Learn Surya Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Lord Surya, the Sun god, is the giver of light and the destructor of darkness. The 108 names of Surya, also known as Surya Shatanamavali, are sacred words chanted to please Navagraha Surya and ask for his blessings. People believe that Surya Bhagwan offers fearlessness, good health, and wealth.

108 Surya Names With Meaning

The famous Chat Puja god, the Sun, is often mentioned as someone riding a chariot driven by seven horses, indicating that he rules the seven days of the week. Imagine pleasing the god who impacts how we spend our days.

Here is a complete list of 108 Surya names with meaning and associated mantra. Start meditating over the matras linked with each name and feel the difference within.

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No.108 NamesMantraMeaning
1SuryaOm Suryaya NamahThe Sun
2ArkaOm Arkaya NamahPraised by all
3AdityaOm Adityaya NamahSon of Aditi
4BhaskaraOm Bhaskaraya NamahCreator of light
5RaviOm Ravaye NamahRadiant
6MitraOm Mitraya NamahFriend of all
7PushaOm Pushne NamahNourisher
8HiranyagarbhaOm Hiranyagarbhaya NamahGolden womb
9MarichiOm Marichaye NamahLord of dawn
10SavitaOm Savitre NamahVivifier
11Surya NarayanaOm Surya Narayanaya NamahSun as Narayana
12KhagaOm Khagaya NamahMover in the sky
13PushanOm Pushne NamahGiver of nourishment
14HiranyaretaOm Hiranyaretase NamahGolden essence
15SaptashvaOm Saptashvaya NamahOne with seven horses
16DiwakarOm Diwakaraya NamahCreator of the day
17PrabhakaraOm Prabhakaraya NamahRadiant
18TvashtaOm Tvashtre NamahThe shaper
19MartandaOm Martandaya NamahBorn from the dead
20MitravarunaOm Mitravarunaya NamahSun and wind
21ShrunkaOm Shrunkena NamahGlowing
22VishvakarmaOm Vishvakarmane NamahCreator of the universe
23TamohantaOm Tamohantre NamahDestroyer of darkness
24TapanaOm Tapanaya NamahHeater
25TapasviOm Tapasvine NamahEngaged in penance
26MahatapaOm Mahatapase NamahGreat heat
27GabhastimantaOm Gabhastimantaya NamahPossessor of rays
28ShaswataOm Shaswataya NamahEternal
29VyomakeshaOm Vyomakeshaya NamahSky-haired
30LokachakshuOm Lokachakshave NamahEye of the world
31ShisiratmakaOm Shisiratmakaya NamahEssence of coolness
32SuvarnaretaOm Suvarnaretase NamahGolden essence
33DivaOm Divase NamahThe shining one
34JayayaOm Jayaya NamahVictorious
35JayantaOm Jayantaya NamahConqueror
36SarveshvaraOm Sarveshvaraya NamahLord of all
37LokabandhuOm Lokabandhave NamahFriend of the world
38LohitaOm Lohitaya NamahRed-colored
39SahasramsuOm Sahasramsave NamahThousand-rayed
40BhanuOm Bhanave NamahRadiant
41VirochanaOm Virochanaya NamahRadiant
42JwalaOm Jwalaya NamahFlame
43VishvaOm Vishvaya NamahUniversal
44Bhanu-prabhaOm Bhanu-prabhaya NamahLight of the sun
45ShuchiOm Shuchaye NamahPure
46AksharaOm Aksharaya NamahImperishable
47SarvabhaumaOm Sarvabhaumaya NamahLord of the earth
48VishalashrayaOm Vishalashrayaya NamahWide protector
49VishwatmaOm Vishwatmane NamahSoul of the universe
50Surya-tejaOm Surya-tejase NamahBright as the sun
51Jagat-stutaOm Jagat-stutaya NamahPraised by the world
52TapanaOm Tapanaya NamahHeater
53HarshaOm Harshaya NamahJoyful
54DhruvaOm Dhruvaya NamahFixed
55PraharshaOm Praharshaya NamahGreat joy
56KripanaOm Kripanaya NamahGentle
57LokabandhuOm Lokabandhave NamahFriend of the world
58SushrutaOm Sushrutaya NamahVery famous
59LokakritiOm Lokakritaye NamahCreator of the world
60ParameshwaraOm Parameshwaraya NamahSupreme Lord
61StotriyaOm Stotriyaya NamahEulogized
62VishvashrayaOm Vishvashrayaya NamahRefuge of the universe
63Prithvi-patiOm Prithvi-pataye NamahLord of the earth
64Vishvamitra-priyaOm Vishvamitra-priyaya NamahBeloved of Vishvamitra
65VishvabhujaOm Vishvabhujaya NamahSustainer of the universe
66VishvavanditaOm Vishvavanditaya NamahWorshipped by all
67VishvapujyaOm Vishvapujyaya NamahWorshipped by all
68LokapujyaOm Lokapujyaya NamahWorshipped by all
69SahishnuOm Sahishnave NamahEnduring
70SuvarchasOm Suvarchase NamahRadiant
71VivasvanOm Vivasvate NamahRadiant
72VirupakshaOm Virupakshaya NamahMulti-formed
73Vashishtha-priyaOm Vashishtha-priyaya NamahBeloved of Vashishtha
74VishwadyumnaOm Vishwadyumnaya NamahProtector of the universe
75JayashriOm Jayashriyai NamahVictory and prosperity
76Jaya-karanaOm Jaya-karanaya NamahCause of victory
77VaradaOm Varadaya NamahBestower of boons
78VedasaraOm Vedasaraya NamahEssence of the Vedas
79Veda-tattvaOm Veda-tattvaya NamahEssence of the Vedas
80TriptikritOm Triptikrite NamahGranter of satisfaction
81PranaOm Pranaya NamahLife force
82PratyakshaOm Pratyakshaya NamahManifest
83PrabhakaraOm Prabhakaraya NamahRadiant
84VirochanaOm Virochanaya NamahRadiant
85VasudanaOm Vasudanaya NamahGranter of wealth
86PrasannaOm Prasannaya NamahCheerful
87VishvavandyaOm Vishvavandyaya NamahRevered by the universe
88JayaswaOm Jayaswaya NamahOwner of victory
89JanarakshakaOm Janarakshakaya NamahProtector of people
90PranadataOm Pranadataya NamahGiver of life
91Vashishta-stutaOm Vashishta-stutaya NamahPraised by Vashishta
92Rishi-PriyaOm Rishi-priyaya NamahBeloved of sages
93SarvatmaOm Sarvatmane NamahSoul of all
94Sarva-MitraOm Sarva-mitraya NamahFriend of all
95Sarva-lokeshwaraOm Sarva-lokeshwaraya NamahLord of all worlds
96Triguna-dharmaOm Triguna-dharmaya NamahAbode of three qualities
97VyomaOm Vyomaya NamahSky
98KrishnapingalaOm Krishnapingalaya NamahDark and tawny
99BrihatkalaOm Brihatkalaya NamahOf a great time
100BhuvanaOm Bhuvanaya NamahEarth
101VishvanetraOm Vishvanetraya NamahEye of the universe
102GabhastimantaOm Gabhastimantaya NamahPossessor of rays
103BrahmandavibhutaOm Brahmandavibhutaya NamahLord of the cosmos
104SarvabhutamayaOm Sarvabhutamayaya NamahFilled with all beings
105Bhanu-tejaOm Bhanu-tejase NamahRadiant as the sun
106VishvarchasOm Vishvarchase NamahRadiance of the universe
107VirupaOm Virupaya NamahMulti-formed
108SuvrataOm Suvrataya NamahGreat vows

Choosing A Lord Surya Name For Newborn Baby

Selecting a name for your newborn inspired by Lord Surya can be a meaningful and auspicious choice. Follow these six steps to choose the perfect name that honours the Sun God:

  1. Begin by exploring the 108 names of Lord Surya. Familiarise yourself with their meanings and significance to find options that relate to you.
  2. Think carefully about any family naming customs or preferences. Consult with elders to ensure the chosen name aligns with your cultural roots.
  3. Select different names of Sun that are pleasing to the ear and have your desired meanings. Consider how the name will sound when called out or used in everyday life.
  4. Consider the qualities of the Sun that you wish to see in your baby boy or baby girl. For example, if you wish to see your child relate with a sharp mind and strength, then you can consider “Surya”.
  5. Ensure that the name goes well with your family name. For this, you may share your top picks with elders.
  6. Next, consult an astrologer who may see which name is most auspicious based on your child’s birth chart.

Benefits Of Chanting Lord Surya 108 Names

Chanting the 108 names of Surya, the Sun God, offers numerous advantages for your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. This ancient practice, deeply rooted in Hindu tradition, can significantly enhance your life in various ways.

  • Spiritual Development: Reciting Surya 108 names, you connect with the divine energy of the Sun, enabling spiritual awareness. This practice leads you to a deeper understanding of your place in the universe. Regular chanting can also purify your soul, removing negative karmic influences.
  • Prevents Skin Diseases: Chanting Lord Surya names is believed to keep your skin healthy and glowing. It strengthens your immune system and digestion, preventing your skin from toxic, undigested food. It will also help improve your sleeping schedule, giving you extra radiance and energy.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: The rhythmic recitation of Surya 108 names is a powerful form of meditation. Concentrating on these sacred words calms and centres the mind, enhancing decision-making abilities and boosting overall mental function. Plus, it can reduce stress and anxiety, giving inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Achieve Desires and Success: In Hindu astrology, Surya is linked to power, authority, and success. This practice is particularly beneficial for those seeking career advancement, leadership roles, or success in creative goals. By saying his names, you attract positive energies to fulfil desires and achieve success.

The Ideal Way To Chant Lord Surya 108 Names

Chanting the sacred names 108 names of Surya dev in the correct manner is important to reap the full benefits. You should read ahead to know the ideal steps to follow for chanting.

Ideal Direction To Chant Surya Namavali

When chanting the 108 names of Surya Dev, face East to align yourself with the rising sun. This orientation symbolises new beginnings and spiritual awareness. By positioning yourself towards the east, you create a direct connection with the solar deity.

This practice enhances the power of your devotional practice. At the same time, Lord Surya gets pleased as you follow his direction.

Ideal Time To Chant Surya Namavali

The most auspicious time to recite the 108 names of Sun is during the Brahma Muhurta, approximately 96 minutes before sunrise. This pre-dawn period is considered spiritually charged, offering a calm atmosphere for meditation and chanting.

Alternatively, you may choose to chant at sunrise or sunset when the Sun's energy is particularly strong. Do it especially every Sunday.

Ideal Beads To Chant Surya Namavali

Use a mala, or prayer beads, consisting of 108 beads plus one guru bead for Surya Namavali. Traditional malas for Sun worship are often made of Red sandalwood or Ruby, both associated with Surya's fiery energy.

As you chant 108 names of Sun god, move your fingers along the beads. This helps you maintain focus and count your recitations accurately.

Ideal Setting / Atmosphere To Chant Surya Namavali

Create a sacred space for chanting 108 name of Suryadev. Light a ghee lamp or place a small bowl of water to represent the Sun's life-giving properties. Also, include red in your surroundings, such as through flowers or cloth, to gather Surya's spirit.

Ensure the area is clean, quiet, and free from distractions. This will help maintain a meditative atmosphere throughout your chanting session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Surya Ashtottara Shatanamavali is the collective name of 108 names of lord Surya. The different names of Sun depict different qualities of this powerful deity who rules the solar system. At the same time, it is also inspired by Surya’s life.
Chanting 108 names of Sun god is believed to improve physical health, boost mental clarity, and enhance spiritual growth. Many devotees report increased vitality, better digestion, and improved eyesight. Plus, this practice removes negative energies and brings prosperity.
While you can chant anytime, sunrise is considered the most auspicious time. Sundays, being associated with Lord Surya, are particularly favourable. Some also recommend chanting during solar eclipses or during Chat Puja for a great impact.
For best results, it's recommended to chant 108 name of Suryadev daily, preferably during the early morning hours. However, even weekly or monthly recitations can be beneficial.
For a complete chanting ritual of 108 Lord Surya names, you'll need a clean, quiet space, a picture or idol of Lord Surya, incense, flowers, and a mala (Sandalwood or Ruby prayer beads) with 108 beads plus one Guru bead.
Yes, many parents choose names from the sacred 108 different names of Sun for their children. These names are considered auspicious and are believed to offer the Sun God's blessings upon the child. Popular choices include Aditya, Bhanu, and Ravi.
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