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You are driven by passion and excitement, and that is what you seek in a relationship. When things are good, you feel like you're on top of the world. However, when things don't go as planned, power struggles and conflicts can arise. It's important to remember that both partners should have equal say in a relationship, and compromise is key. One potential issue is the fear of losing your individuality or being consumed by your partner. It's important to maintain your sense of self and pursue your own passions and interests, even while in a committed relationship. Similarly, it's important to recognize and respect your partner's individuality and support their pursuits as well. Before making any big decisions, take the time to reflect on what you truly want and need from a relationship. Are you ready for a long-term commitment? Are you ready for marriage? And if so, are you truly ready to marry your current partner? These are important questions to consider, and answering them honestly can help guide your choices and ensure a fulfilling relationship.

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It's important to be aware of your past experiences and how they may impact your current relationship. However, it's also important not to let your past dictate your present and future. The person you meet might have some similarities with your previous partner, but they will also have their own unique qualities and characteristics. It's up to you to keep an open mind and give them a chance to show you who they really are. It's also important to communicate with your partner and be honest about your feelings and concerns. This will help you both to navigate any potential challenges and grow together as a couple. Remember, relationships are a journey and it takes effort from both partners to make them work.

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Lover2 : JUSTICE

In a relationship, trust is the cornerstone that holds everything together. If you start to keep secrets from your partner, it can erode the trust that you have built together, leading to a breakdown in communication and understanding. It's important to be honest and upfront about your thoughts, feelings, and actions, even if they may be difficult or uncomfortable to discuss. By being transparent with your partner, you demonstrate that you value and respect their feelings and trust them enough to share the truth with them. On the other hand, if you try to manipulate or deceive your partner, it can have serious consequences. If your partner discovers that you have been hiding something or lying to them, it can cause them to question the entire relationship, and they may lose trust in you altogether. This can lead to a great deal of pain and heartache for both parties involved. However, if you do find yourself in a situation where you have made a mistake or kept something from your partner, it's important to own up to it and take responsibility for your actions. You can try to make amends and work towards rebuilding the trust that has been broken. It's never too late to start being honest with your partner and to prioritize your relationship over any potential short-term gain from hiding the truth. Remember, a strong and healthy relationship is built on a foundation of honesty, trust, and mutual respect.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Lovers card is a card that indicates true love.
The love triangle technique in a tarot reading is choosing three cards and letting your spirit guides help you choose between two potential love interests.
Love tarot three-card reading refers to the three-card spread dedicated to love tarot readings.
A love triangle occurs when two people love one person.
To get a personalised love tarot reading, which will be honest and trustworthy, you can get in touch with InstaAstro Tarot Readers through our 'Talk to Tarot Reader' page.
This card symbolises progress, signifying things to change for the best. So, in a love triangle reading, the appearance of this card means things will get better.
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