Money And Astrology

Money matters! It’s no secret that you need money to lead a life of your choice. In a world where professional concerns, money generation, and material desires keep changing, it is necessary to manage your finances. Well, there are astrological remedies for wealth gain that can improve financial situations. Let us read about the most powerful totke for money in astrology.

Astrology Remedies To Improve Financial Status

Are you facing sudden financial situations and are unable to find the reasons behind them? Sometimes, delays and losses in money occur for reasons beyond our control, and that’s where astrology remedies for money come into play.

Planets, Vastu and other things in the universe affect our financial status and must be remedied. Here are the most powerful totke for money divided into different categories of astrological remedies for better understanding.

Vedic Remedies For Money

Vedic remedies are easy and effective remedies in astrology that can help please planets, gods and goddesses. Consider the top astro remedies for financial problems below.

To Increase Money/Bank Balance

  • Worship Lord Kuber (God of Wealth) and Mata Laxmi’s (Goddess of Prosperity) idol by lighting a diya daily.
  • Please, the planet of abundance, Jupiter, by wearing yellow clothes every Thursday.
  • Add turmeric powder to your daily meals to ensure Jupiter is seated well in your horoscope.

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To Recover The Blocked Money/ Restricted Funds

  • Offer Arghya Suryadev by pouring water facing the Sun during sunrise. Recite Surya Mantra while offering Arghya - 'Om Adityay Namah' continuously 101 times.
  • Start this totka to attract money on a Shukla Paksha Monday. Write the money taker's name on white paper with red ink, put white flowers and sesame seeds in it, and fold it. Chant ‘'Om Namah Shivaya' 108 times for the next 21 Mondays, and present this to Lord Shiva’s Shivling.
  • On a Krishna Paksha moonless light, it is advised to worship Lord Ganesha. For best results, pray to Ganesha on Wednesdays.

To Clear Loans/Debts

  • Worship Lord Hanuman. Chant Hanuman Chalisa 108 times daily for 40 days. During this time, eat only vegetarian food and exclude onion and garlic.
  • Chant the ‘Rinmochan Mangal Mantra or Strota’ daily to get rid of long-standing debts or loans. This will please planet Mars, which is also associated with Lord Hanuman.
  • Do Surya Namaskar Yoga daily, facing the Sun. Also, offer water to Lord Sun.

To Overcome Money Loss

  • Chant ‘Om Ghrani Suryaya Namaha’ every morning while offering to the rising Sun.
  • Light a ghee lamp and offer prayer to Lord Kubera, every evening, asking sincere blessings to recover money loss.
  • Please planet Mars, Rahu and Saturn by chanting their Mangal Mantra, Rahu Mantra and Shani Mantra on dedicated days, as their ill-placements can cause money loss.

Vastu Remedies For Money

Vastu remedies for wealth are home remedies to attract money. Here’s consider top astrology remedies for money by keeping things in suitable directions at your place of living.

To Increase Money/Bank Balance

  • Make sure that your home is clean, especially in the North direction, as it is associated with Lord Kubera, the God of Wealth.
  • Keep a Moneybox or piggy bank either in the North-East (Ishan Kon) or North-West (Vayavya Kon) corner of your house. Add a blue lotus to it if possible.
  • Store your important things, such as documents, jewellery, etc., in the West direction. The shade of the cupboard or drawers should be white or yellow.

To Recover The Blocked Money / Restricted Funds

  • Avoid keeping anything in blue in the South-East direction (Agni Kon), be it blue wall paint, wallpaper, painting or artwork if any kind of money seems restricted or blocked.
  • Strengthen the Fire element (Agni Tattva) at home by keeping money-related documents in the South-West (Naritya Kon) or North-West (Vayavya Kon) direction.
  • Place the money locker in the West direction of your house with a yellow cloth inside it. This is believed to avoid energies that cause blockage in income generation.

To Clear Loans/Debts

  • If there is clutter, a dustbin or a toilet made in the North-East direction (Ishan Kon), you must remove them as soon as possible. And place a Buddha statue there.
  • It is also advised to install a water fountain in the North-East direction to increase the positive energy of the area. This will promote less stress related to money.
  • Place a picture of Maa Yashoda churning butter in the East of South-East direction (Agni Kon). It is best if you have a kitchen there.

To Overcome Money Loss

  • Avoid keeping anything related to money, like cash, jewellery or property papers, in the South of South-West direction (Naritya Kon).
  • Also, avoid keeping any financial records, such as passbooks, account details, etc., in the East and South-East (Agni Kon) directions.
  • Keep your house organised, especially during financial crisis or money loss. Any pipe leakage, dust and clutter around the house, water spillage in the kitchen, etc., must be avoided.

Lal Kitab Remedies For Money

Lal Kitab remedies are traditional methods to attract wealth and prosperity. Read the most powerful lal kitab remedies for wealth below.

To Increase Money/Bank Balance

  • Place lentils, rice and wheat flour in the North-East or North-West corner.
  • Add red and green to your home decor, accessories, and clothing. These colours are considered lucky and are one of the lal kitab remedies for instant financial problems.
  • One of the easy and effective lal kitab remedies to become rich is by planting bamboo or a money plant at home.

To Recover The Blocked Money/ Restricted Funds

  • Place a plate of sprouted grams or lentils in your home. Change them every week. This will activate the flow of money into your home.
  • Offer food made with ghee and jaggery to Goddess Lakshmi’s idol daily. This includes sweets, halwa and kheer.
  • Cook rice in ghee and offer it as naivedhya to Goddess Lakshmi yantra for attracting money.

To Clear Loans/Debts

  • Place a copper vessel filled with water at home. Change the water every Friday.
  • Install a statue of Hanuman in the North-West direction. Light a lamp daily in front of the statue with desi ghee. This is one of the powerful lal kitab remedies to attract money.
  • Place a picture of Goddess Lakshmi sitting on a lotus in your temple. Light a lamp daily in front of the picture with ghee or desi ghee.

To Overcome Money Loss

  • Worship Lord Ganesha Yantra for attracting money. Offer modak to it and recite the Ganesha Mantra.
  • When there is money loss, keeping your home neat and tidy is one of the easy and effective remedies to attract money.
  • The lal kitab remedies for wealth advise chanting either the Laxmi Mantra, Gayatri Mantra or Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 108 times daily.

Zodiac and Gemstone Remedies For Money

Do you wish to know astrology remedies for money zodiac-wise? Well, this is a quick way to learn about the flow of free money astrology. Based on your birth sign, consider the astrology tips for wealth below. Here, we discuss auspicious gemstones remedies linked with each zodiac sign.

  1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Energetic Aries should choose the Imperial Topaz is perfect for attracting new business opportunities and financial rewards. Wear it as a pendant or keep a chunk of raw topaz in your wallet to manifest more money-making ventures.

  1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Luxury-loving Taureans will appreciate Rose Quartz, which attracts abundance and stability. Place a rose quartz crystal grid in the wealth corner of your home, or keep a Tumble stone in your pocket when meeting with financial advisors.

  1. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Curious Geminis need Citrine, the "Merchant's stone," to promote new money-making ideas and maintain money flow. Carry citrine in your wallet or purse as a powerful totka to attract money.

  1. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Nurturing Cancerians should choose Moonstone to manifest money. Sleep with a Moonstone under your pillow, or wear it as a locket. Moonstone will draw money in a gentle, spiritually fulfilling way.

  1. Leo ( July 23 – August 22 )

Generous Leos need Goldstone, a sparkly gemstone that brings positivity and abundance. Place a Goldstone globe on your desk or in your room to attract the long-due restricted funds. It is one of the remedies to recover blocked money.

  1. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

For practical Virgos, the Emerald is believed to attract prosperity and abundance. Wearing emerald jewellery or carrying an Emerald in your pocket can help manifest as one of the powerful remedies to recover blocked money for Virgos.

  1. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Romantic Libras will benefit from Rose Quartz, the stone of compassion and love. Rose quartz to receive all types of abundance. Place a piece of rose quartz over your heart or wear rose quartz jewellery as a powerful remedy for attract sudden wealth.

  1. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Mysterious Scorpios can utilise the power of Obsidian, a protective stone that keeps away negative energy. Obsidian is thought to clear blockages in your Root chakra and can be a great remedy for attract sudden wealth in Scorpions.

  1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Adventurous Sagittarians should turn to Citrine, a sunny yellow stone that activates your Solar Plexus chakra, the power centre of your body. Carry citrine in your wallet or pocket as it is one of the effective astro remedies for financial problems.

  1. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Disciplined Capricorns will benefit from Amber, a fossilised tree resin that attracts money. Wearing Amber jewellery helps Capricorns release financial anxiety and attract steady income and long-term wealth.

  1. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

For progressive Aquarians seeking to generate wealth, Ruby Stone can help. This deep red stone boosts money flow and encourages you to clear loans. Wearing a Ruby locket or carrying a Ruby is also one of lal kitab remedies for instant financial problems.

  1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Imaginative Pisces can attract money through Yellow Sapphire. This golden gemstone enhances intuition, which Pisces can channel into recovering blocked money and overcoming money loss.

You must now have a brief understanding of how to attract money astrology. Now, don’t let a lack of money hold you back anymore. For further assistance on call or chat, connect to our astrologers on talk/chat free. Sign up for the InstaAstro app and also explore our online store now!

These astrological remedies, recommended by expert astrologers, serve as potential aids; however, one should not rely solely on them to manage life, as their effectiveness may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Money totkas, or how to attract money astrology, are ancient astrological remedies believed to attract wealth and prosperity. Totkas use materials like gemstones, plants, mantras, and yantras to correct any planetary factor in your horoscope that is blocking money flow.
To recover blocked or stuck money, you can bury 12 almonds in the ground on a Saturday. As they sprout, your money flow is said to increase. Also, recite the Kuber mantra 108 times daily.
Perform a money ritual like lighting a green candle and visualising money coming to you. Keep positive money affirmations like 'Money comes to me easily and frequently.' Believe you deserve to be wealthy.
Citrine, the yellow quartz, is known as the 'merchant's stone' and attracts prosperity. Wear citrine jewellery or carry a citrine stone.
Green and Red are the colours of growth and renewal. Surround yourself with green and red accessories, candles, or maybe paint your wall green and your cupboard red.
Maintaining a Bamboo tree and a money plant at home or office is believed to be one of the most powerful astrology tips for wealth. Mixing essential oils like patchouli, cinnamon, and basil into its soil brings added benefits.

Choose your Zodiac Sign