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Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles revolves around patience and seeing hard work and effort pay off. It teaches us the value of patience and tells us that good things take time and effort. It is time to analyse your progress and decide if you are on the right track.

Main Features of Seven of Pentacles

It is important to know 7 of Pentacles meaning through its main features, such as elements, crystals, associated planets, etc. Scroll down to know what makes this card special!

  • Parts of Seven of Pentacles Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Earth
  • Planet- Venus
  • Zodiac Signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Yes or No Card- Yes
  • Crystal- Amethyst, Bloodstone

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Seven of Pentacles Card Symbol Meaning

In the Seven of Pentacles tarot image, we see a peaceful scene, with the person patiently waiting to see the results of his hard work. Below is the meaning and representation of each element in the appearance of the tarot card:

  • Seven of Pentacles: This card showcases a period of waiting and evaluating progress. The pentacles refer to patience, waiting, and analysing past efforts to find the right track.
  • Gardening Hoe: The gardening hoe shown in the picture symbolises the changes the individual will make to achieve his goals and ambitions.
  • Grapes/Grapevine: The greenery represents the individual's hard work and efforts. This symbol revolves around abundance, luck, growth, and transformation, which the individual will soon witness.
  • Mountains: The mountains represent the challenges or setbacks the individual may face in his journey to success. They also represent the strength and determination required to reach the desired destination.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The 7 of Pentacles meaning may differ in upright and reversed positions. So, let’s learn what the card of ‘hard work and effort’ brings!

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card- Upright

The 7th of Pentacles upright card is a positive sign saying all of your past efforts and hard work are soon going to pay off. However, this does not mean that you should stop putting in effort to achieve success, even if it seems close. Better look back and analyse the ways for improvement.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card- Reversed

The Seven of Pentacles Reversed meaning is usually associated with the energies of irritation, disappointment, and frustration. The reason behind your unfulfilled dreams could be a lack of motivation, wrong strategies or planning, or delayed results. So, changing the approach or attitude is advised even if things don’t work as expected.

7 of Pentacles Aspects7 of Pentacles Upright7 of Pentacles Reversed
CareerHard work pays offDissatisfaction with career
LoveEmotional connectionLack of effort in the relationship
HealthChanges in daily routinePoor lifestyle choices
FinanceSlow financial growthLess financial rewards
SpiritualitySpiritual growthNo spiritual growth

Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Love

Upright: The Seven Pentacles love card reveals a period of emotional connection. Moving together, making financial arrangements, or marriage might be on the cards. Also, the Seven of Pentacles love card is a green sign for couples thinking about family planning, indicating the chances of pregnancy.

Reversed: The 7 Pentacles reversed card senses that your relationship is currently going through a rough patch. Either you or your partner are not putting effort into the relationship. So, the 7 of Pentacles love reminds us to take a pause and analyse what we are doing wrong.

Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Career

Upright: The 7 of Pentacles career card usually revolves around two factors: hard work paying off and analysing career progress. Whatever the situation, the Seven of Pentacles card is a blessing. But as you enjoy the fruits of your labour, don’t forget to analyse the progress made so far.

Reversed: On the professional front, the Seven of Coins tarot card indicates a stuck career. It reveals multiple reasons, such as laziness, fear of rejection or unrealistic expectations. The 7 of Penticles reversed career card says it is time to change your attitude and try something new.

Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Health

Upright: Health-wise, the Seven of Coins tarot card hints at self-care, motivation and transformation. The tarot card wants you to focus on your overall health and make necessary changes. So, the Seven of Pentacles outcome includes a healthy diet plan, setting fitness goals, and engaging in physical exercises.

Reversed: Getting the Seven Pentacles reversed reveals that in the past, you did not pay full attention and adopted poor lifestyle choices. This is a bad sign for women trying to conceive and for people expecting their medical test results. It is high time to keep your health above everything.

Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Finance

Upright: Patience, waiting, and putting effort are the keys to enjoying financial stability and security, per the Seven of Pentacles upright tarot card. You have been putting in the work to reach financial security. Now is the time to take a short break and analyse your past investments, savings and expenditures.

Reversed: The Seven of Coins reversed card indicates a financial crisis and obstacles. The card senses that you are trying extremely hard to overcome these problems and reach a certain financial goal. The only solution for your finances is to look back and ask yourself whether the decisions made in the past were worth it.

Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: When the Seven of Pentacles shows up in spirituality, it hints that you may not have reached your ultimate destination yet, but you are on the right path. However, the 7 of Pentacles as feelings card also brings doubt and confusion. You are advised to reflect on your progress in such situations.

Reversed: Spiritually, the Seven of Pentacles reversed card hints at the energies of frustration, irritation, and disappointment. The card senses that you may be too focused on materialistic things. So, 7 of Pentacles as action wants you to adapt spiritual activities, such as meditation, yoga or journaling, to keep yourself away from negative energies.

Seven of Pentacles Yes or No Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles is a positive card that teaches us the value of patience, hard work and labour to reach our destination. So, let us take a look at how the 7 of Pentacles tarot card solves our yes or no query!

  • Upright—Yes: Getting a 7 of Pentacles yes or no, is a positive sign that tells you that you are on the right track. The hard work and effort you put in are enough, and you must continue to do so.
  • Reversed- No: Pulling a 7 of Pentacles reversed yes or no is a clear indication from the card not to move further. Instead of waiting for something positive to happen, putting in more effort and hard work is better.

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the Minor Arcana cards, the Seven of Pentacles, revolves around the energies of patience, rewards, hard work and planning. It asks the individual to take a short break, analyse his past actions and set a plan for the future.
The Seven of Pentacles is considered a positive card in a yes or no tarot reading. The appearance of the 7 of Pentacles yes or no tarot card conveys that all his hard work and efforts will pay off in the end, and he will achieve what he desires.
The Seven Pentacles love card indicates that you and your partner seem interested in planning their future together. However, in the reversed position, the same card showcases struggles and impatience in love relationships.
The upright keywords of the 7 of Pentacles are patience, rewards, careful planning and hard work. In the reversed position, the Seven of Pentacles as feelings around impatience, frustration, lack of progress, and challenges.
In tarot reading, the Seven of Pentacles is associated with the Earth element zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. All these 7 of Pentacles zodiac sign possess qualities such as balance, stability and abundance.
Seven of Pentacles as a person, is someone who plans his course of actions using a careful and methodical approach. It is his hard work and patience that encourages him to work consistently towards his goals and ambitions.
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