Sun Transit In Astrology

The Planet Sun is said to rule over some of the important aspects of a person’s life, including their personality, confidence and communication. So what will happen if this planet changes its place during a transit? Continue reading to know the Sun Transit 2025 date and remedies for each zodiac.

Sun Transit In January 2025

January 14, 2025Sun Transit Capricorn

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Sun Transit In February 2025

February 12, 2025Sun Transit Aquarius

Sun Transit In March 2025

March 14, 2025Sun Transit Pisces

Sun Transit In April 2025

April 14, 2025Sun Transit Aries

Sun Transit In May 2025

May 15, 2025Sun Transit Taurus

Sun Transit In June 2025

June 15, 2025Sun Transit Gemini

Sun Transit In July 2025

July 16, 2025Sun Transit Cancer

Sun Transit In August 2025

August 17, 2025Sun Transit Leo

Sun Transit In September 2025

September 17, 2025Sun Transit Virgo

Sun Transit In October 2025

October 17, 2025Sun Transit Libra

Sun Transit In November 2025

November 16, 2025Sun Transit Scorpio

Sun Transit In December 2025

December 16, 2025Sun Transit Sagittarius

Significance Of 2025 Surya Gochar

The meaning of sun transit in astrology relates to understanding when the planet Sun changes its position from one zodiac sign into another. Sun stays in a zodiac sign for almost 30 days, making the average Sun transit duration a month. This allows the planet to have 12 transits in a year.

All these transits tend to affect a person differently based on the position of the Sun in their natal chart. An interesting fact about the Sun transit is that the day the Sun changes its place from one zodiac sign to another is known as Sankranti.

During Sun Transits, a person's life is affected in many ways. One is that the person might see a shift in their health. Moreover, there is also the chance that natives will experience positive outcomes. Mostly, Sun transits are considered auspicious by a person. However, they can also become malefic if any malefic planet comes into sight.

Opportunities & Goals For 2025 Surya Gochar

Every transit brings with it changes. Be it positive or negative, these changes are sure to come. However, Sun transits are considered to be auspicious. Let us look at the goals and opportunities they bring for a person. These are as follows:

  • Transit Sun In 1st House (Self-Expression)
  • Goals: Allow yourself to be flexible and patient with others.

    Opportunities: Open the doors of your creative flow as a medium of self-expression.

  • Transit Sun In 2nd House (Value, Ownership and Money)
  • Goals: Rethink your materialistic nature and welcome the change.

    Opportunities: Understand the importance of the present and connect with the greater self.

  • Transit Sun In 3rd House (Communication skills)
  • Goals: Focus on the important things to gain benefits in the future.

    Opportunities: Now is an excellent time to express yourself and understand others openly.

  • Transit Sun In 4th House (Family)
  • Goals: Understand the importance of truth and acceptance.

    Opportunities: Forget but learn from your past to better your future.

  • Transit Sun In 5th House (Creativity and Romance)
  • Goals: Control your sensitive nature and see things in a logical manner.

    Opportunities: Time to strengthen your bonds with family and friends.

  • Transit Sun In 6th House (Health, Daily Routine and Rivalry)
  • Goals: Focus on the skills you have and allow yourself to push your limits.

    Opportunities: Time to focus on yourself and serve others.

  • Transit Sun In 7th House (Marriage and Partnership)
  • Goals: Embrace the difficulties in life and learn from them.

    Opportunities: Time of new beginnings, but remember to learn from your past.

  • Transit Sun In 8th House (New Beginnings)
  • Goals: Understand the importance of the present.

    Opportunities: It is time to organise yourself and live now.

  • Transit Sun In 9th House (Fortune, Luck and Blessings)
  • Goals: Do one thing at a time and understand before acting

    Opportunities: Open the horizons of your body and mind for exploration.

  • Transit Sun In 10th House (Career, Profession and Reputation)
  • Goals: Strengthen your bond with your parents and explore career growth.

    Opportunities: It is time to take accountability for everything connected with you and find a healing environment.

  • Transit Sun In 11th House (Friendship, Network and Wealth Gain)
  • Goals: Allow yourself to be sensitive and allow acceptance.

    Opportunities: Focus on yourself and believe in your ideas.

  • Transit Sun In 12th House (Loss, Secret Enemy and Escape)
  • Goals: Allow yourself to breathe with the support of compassion and truth.

    Opportunities: Time to reflect on your future by decoding the present.

Remedies To Consider In Sun Transit 2025

  • Sun Transit Remedy For Aries: Worship Lord Ganesha for stability and balance, and wear a ruby ring.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Taurus: Place a copper coin under your pillow to reduce stress.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Gemini: Wear yellow clothes on Sundays
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Cancer: Drink water infused with saffron to boost energy
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Leo: Perform Surya Namaskar daily to balance the Sun’s energy
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Virgo: Keep a small piece of silver in your wallet to enhance focus and clarity.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Libra: Place a crystal on your work desk to balance the Sun’s energy.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Scorpio: Wear a gold chain or ring to enhance Sun’s positive effects.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Sagittarius: Meditate during sunrise to enhance your bond with the Sun.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Capricorn: Use camphor (kapur) to cleanse your living space and remove negative energy.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Aquarius: Wear white or light-coloured clothing to balance the Sun's energy.
  • Sun Transit Remedy For Pisces: Bathe in rose water to bring calmness and clarity during the Sun's transit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Surya Goshar or Sun Transit is a time when the planet Sun changes it rest position from one zodiac sign to the other.
The Sun's Transit tends to affect a person’s personality, lifestyle, thinking, and health. However, there is nothing to worry about, as the Sun's transit mostly results in favourable outcomes.
Sun transit predictions can help a person know about the coming Sun transits and also help them understand its effects on a person’s life.
On average, the planet Sun is known to stay in a zodiac sign for almost 30 days. This allows Sun to have a total of 12 transits in a year.
Sun transits are considered auspicious in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses in a person’s natal chart.
Sun transits are inauspicious in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses in a person’s natal chart.
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