Ace of Swords image

Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Also known as the ‘Card of Rest,’ the Four of Swords refers to relaxation, rest, recovery, and peace. The card says the challenges and struggles are over; now it is time to rest and be at peace. You must also detach yourself from the things that no longer work for you.

Main Features of Four of Swords

Let's explore the 4 of Swords card’s key features, associated elements, planets, zodiac signs and much more!

  • Parts of the 4 of Swords Tarot: Upright and Reversed
  • Element-Air
  • Planet-Jupiter
  • Zodiac Signs- Libra
  • Yes or No- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate

सटीक भविष्यवाणी के लिए कॉल या चैट के माध्यम से ज्योतिषी से जुड़ें

Four of Swords Card Symbol Meaning

According to the image of this tarot card, a knight is lying in his tomb. Below is the breakdown of illustrations of the 4 of Swords card in the tarot reading:

  • Man/Knight: The man or knight indicates a sign of rest. The days of pain, turmoil and chaos are over, as the knight rests in his tomb.
  • Three Swords: The three swords in the picture indicate the pain and turmoil that the knight had to go through in this life.
  • Fourth Sword: The fourth Sword represents the end of this turmoil and chaos and indicates that the knight can rest now.
  • Mosaic Window: The painted glass or mosaic window provides a peaceful image and symbolises warmth, kindness, security, and love.

Four of Swords Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The 4 of Swords tarot has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let's explore each interpretation.

Four of Swords Upright Meaning

The Four of Swords Upright is about healing, taking breaks, and relearning your lifestyle. It suggests that the past hasn’t been kind to you and made you face many challenges. Now, you are mentally weak at the moment and exhausted. Being a ‘card of rest’, the 4 of Swords asks you to rest, recover and recharge.

Four of Swords Reversed Meaning

The Reversed 4 of Swords meaning relates to burnout, stress and anxiety. The card hints that you live in a constant state of worry, and there is no coming back. If this continues, you might experience stress, anxiety or panic. 4 of Swords asks you to avoid situations that exhaust you beyond repair.

4 of Swords Aspects4 of Swords Upright4 of Swords Reversed
CareerPeriod of relaxation at workGaining control at work
LoveTaking a short breakPeace and calm in love life
HealthPrioritising mind, body and soulHealing and recovery
FinanceUncertainty in financesRegaining stability in finances
SpiritualityTrying a new spiritual routinePanic in the spiritual journey

Four of Swords Meaning in Love

Upright: In the past, your relationship went through one of the weakest moments, filled with conflict, chaos and misunderstandings. Luckily, the Four of Swords love card brings a ray of positivity, indicating a period of peace, calm and relaxation. It suggests you both must take a short, temporary break to heal from the past chaos.

Reversed: Interestingly, the Reversed Four of Swords love cards hint at two possibilities in love reading. Some of you are making room for peace, calm and healing in your relationship, while others are letting in stress and anxiety. Whatever the case, the IV of Swords suggests taking a step back and gaining a fresh perspective.

Four of Swords Meaning in Career

Upright: ‘Only work, work and work’; these words sum up your current situation at work perfectly. You do not know how to stop despite feeling too much work pressure. Thankfully, the appearance of the Four of Swords job card hints at a period of relaxation and calm. So, a short vacation or sabbatical break might soon be on the cards.

Reversed: Lately, the situation has demanded that you take a much-needed break in your professional life. The break has done you good, and you feel no longer overwhelmed or exhausted. When the reversed 4 of Swords appears in a career reading, it is time to get back on track and regain control of your work.

Four of Swords Meaning in Health

Upright: In a health reading, the IV of Swords tarot card comes as a warning to give a break to your mind, body and soul. This is because you have not been kind to your health lately. At this rate, you might suffer from physical health issues soon. So, it is time to start paying attention to your health and give yourself a break.

Reversed: The 4 Swords reversed tarot card in health says you are healing and recovering from your past traumas and health issues. You are finally caring for your health correctly and allowing yourself to feel your best. The reason might be health experts who have allowed you to understand what you must do to keep yourself healthy, fit, and happy.

Four of Swords Meaning in Finance

Upright: When the 4 Swords tarot appears, you are surrounded by uncertainty and chaos in finances. Certain things bother you, and you don't know how to handle things effectively. So, the Four of Swords tarot guide you through this rough patch and suggests you invest your money, time and effort into something that generates positive returns.

Reversed: The Reversed Four Swords tarot card in finance says that your finances are recovering after a period of negativity and chaos. You can finally understand the importance of money and are willing to go to any length to regain financial security and stability. You should spend less, save more, and invest wisely.

Four of Swords Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: Like every other aspect, the IV of Swords card asks you to take a short break and relax. In a spiritual reading, the message is to take a break from your regular spiritual routine or activities and make time for yourself. Though investing your energy and efforts into your spiritual growth is good, you must not forget yourself in the race of spiritual growth.

Reversed: Despite several efforts, you feel like you are not leading anywhere in your spiritual journey, and this thought alone is enough to cause panic. When the 4 Swords reversed appear, it sends a message to gain a fresh perspective. This may include trying out new routines and activities.

Four of Swords Yes or No Meaning

In a yes or no reading, the tarot 4 of Swords refers to a period of rest, calm and reflection. Let us look at how this card guides you to find a yes or no answer in an upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Yes- The upright 4 of Swords meaning in a yes or no tarot reading is a ‘yes’. The card suggests proceeding in your journey only after taking a small break or rest.
  • Reversed: No- The yes or no 4 of Swords reversed means a ‘big no’. The card hints that you are exhausted after a period of struggle. Now, you must rest.

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल-

फोर ऑफ स्वॉर्ड्स टैरो कार्ड का अर्थ आराम, उपचार, ब्रेक लेना और लंबे समय तक ठहराव के बाद वापस पटरी पर आना सीखना है। इस टैरो कार्ड की उपस्थिति बताती है कि आपको अपनी ऊर्जा को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए अपनी दैनिक दिनचर्या से ब्रेक लेना होगा।
अपराइट फोर ऑफ स्वॉर्ड्स प्रेम रीडिंग का संबंध रिश्ते पर चिंतन करने, जो चल रहा है उसे समझने, भावनात्मक कल्याण पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने और एक दूसरे के साथ जरूरतों और सीमाओं के बारे में संवाद करने से है।
करियर रीडिंग में फोर ऑफ स्वॉर्ड्स रिवर्स्ड यस या नो टैरो पेशेवर उपक्रमों के बारे में नकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत करता है और कहता है कि आप अपने आस-पास होने वाली हर चीज से बहुत अभिभूत और थका हुआ महसूस करेंगे। इसके अलावा, यह एक ब्रेक लेने का संकेत देता है।
स्वास्थ्य के संदर्भ में, फोर ऑफ स्वोर्ड्स टैरो लोगों से उनकी भलाई को प्राथमिकता देने, उन चीजों को छोड़ देने के लिए कहता है जो उनके उद्देश्य की पूर्ति नहीं करती हैं, तथा अपने लिए एक स्वस्थ वातावरण बनाने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए कहता है।
जब बात वित्त की आती है, तो 4 ऑफ स्वॉर्ड्स हां या नहीं टैरो कार्ड मिश्रित तस्वीर पेश करता है और कहता है कि हालांकि स्थिति खराब नहीं है, फिर भी आपको एक कदम पीछे हटना होगा, अपनी योजनाओं का पुनर्मूल्यांकन करना होगा, और फिर निर्णय लेना होगा कि आप आगे क्या करना चाहते हैं।
फोर ऑफ स्वॉर्ड्स टैरो गाइड के साथ काम करने से संकेत मिलता है कि आपको आराम और विश्राम को अपने दैनिक जीवन का हिस्सा बनाना पड़ सकता है। इसके अलावा, अपनी ऊर्जा की रक्षा के लिए, आपको अपने भीतर देखना होगा कि आप कहाँ गलत कर रहे हैं और चीजों को सुधारना होगा।
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