantaya NamahThe Lord of Goddess Lakshmi
48LokadhyakshaOm Lokadhyakshaya NamahLord of All the Three Worlds
49MadanOm Madanaya NamahThe Lord Who Is Always
50MadhavaOm Madhavaya NamahHusband of the Goddess of Fortune
51MadhusudanaOm Madhusudanaya NamahKiller of the Demon Madhu
52MahendraOm Mahendraya NamahLord of Indra
53ManoharaOm Manoharaya NamahOne Who Is Beautiful
54MayurOm Mayuraya NamahLord Krishna With a Peacock Feather
55MuraliOm Muraline NamahFlute Player
56MurlidharOm Murlidharaya NamahOne Who Holds the Flute
57MurlimanoharOm Murlimanoharaya NamahThe Lord With a Fascinating Flute
58NandgopalaOm Nandgopalaya NamahThe Son of Nand
59NarayanaOm Narayanaya NamahThe Refuge of Everyone
60NiranjanaOm Niranjanaya NamahThe Unblemished Lord
61NirgunaOm Nirgunaya NamahWithout Any Properties
62PadmahastaOm Padmahastaya NamahOne Who Has Hands Like Lotus
63PadmanabhaOm Padmanabhaya NamahThe Lord Who Has a Lotus Shaped Navel
64ParabrahmanaOm Parabrahmanaya NamahThe Supreme Absolute Truth
65ParamatmaOm Paramatmane NamahThe Supersoul in Every Living Being's Heart
66ParameshwarOm Parameshwaraya NamahThe Supreme Lord
67ParampurushaOm Parampurushaya NamahThe Supreme Person
68ParthasarthiOm Parthasarthine NamahCharioteer of Partha (Arjuna)
69PunyaOm Punyaya NamahThe Lord Who Is Meritorious
70Purana PurushaOm Puranapurushaya NamahThe Ancient Lord
71PurushottamaOm Purushottamaya NamahThe Supreme Personality
72Radha VallabhOm Radha Vallabhaya NamahLover of Radha
73Rajiv LochanaOm Rajiv Lochanaya NamahThe Lotus-Eyed God
74RameshOm Rameshaya NamahThe Lord of Lakshmi
75ShyamOm Shyamaya NamahDark-Complexioned Lord
76ShyamsundaraOm Shyamsundaraya NamahThe Lord Who Is Black and Beautiful
77SatyavrataOm Satyavrataya NamahThe Lord Who Has Taken Many Forms
78ShrinathOm Shrinathaya NamahLord of Lakshmi
79ShrikantaOm Shrikantaya NamahThe Beautiful Lord
80Shri VallabhOm Shri Vallabhaya NamahBeloved of Goddess Lakshmi
81ShridharOm Shridharaya NamahOne Who Holds Goddess Lakshmi
82ShridharaOm Shridhare NamahThe Holder of the Divine Lakshmi
83ShrivatsaOm Shrivatsaya NamahThe Lord Who Wears the Srivatsa Mark
84ShrimanOm Shrimane NamahThe Lord Who Is Always Wealthy
85ShrinivasaOm Shrinivasaya NamahThe Abode of Lakshmi
86SudarshanaOm Sudarshanaya NamahHandsome Lord
87SumedhaOm Sumedhaya NamahThe Intelligent Lord
88SureshwarOm Sureshwaraya NamahThe Lord of All Demigods
89TrivikramaOm Trivikramaya NamahConqueror of All the Three Worlds
90UpendraOm Upendraya NamahBrother of Indra
91VaikunthanathaOm Vaikunthanathaya NamahLord of Vaikuntha, the Spiritual Abode
92VardhamanaOm Vardhamanaya NamahThe Lord Who Grows and Multiplies
93VasudevaOm Vasudevaya NamahAll-Pervading Lord
94VishnuOm Vishnave NamahAll-Pervading Lord
95VishwaksenaOm Vishwaksenaya NamahOne Who Is Always Victorious
96VishwatmaOm Vishwatmane NamahSoul of the Universe
97YadavendraOm Yadavendraya NamahKing of the Yadavas
98YadunandanaOm Yadunandanaya NamahSon of the Yadava Clan
99YamunapriyaOm Yamunapriyaya NamahBeloved of Yamuna River
100Yashoda NandanaOm Yashoda Nandanaya NamahSon of Yashoda
101YogeshwarOm Yogeshwaraya NamahLord of Yogis
102YugandharaOm Yugandharaya NamahThe Lord Who Bears Time
103VatsalaOm Vatsalaya NamahLoving Lord
104VrindavanaOm Vrindavanaya NamahThe Lord Who Is Present in Vrindavana
105VrajapatiOm Vrajapataye NamahLord of Vraja
106VarshneyaOm Varshneyaya NamahOne Who Is From Vrishni Clan
107Venu GopalaOm Venu Gopalaya NamahThe Lord Who Plays the Flute
108VallabhaOm Vallabhaya NamahBeloved

Naming A Sri Krishna Name For Newborn Baby

Giving a Sri Krishna name to a newborn baby has been a favourite ritual in Indian culture. Choosing a name from the list of Sri Krishna 108 name is a great way to honour the god and see his qualities in your baby.

Consider the following steps to choose Lord Krishna names for baby boy or a baby girl.

  1. First of all, learn the name and meaning of each Krishna name. For your ease, we have provided the 108 names of Lord Krishna in English and Hindi.
  2. Next, think of the qualities that you wish to see in your kid. Is it Krishna’s compassion, patience, and forgiveness? Or is it his justice and truthfulness?
  3. Take an example. Suppose you wish for a name that means supreme or the most powerful. Then, Anant would be good out of 108 Lord Krishna names for baby boy.
  4. Share your top picks out of the list with your elders. Make sure that the name matches your family tradition.
  5. Lastly, you can consult a pandit or astrologer who can give insights on the name based on your kid’s birth chart.

Benefits of Chanting Sri Krishna 108 Names

Our Krishna Ji is the main character of the Bhagavad Gita and the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. Chanting the 108 names of Krishna has powerful impacts, which is why devotees have been practising it since ancient times.

  1. Control over five senses: Chanting Krishna names improves self-awareness and offers inner strength. People who chant it regularly have noticed better control over their five senses (taste, sound, smell, sight, and touch). This clearly shows mental clarity and spiritual growth.
  2. Wealth and Luck: Sri Krishna is considered extremely powerful. Chanting 108 names of Krishna is believed to offer good luck and wealth in the long run. Regularly practising it makes you more disciplined, leading you to success.
  3. Compassion and Kindness: Our lovable lord, Krishna, is extremely compassionate and kind. When you understand the meaning of each Krishna name you chant, you get inspired by his qualities, especially these. You start to show it in your daily life.
  4. Cleaning Of Karma: Chanting 108 names of Krishna is also said to free you from the bad impacts of your past karma. It is believed to purify your soul and create a positive environment around you, motivating you to attract good things in life.

The Ideal Way To Chant Sri Krishna 108 Names

To gain maximum benefits from chanting Krishna names, we need to keep certain things in mind. You can visit the list of Krishna 108 names in English and Hindi today. Meanwhile, let us learn how to make the experience rewarding.

Ideal Direction To Chant Krishna Namavali

The best direction to chant Krishna Namavali (108 Krishna names) is either East or West. You can choose any of the two directions to please Lord Krishna. The Krishna’s murti, or Krishna Yantra, must also be kept in this direction at eye level.

Remembering the ideal direction while chanting Krishna names ensures that your prayers are being received rightly. Alongside, you get positive vibrations.

Ideal Time To Chant Krishna Namavali

Early mornings, the Brahma Muhurta, are the quietest and calmest times of the day and, hence, ideal for chanting Krishna names. It starts 1.5 hours before sunrise (3.30 a.m. and 5.30 a.m.). It is called the time of creation and, thus, auspicious.

However, there are no hard and fast rules for chanting Sri Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali at the right time. Either morning, noon, evening or midnight can be selected for pratising it.

Ideal Beads To Chant Krishna Namavali

Tulsi and Neem beads are considered the topmost japa mala for chanting Krishna Namavali. Whenever you buy or collect a new set of these beads, soak them in sandalwood or mustard oil for a day. This prevents them from breaking in the future.

Apart from keeping 108 beads in the japa mala, keep one extra Guru bead. It ties the mala and acts as a spiritual teacher. Glide one bead with each Krishna name to keep the count.

Ideal Setting/Atmosphere To Chant Krishna Namavali

Sit in a relaxed position at a calm place where you won’t be disturbed. Light incense sticks and place Krishna’s statue in the ideal direction as specified. Now, pronounce each Krishna name with the associated mantra until the count is 108.

It is very important to remember that you understand the meaning of each word you are chanting. It will not only attract god’s blessings but also teach you discipline.

Frequently Asked Questions

The 108 names of Krishna are popularly known as Sri Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali. People chant it to ask for Lord Krishna’s blessings. Here, it is available as the list of 108 names of Lord Krishna in English and Hindi.
Krishna names are very powerful sacred names. Chanting them offers great personal growth and keeps away health issues or any kind of negative energy. It even helps the ones who have committed sins and wish to clear their karma.
The Krishna 108 names in English and Hindi are based on Sri Krishna's life, and hence, their meanings teach us the way of right living. They inspire us to adopt Krishna Ji’s qualities, such as compassion, kindness, justice, discipline, impartiality, control, etc.
Yes, keeping Lord Krishna names for baby boy is auspicious. It is a great way to honour Sri Krishna and inspire your kid to adopt his qualities, attitude and way of living.
Take a comfortable position at an undisturbed place, free from unnecessary noises. This can be achieved mostly in the early mornings. Light incense sticks, palace god’s murti in the east or west and face it. Now, chant the 108 names with gliding mala.
Wednesday is regarded as an auspicious day to chant Krishna 108 names. So, if you are not able to chant every day, you must make sure to chant Krishna Namavali on this day to please Lord Krishna.
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