Learn Rama Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Do you know the most powerful way to please Shri Rama? It is through Shri Rama Ashtottara Shatanamavali - the list of 108 names of Lord Rama. Chanting these names is quite popular among devotees and is a powerful form of asking Ram Ji’s favours. Devotees believe that it brings success, wealth, prosperity, and victory over challenges.

108 Names Of Lord Shri Ram With Meaning

The destroyer of evil forces, Shri Ramchandra Ji, is believed to give instant rewards when devotees pray to him with all his holy names. Here, we provide you with the complete list of 108 names of Lord Rama with meaning and associated mantras. Learn them today and get rid of all your problems.

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No.108 NamesMantraMeaning
1RamachandraOm Ramachandraya NamahMoon-like gentle Rama
2RaghavendraOm Raghavendraya NamahLord of the Raghu clan
3SitaapatiOm Sitaapataye NamahHusband of Sita
4RaghunathaOm Raghunathaya NamahLord of the Raghu dynasty
5Raghukula TilakaOm Raghukula Tilakaya NamahOrnament of the Raghu clan
6RaghavaOm Raghavaya NamahDescendant of the Raghu dynasty
7RamaswaminOm Ramaswaminaya NamahLord of Rama
8Sita NayakaOm Sita Nayakaya NamahLeader of Sita
9Sita RamanOm Sita Ramanaya NamahSita’s beloved Rama
10DasarathiOm Dasarathaye NamahSon of Dasaratha
11KosalesaOm Kosalesaya NamahLord of Kosala
12KosalendraOm Kosalendraya NamahKing of Kosala
13Janaki VallabhaOm Janaki Vallabhaya NamahBeloved of Janaki
14Janaki Prana NayakaOm Janaki Prana Nayakaya NamahLord of Janaki’s life
15Sugriva Priya MitraOm Sugriva Priya Mitraya NamahDear friend of Sugriva
16Hanumat PujitaOm Hanumat Pujitaya NamahWorshipped by Hanuman
17Setu KritOm Setu Krite NamahBuilder of the bridge
18JitavarasuraOm Jitavarasuraya NamahConqueror of powerful demons
19RavanarayeOm Ravanarayaye NamahEnemy of Ravana
20RamabhadraOm Ramabhadraya NamahAuspicious Rama
21DhanvineOm Dhanvine NamahArmed with a bow
22SarvayaOm Sarvaya NamahThe Supreme
23VishvamitrapriyaOm Vishvamitrapriyaya NamahBeloved of Vishvamitra
24Jayanta RakshitOm Jayanta Rakshitaya NamahProtector of Jayanta
25TatakaantakaOm Tatakaantakaya NamahSlayer of Tataka
26VedantasarayaOm Vedantasaraya NamahEssence of Vedanta
27VedatmaneOm Vedatmane NamahLord of the Vedas
28VishvakarmaneOm Vishvakarmane NamahCreator of the universe
29SarvadevastutaOm Sarvadevastutaya NamahWorshipped by all gods
30Vrishaketu PramodakaOm Vrishaketu Pramodakaya NamahLord who delights Vrishaketu
31SarvakalyaniOm Sarvakalyani NamahBestower of all good fortune
32ShubhracharayaOm Shubhracharaya NamahOf pure conduct
33PushkalayudhaOm Pushkalayudhaya NamahArmed with all weapons
34MaayaatmaneOm Maayaatmane NamahLord of illusion
35MahadevaOm Mahadevaya NamahThe great god
36MahabhadraOm Mahabhadraya NamahExtremely auspicious
37MahatejasOm Mahatejasaya NamahMost radiant
38SarvalokarakshakOm Sarvalokarakshakaya NamahProtector of all worlds
39TrilokarakshakOm Trilokarakshakaya NamahProtector of the three worlds
40SitavallabhOm Sitavallabhaya NamahBeloved of Sita
41MahabalOm Mahabalaya NamahStrong and powerful
42Anjaneya PrabhuOm Anjaneya Prabhave NamahLord of Hanuman
43AhladOm Ahladaya NamahThe one who brings joy
44PritipatayeOm Pritipataye NamahLord of love
45MahaviraOm Mahaviraya NamahThe great hero
46ParatparaOm Paratparaya NamahThe highest of the high
47DharmadharaOm Dharmadharaya NamahUpholder of righteousness
48SatyaOm Satyaya NamahThe truthful
49SatyavrataOm Satyavrataya NamahVowed to truth
50Satya VikramaOm Satya Vikramaya NamahTrue hero
51RajaOm Rajaya NamahThe king
52MahabahuOm Mahabahave NamahMighty-armed
53RajendraOm Rajendraya NamahKing of kings
54RajarshiOm Rajarshaye NamahSage-king
55KausaleyaOm Kausalyaya NamahSon of Kausalya
56Sarvadeva VanditaOm Sarvadeva Vanditaya NamahWorshipped by all gods
57YajvaneOm Yajvanaya NamahPerformer of sacrifices
58Yajna PalakaOm Yajna Palakaya NamahProtector of sacrifices
59YajnabhritOm Yajnabhritaya NamahSupporter of sacrifices
60YajnakritOm Yajnakritaya NamahPerformer of sacrifices
61YajnapatiOm Yajnapataye NamahLord of sacrifices
62Vajra DandaOm Vajra Dandaya NamahHolder of the thunderbolt and rod
63YajneshvaraOm Yajneshvaraya NamahLord of Yajna
64YashasvinOm Yashasvine NamahThe famous
65Maha VishnuOm Maha Vishnave NamahThe great preserver
66DhanviOm Dhanvine NamahArmed with a bow
67Satya SankalpaOm Satya Sankalpaya NamahTrue of resolve
68Sugriva Priya MitraOm Sugriva Priya Mitraya NamahDear friend of Sugriva
69Ananta Guna SampannaOm Ananta Guna Sampannaya NamahEndowed with endless virtues
70SarvabhootahitaOm Sarvabhootahitaya NamahBenefactor of all beings
71MaanitaOm Maanitaya NamahHonored by all
72Satya ParakramaOm Satya Parakramaya NamahTruly valorous
73Vidyut PrabhaOm Vidyut Prabhaya NamahHaving the brilliance of lightning
74Maha KantaOm Maha Kantaya NamahExtremely handsome
75KosalendraOm Kosalendraya NamahKing of Kosala
76TrilokarakshakaOm Trilokarakshakaya NamahProtector of the three worlds
77SarvaduhkhantakaOm Sarvaduhkhantakaya NamahDestroyer of all sorrows
78Vritta VikramaOm Vritta Vikramaya NamahVirtuous and courageous
79Sarva Saubhagya DayakaOm Sarva Saubhagya Dayakaya NamahBestower of all good fortune
80Bhakta VatsalaOm Bhakta Vatsalaya NamahAffectionate towards devotees
81Sarva Jnana PradayakaOm Sarva Jnana Pradayakaya NamahGranter of all knowledge
82Sarva Tirtha MayOm Sarva Tirtha Mayaya NamahEmbodiment of all sacred places
83Sarva Darshana SampannaOm Sarva Darshana Sampannaya NamahEndowed with all visions
84Sarvavede StutaOm Sarvavede Stutaya NamahPraised in all the Vedas
85Bhakta MitraOm Bhakta Mitraya NamahFriend of devotees
86MahatejaOm Mahatejase NamahMost radiant
87RajarshiOm Rajarshaye NamahSage-king
88RamaOm Ramaya NamahThe charming
89Dasaratha NandanaOm Dasaratha Nandanaya NamahSon of Dasaratha
90Trilokya MangalaOm Trilokya Mangalaya NamahAuspicious for the three worlds
91KritaantaOm Kritaantaya NamahThe end of deeds
92Saketa PatiOm Saketa Pataye NamahLord of Saketa (Ayodhya)
93PunyacharitOm Punyacharitraya NamahOf meritorious conduct
94PrabhuOm Prabhave NamahThe master
95Satya ParayanaOm Satya Parayanaya NamahDevoted to truth
96DharmatmaOm Dharmatmane NamahRighteous soul
97ViraOm Viraya NamahThe brave
98Satya VrataOm Satya Vrataya NamahVowed to truth
99MahabalaOm Mahabalaya NamahMighty
100MrityunjayaOm Mrityunjayaya NamahConqueror of death
101SarvadevastutaOm Sarvadevastutaya NamahWorshipped by all gods
102SarvalokarakshakOm Sarvalokarakshakaya NamahProtector of all worlds
103SugrivapriyaOm Sugrivapriyaya NamahDear to Sugriva
104Satya VikramaOm Satya Vikramaya NamahTruly valorous
105SitapatiOm Sitapataye NamahLord of Sita
106Sarvadeva VanditaOm Sarvadeva Vanditaya NamahWorshipped by all gods
107Trilokya RakshakOm Trilokya Rakshakaya NamahProtector of the three worlds
108JayaOm Jayaya NamahThe victorious

Choosing A Lord Rama Name For Newborn Baby

Every devotee wishes to have a son like Lord Rama. But how to choose a Lord Rama name? Below are steps to select from the list of 108 names of Lord Rama for baby boy or a newborn:

  1. First of all, learn all the 108 Lord Rama names and their meanings.
  2. Next, think of the qualities you wish to see in your baby. Is it Lord Ram’s dedication? Or Is it his kindness and honesty?
  3. Take an example. Suppose you are choosing the names of Rama for baby boy. You wish to see luck favour your child. You can go for “Shashwat”, meaning auspicious.
  4. Next, share your top picks with your elders. They can help see if the selected names match well with their family tradition, if any.
  5. Finally, you can consult an astrologer or a pandit, who can further analyse your baby’s birth chart and select the most suitable Ram name.

Benefits Of Chanting Lord Rama 108 Names

While Shree Ram full name, Shree Ramachandra, is the most powerful, chanting Ram other names along with it is said to provide many benefits. Let’s read what happens when we say Sri Ram 108 names with dedication.

  • Mental Peace: Sri Ramachandra and Ram other names must be chanted to get mental peace, i.e., freedom from negative thoughts. Devotees who have regularly meditated over his sacred 108 names have noticed a calmer mind and a better focus.
  • Self-confidence and Willpower: Chanting 108 Lord Rama names boosts confidence in the self and strengthens your will to make decisions. People who chant them have observed enhanced communication skills and fearlessness.
  • Prevents Diseases and illnesses: Chanting of Sri Ramji 108 names is also believed to keep away any kind of physical pain, illness and diseases. People who have chanted this sacred Sri Rama Ashtottara Shatanamavali have noticed better health.
  • Financial Stability: Some people have also seen financial stability through regular chanting of 108 Ram God name. It is believed that this chant pleases Lord Ram greatly and offers freedom from long-due debts, loans or other money problems.

The Ideal Way To Chant Lord Rama 108 Names

The 108 Ram god name list is a very sacred form of mantra. To gain maximum benefits, one must chant them with full dedication and focus. Keep the following things in mind to please Sri Ramchandra (Shree Ram full name).

Ideal Direction To Chant Ram Namavali

The ideal direction to chant Rama Namavali is the East. This direction is suitable to please Lord Rama. Devotees even believe that it brings good fortune and prosperity. Moreover, the Sun rises in the East, making the experience more auspicious.

So, grab a yoga mat and find a comfortable eastern space. Take a deep breath and attract the positive vibrations of this side with each Ram god name.

Ideal Time To Chant Ram Namavali

The ideal time to chant the 108 Ram god name is the Brahma Muhurta. This duration starts 1.5 hours before sunrise, i.e. between 3.30 a.m. and 5.30 a.m. In Hinduism, this time is considered most auspicious. Follow this strictly on a Tuesday.

Moreover, to properly chant Ram names, you need a very quiet place. This duration is usually the calmest time of the day, as the world is often half asleep.

Ideal Beads To Chant Ram Namavali

The Tulsi bead is the best when worshipping Lord Ram through the chanting of his sacred names. The Japa mala made of Tulsi beads is believed to attract positive thoughts and pleases Shri Ram.

Keep in mind that you need to soak the Tulsi mala in coconut water before exposing it to diya or incense sticks. This will prevent it from breaking and won’t disturb the process.

Ideal Setting/Atmosphere To Chant Ram Namavali

Find a comfortable place and sit in a relaxed position. Make sure there is no noise in the area so that you can chant each Lord Ram god name with more focus. Next, light an incense stick or diya in front of Lord Ram’s idol and start chanting.

However, the most important thing is to put honest efforts into chanting Ram names. Make sure you understand the meaning of each word that you pronounce.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rama Ashtottrara Shatanamavali is a collection of 108 names of Lord Rama. Each name is made more auspicious by giving it a mantra form. This pleases Lord Ram and showers his blessings upon us.
The Lord Shree Ram full name is Ram Chandra, meaning a beautiful moon. It is the most powerful Lord Rama name. You can easily find it in his 108 names collection (namavali). He is given this name because his beauty is considered worth the brightest of thousands of moons.
You can find several names of Lord Rama in ancient texts, specifically in the sacred collection of his 108 names. However, no name has a surname, as in Hinduism, keeping gods’ surnames has not been a tradition or practice.
Find a calm place in the East. Also, place Lord Ram’s idol or yantra in this direction. Now, sit comfortably with a Tulsi mala and chant each Ram name while gliding one bead at a team.
Brahma Muhurta is a suitable time for chanting Ram 108 names. It happens between 3:30 am and 5:30 am. Following this, especially on a Tuesday, pleases Lord Rama as this day belongs to his beloved devotee and friend, Hanuman Ji.
To choose a name from 108 names of Lord Rama for baby boy, one needs to understand the meaning behind each and every Ram name. Next, pick up names suitable for the baby boy, such as Raghava, Ramachandra, etc. Finally, share it with elders and also consult an astrologer.
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