Moon Transit In Astrology

Also known as Chandra Gochar, Moon Transit in astrology plays an important role in how your mind and emotions unfold yearly. Moreover, the movement of the Moon impacts your ability to deal with personal and professional relationships. So, here we bring Chandra Gochar 2025 date list.

Moon Transit 2025 In January

January 1, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
January 3, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
January 5, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
January 7, 2025Moon Transit Aries
January 9, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
January 11, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
January 14, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
January 16, 2025Moon Transit Leo
January 18, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
January 21, 2025Moon Transit Libra
January 23, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
January 26, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
January 28, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
January 30, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius

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Moon Transit 2025 In February

February 1, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
February 3, 2025Moon Transit Aries
February 6, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
February 8, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
February 10, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
February 12, 2025Moon Transit Leo
February 15, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
February 17, 2025Moon Transit Libra
February 20, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
February 22, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
February 25, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
February 27, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius

Moon Transit 2025 In March

March 1, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
March 3, 2025Moon Transit Aries
March 5, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
March 7, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
March 9, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
March 12, 2025Moon Transit Leo
March 14, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
March 17, 2025Moon Transit Libra
March 19, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
March 22, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
March 24, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
March 26, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
March 28, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
March 30, 2025Moon Transit Aries

Moon Transit 2025 In April

April 1, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
April 3, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
April 5, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
April 8, 2025Moon Transit Leo
April 10, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
April 13, 2025Moon Transit Libra
April 15, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
April 18, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
April 20, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
April 23, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
April 25, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
April 27, 2025Moon Transit Aries
April 29, 2025Moon Transit Taurus

Moon Transit 2025 In May

May 1, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
May 3, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
May 5, 2025Moon Transit Leo
May 8, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
May 10, 2025Moon Transit Libra
May 13, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
May 15, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
May 18, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
May 20, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
May 22, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
May 24, 2025Moon Transit Aries
May 26, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
May 28, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
May 30, 2025Moon Transit Cancer

Moon Transit 2025 In June

June 1, 2025Moon Transit Leo
June 4, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
June 6, 2025Moon Transit Libra
June 9, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
June 11, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
June 14, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
June 16, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
June 18, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
June 20, 2025Moon Transit Aries
June 22, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
June 24, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
June 27, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
June 29, 2025Moon Transit Leo

Moon Transit 2025 In July

July 1, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
July 4, 2025Moon Transit Libra
July 6, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
July 9, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
July 11, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
July 13, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
July 15, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
July 18, 2025Moon Transit Aries
July 20, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
July 22, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
July 24, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
July 26, 2025Moon Transit Leo
July 28, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
July 31, 2025Moon Transit Libra

Moon Transit 2025 In August

August 2, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
August 5, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
August 7, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
August 10, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
August 12, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
August 14, 2025Moon Transit Aries
August 16, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
August 18, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
August 20, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
August 23, 2025Moon Transit Leo
August 25, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
August 27, 2025Moon Transit Libra
August 30, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio

Moon Transit 2025 In September

September 1, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
September 4, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
September 6, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
September 8, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
September 10, 2025Moon Transit Aries
September 12, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
September 14, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
September 17, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
September 19, 2025Moon Transit Leo
September 21, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
September 24, 2025Moon Transit Libra
September 26, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
September 29, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius

Moon Transit 2025 In October

October 1, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
October 3, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
October 6, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
October 8, 2025Moon Transit Aries
October 10, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
October 12, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
October 14, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
October 16, 2025Moon Transit Leo
October 18, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
October 21, 2025Moon Transit Libra
October 23, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
October 26, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
October 28, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
October 31, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius

Moon Transit 2025 In November

November 2, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
November 4, 2025Moon Transit Aries
November 6, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
November 8, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
November 10, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
November 12, 2025Moon Transit Leo
November 15, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
November 17, 2025Moon Transit Libra
November 20, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
November 22, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
November 25, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
November 27, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
November 29, 2025Moon Transit Pisces

Moon Transit 2025 In December

December 1, 2025Moon Transit Aries
December 3, 2025Moon Transit Taurus
December 5, 2025Moon Transit Gemini
December 7, 2025Moon Transit Cancer
December 10, 2025Moon Transit Leo
December 12, 2025Moon Transit Virgo
December 14, 2025Moon Transit Libra
December 17, 2025Moon Transit Scorpio
December 19, 2025Moon Transit Sagittarius
December 22, 2025Moon Transit Capricorn
December 24, 2025Moon Transit Aquarius
December 27, 2025Moon Transit Pisces
December 29, 2025Moon Transit Aries
December 31, 2025Moon Transit Taurus

Significance of Chandra Gochar 2025

The Moon Transit is a special occurrence in astrology where the Moon stays in each zodiac sign for about two and a quarter days. This Moon movement throughout the year has different emotional influences on the minds of individuals. Therefore, it is essential to note the Moon Transit 2025 date and time.

When the Moon transits through different zodiac signs, it impacts different aspects of our lives through the houses in Kundli. For example, the Moon Transit 2025 in 1st House may impact your attitude towards others, Moon Transit 2025 in 2nd house may affect your financial decisions or your bond with family members, etc.

Opportunities and Goals For Chandra Gochar 2025

As Moon Transit marks its beginning this year, it promises goals and opportunities for each individual depending on their zodiac sign or rashi. Let us see what fortune we can grab with Moon Transit 2025.

Remedies To Consider In Moon Transit 2025

The Moon Transit 2025 impact may or may not be favourable for you. For example, if you wish for a better communication skill this year, the Moon Transit 2025 in 3rd House has to be a favourable placement in your kundli. To ensure that, here are the top remedies to consider in Chandra Gochar 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chandra Gochar is an important astrological event that marks the movement or transit of the Moon from one zodiac to another. Astrologers note these timings for analysing the influence of the Moon on human life.
The Moon Transit prediction helps astrologers understand how a person’s life will go through emotionally in a year. Secondly, as the Moon’s visibility changes depending on the Sun’s light, Moon Transit 2025 Time can be used to note Krishna Paksha, Shukla Paksha, Amavasya and Purnima.
A Moon stays in a particular zodiac sign for about 2.5 days. Then, it transits to another zodiac sign. This is how it completes the cycle of meeting each zodiac sign in the astrological wheel, impacting individuals’ lives throughout the year.
Chandra Gochar, the Moon transit impacts your thinking abilities and emotions. Reading moon transit prediction helps one deal with different situations in one's personal life and at workplace.
Any Full Moon transit date is best for marriage. When a Moon makes a transit in a completely visible state, it marks new beginnings and the start of a fresh cycle.
When the Moon transits into the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house of an individual’s birth chart, it is most likely to bring positive results. A person can expect emotional intelligence, convincing power and success in all personal and professional goals.

Choose your Zodiac Sign