Choose the Best Moments For Success With Hora Muhurat

‘Do not get a haircut on Thursdays, and don’t cut your nails on Tuesdays or after sunset’. Hora muhurat is why we were warned several times not to do these things as they may bring bad luck. But what is Hora Muhurat, and how does it decide the timings for these activities? Use our Hora Muhurat Calculator to clear up this confusion.

Current Hora Muhurta
14:09 to 15:53
March, 2025
SunriseSunrise: 06:16:13 AM
Day ChogadhiyaDay Hora Muhurta
Venus6:16 : 7:16
Mercury7:16 : 8:16
Moon8:16 : 9:16
Saturn9:16 : 10:16
Jupiter10:16 : 11:16
Mars11:16 : 12:16
Sun12:16 : 13:16
Venus13:16 : 14:16
Mercury14:16 : 15:16
Moon15:16 : 16:16
Saturn16:16 : 17:16
Jupiter17:16 : 18:16
SunriseSunset: 06:37:24 PM
Night HoraNight Hora Muhurta
Mars18:16 : 19:16
Sun19:16 : 20:16
Venus20:16 : 21:16
Mercury21:16 : 22:16
Moon22:16 : 23:16
Saturn23:16 : 0:16
Jupiter0:16 : 1:16
Mars1:16 : 2:16
Sun2:16 : 3:16
Venus3:16 : 4:16
Mercury4:16 : 5:16
Moon5:16 : 6:16

Location wise choghadiya

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What is a Hora Muhurat Calculator?

Hora Muhurat Calculator is an online tool designed by our astrology experts that calculates the horai timings today and tomorrow in simple steps. It takes details such as the date and place to create the Horai Chart for any day.

Hora astrology says each day has some auspicious and inauspicious periods that may impact the results of your activities. By using our Hora calculator, you can get an idea of what type of activity is suitable to perform in a certain time period of the day.

How to Use the Hora Muhurat Calculator?

Using our Horai Calculator is super easy and requires only a few quick steps. Follow the steps below to learn today horai timings for your city.

  • The first step is to enter the location where you want to know Hora time. For example, if you want to check today Hora timings in Delhi, then enter Delhi in the tab.
  • After entering the location, you must enter the date in the Hora Muhurat Calculator. Remember, the hours vary daily due to sunset and sunrise times.
  • Our Horai Calculator will present you with Day Hora Muhurta and Night Hora Muhurta in seconds.
  • Based on the Horai timings today and tomorrow, you can plan your events in lucky timings and avoid unnecessary obstacles.

What is Hora Muhurat?

Hora originates from ‘Ahoratra’, which can be broken down into 'Aho', meaning day, and 'Ratra', meaning night. Each hour of the day is dedicated to one Hora, which means there are 24 hours in a day. These 24 hours are divided into two major sections: day and night.

The daytime is Day Horai or Din Maan, and the nighttime is Night Horai or Ratri Maan. A Hora Muhurat is mainly used to find auspicious periods within a day to accomplish some short duration of an event, religious or otherwise.

Different Horas Based on Planets in Hora Astrology

In Hora Astrology, each hour aligns with a certain planet and is expected to have its power, energies and impact on individuals. So, let us learn about different Hora-based on planets:

  • Surya Hora /Sun Hora
  • Surya Hora, also known as ‘Udveg’ Hora, is beneficial for political activities, dealing with and meeting leaders, lawmakers, and government officials. It is also suitable for submitting job applications, going to court, and buying and selling. One should wear the Manik stone during the Sun Hora to seek blessings from Surya Devta.

  • Chandra Hora / Moon Hora
  • Also known as ‘Amrit’ Hora, Chandra Hora is considered auspicious for all kinds of activities. During the Moon Hora, one can perform marriage rituals, travel, or even conduct a Grih Pravesh ceremony. Moreover, meeting elders, doing water-related activities, and helping mothers are considered beneficial during this hour.

  • Mangal Hora / Mars Hora
  • The Mangal Hora, Tuesday’s first Hora, is bold and aggressive in nature. Therefore, making any bold life decision and participating in any sports or competition will benefit the individual. Money lent or paid off during this hour is considered to bring financial success.

  • Budh Hora /Mercury Hora
  • The first Hora of Wednesday, Mercury Hora, is known for its unpredictable and sudden changes. Also known as ‘Labh Hora’, this hora time is favourable for starting new business ventures, appearing for examinations, working on skillsets, and learning and teaching tasks. Wearing an Emerald is recommended during Mercury Hora.

  • Guru Hora /Jupiter Hora
  • Jupiter Hora is lucky to be beginning a new job, doing business, meeting with elders, starting a new course of study, and dealing with court-related concerns. Besides these activities, one can also perform religious and spiritual activities such as puja, havan, donation, Pran Pratishtha, Teerth Yatra (pilgrimage) and Grih Pravesh.

  • Shukra Hora / Venus Hora
  • Venus Hora, the first Hora of Friday, represents harmony, beauty, and good relationships. This hora time provides positive results in activities related to the fine arts, romance, jewellery purchases, gold and silver business and music. Shukra Hora benefits can be observed in marriage, compatibility, and love.

  • Shani Hora / Saturn Hora
  • Laziness, inactivity, and procrastination are characteristics of Shani Hora. Otherwise, it's an excellent time for cleaning, paying bills, organising, and removing old items. The Hora of Saturn is also appropriate for firms that deal with oil and iron and labour-related issues. One must wear Sapphire and Onyx stones to avoid laziness during Shani Hora.

Rules to Calculate Horai Chart

To calculate the Horai chart, all you need to know is the sunset and sunrise timings and the day of the week. Follow the simple steps below to prepare the Horai muhurat as per your need:

Rule 1

The first rule to prepare a Horai Chart is to identify the day of the week. According to Hora astrology, the first Hora of the day belongs to the planet it rules. For example, if today is Monday, the first Hora will be Chandra Hora.

  • Sunday is governed by the planet Sun
  • Moon rules Monday
  • Mars rules Tuesday
  • Mercury governs Wednesday
  • Jupiter rules Thursday
  • Venus governs Friday
  • Saturn rules Saturday

Rule 2

The next rule is to calculate the order of the planets in the Horai chart. Once you get the first todays hora, calculating the rest is much easier. The Second Hora is of the Sixth Day Lord from the particular day. This is the pattern followed throughout the day until sunrise. For example, if today is Monday, the First Hora will be of the Moon, followed by the Sun, the Sixth Day Lord.

Rule 3

Once you get an order of the Horas, the next step is to calculate the timings of each Hora of the day. Note the timings of the sunrise and sunset and divide the time between sunrise and sunset into 24 equal parts- 12 for the day and 12 for the night. But remember that hora timings may differ from location to location due to the variation in sunrise and sunset timings.

Auspicious and Inauspicious Hora Muhurat

By understanding the Shubh and Ashubh Horas, you can make a big difference in the success of your important life events. So, before planning, check the Hora today to choose the right time for prosperity and happiness.

Auspicious Horas of the day

These Hora time are considered good to perform important events and bring luck, success and prosperity.

  • Moon Hora: The Moon is the planet that represents the mother, inner emotions, intuitions, and feelings. Therefore, making confessions, caring for the mother, and practising meditation bring inner peace and calm.
  • Mercury Hora: Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect and business. So, one should engage in discussions, sign contracts and focus on expanding their knowledge base.
  • Jupiter Hora: Jupiter is the planet of growth, knowledge, and wisdom. During Shubh Hora (Jupiter Hora), it is believed that focusing on career, business, and education will invite success and wealth.
  • Venus Hora: Venus is the planet that represents beauty, love, and creativity. Therefore, focusing on personal relationships, marriage, creativity, and beauty during this hour is considered favourable for the individual.

Inauspicious Horas of the day

These Horas are considered inauspicious or unfavourable times of the day. It is best to avoid starting anything important during these periods.

  • Sun Hora: The king of planets in astrology, the Sun represents authority, power and ego. During this period, a person may act egoistic, arrogant and over-ambitious. So, one should avoid disrespecting the authority figures.
  • Mars Hora: The energies of Mangal Hora can sometimes make a person violent, aggressive and argumentative. So, it is best to avoid fights and confrontations during this hora time.
  • Saturn Hora: Saturn is the planet that demands hard work and brings laziness and delays. So, when Saturn rules a Hora, it is not good to begin any new tasks or projects. The energies of the planet may attract obstacles and make progress slow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hora Calculator is an online tool that calculates all the favourable and unfavourable timings for the day. This calculator can be used to mark the auspicious timings for the day and plan important tasks and events.
Hora Muhurat is a significant concept in astrology that is used to determine the auspicious and inauspicious times for the whole day. It divides a day into 24 Horas (one-hour time period), each dedicated to a certain planet.
According to Hora astrology, there are 24 horas in a day—12 for the day and 12 for the night. This means that each hour is dedicated to one hour.
There are seven horas in total, as per Hora astrology. Moon Hora, Mercury Hora, Jupiter Hora and Venus Hora are considered auspicious, while Sun Hora, Mars Hora and Saturn Hora are known for their negative results.
The activities that should be performed during Hora time depend on the planet aligned with it. For example, performing government and politics-related work is considered auspicious during the Sun Hora.
Of all the seven Horai, Mercury Hora, also known as Budh Hora, is considered good for education. As per Hora astrology, doing education-related work, appearing for examinations, and working on skill sets during Mercury hora gives fruitful results.

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