Overview of Venus Transit in Astrology

Venus transit 2023 will affect all 12 zodiac signs in different ways. It is the planet which influences peace and happiness. Goddess Laxmi blesses this planet. However, Venus is going to enter Aquarius on 22nd January 2023. Venus transit duration is for 23 days to two months. In addition, Venus is always located at a distance of two signs from the Sun.

Let's know Sukra dasa period 2023 in detail and how it is going to affect all Zodiac signs.

Venus transit dates 2023

Transit of Venus in 2023Dates
Venus turns direct in Aquarius22nd January, 2023
Venus turns direct in Aquarius22nd January, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Pisces15th February, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Aries12th March, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Taurus6th April, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Gemini2nd May, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Cancer30th May, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Leo7th July, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Cancer7th August, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Leo2nd October, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 Virgo3rd November, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Libra30th November, 2023
Venus Transit 2023 in Scorpio25th December, 2023

Venus transit 2023 in Aries

Aries ascendant Venus rules your second and seventh house. It is placed in the 11th house during this transit. This transit will be very good for you. You will get a reality check regarding your family and personal life during this time. If any contract bounds you, it will benefit you, but you need to understand your limitations. This is a Venus and Saturn Conjunction, and during this Venus, natives will face reality.

This transit can create tension in your life, like in your marriage, family and relations. When Venus comes with Saturn in Aries, Saturn will make you understand things. You will be able to differentiate between who is being real to you and who is faking. After this transit, there will be a change in your life and your mindset. Your expectations will change. Don’t hope that all your wishes or expectations will get fulfilled.

You will have good ideas for your growth. These will make sure that you have constant growth throughout. Venus will make sure to give comfort. You will prosper when you start accepting and adjusting according to the situation. Shukra Gochar 2023 is a positive Gochar. You need to be polite and handle things calmly. For financial planning, they need to go for the long term.

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Venus transit 2023 in Taurus

Taurus ascendant is ruled by Venus and Mars, which are placed in the first house. Rahu is in the 12th house. With the effect of the planets, you should work on your goals. In this transit, you will want to fulfil all your dreams. But due to the impact of other planets, you will have to reconsider everything and think twice before what is the need of the hour.

Before buying anything, you will ensure you are not in debt. You will reconsider all your decisions under the influence of Saturn and Venus, as Saturn is the planet of reality, truth, balance and justice. Always try to complete your ongoing responsibilities before having a new one. You will always think of others before thinking about yourself.

This is the time of sacrifice or selfless act. You will be a team leader and comfort the people around you. Your nature will be kind towards others. This is the ideal to spread love and kindness. You must follow a disciplined path to reduce adverse Shukra dasha effects.

Venus transit 2023 in Gemini

For the Gemini ascendant, Venus rules the twelfth and fifth houses. Venus will move to the ninth house during this transit. This is called a good transit. It’s called Bhavat Bhavam. The position of Venus will give you good luck. This transit will always favour you. You can also witness that your life will provide some positive results. Venus and Saturn are both practical planets. Thus, you can expect that they will give you practical teachings.

You will understand the role of Karma in your life. Hence, you will get the preachings of practical understandings about your own life. You will be able to manage your time and resources. You may go on some unplanned trips. This transition is a time of enjoyment, and you will have a great time throughout.

It is advised to you that you should take care of your expenses. This will also be the time for people looking for education or a job. Therefore, we can expect some positive signs and progress during this transit. However, this transit will be favourable, and things will be in favour. In the last stage of the transit, you will expect sudden growth, boosting your life. We can say that for Gemini natives, bad days are over, and this is your golden opportunity.

Venus transit 2023 in Cancer

Cancer Ascendant Venus will rule your eleventh house and fourth house. These are ,mconsidered to be one of the most important houses. One is for happiness, and the other is for assets, properties and other important things. Venus is going to transit in the eighth house. During this transit, investing your money, time and comfort in the areas that can give you future results is best. We expect that you will not get any sudden results, but in future, there will be results for you.

It's an ideal time to build your assets and properties and consider future investments. We can also observe that Ketu is in the fourth house and Rahu in the tenth house. So, it will talk about a sudden shift or change in career or job role. You will have to be happy and enjoy the workflow during this transit.

You will have to take care of your health at the same time. Hence, it is advised to you that you should perform yoga and do Pranayama daily. You will get mixed results during this transit, and you must be ready and prepared for them.

Venus transit 2023 in Leo

Leo ascendant Venus rules your tenth house and third house. Both are the houses of hard work, courage and initiative. Venus is entering the seventh house with Saturn. It is going to be said that it is an excellent position. You will see that your dreams and goals are fulfilled during this transit. You will get to see the true colours of people. It will make you understand who is real and who is just acting to be real. You will gain some new connections whereas you might lose some old ones.

Suppose you are facing any issues with your Spouse; it's the ideal time to solve them. Natives will get critical feedback about their personality and nature, and if you accept them and work on them, you will see great and good results towards the change.

It is best if you make practical decisions. Venus will be in a very strong position, and this can be the initiation of a King Maker’s transit. This is the transit that can give you the maximum. It is up to you how you extract the maximum during this position. Overall, it’s a positive time for health or wealth. You should also try meditating.

Venus transit 2023 in Virgo

For Virgo, Venus is a very important planet. It rules the ninth house and second house. This house rules destiny and knowledge. It is about divine presence, higher thinking, and a research mind. Venus is going to the sixth house so some disputes can be expected from here. Also, some unexpected travel can come up, which can increase your expenses as well. There can be some hurdles or bad events which can create some expenses.

Venus is also about happiness. When Saturn comes with Venus in the sixth house, it is said to be a very good placement. This alignment of planets will indicate that you have to perform your duty and take all your responsibilities. There are chances of unexpected or sudden travel. This is the ideal time to solve your disputes if any.

It's a good time when you can cut down on your debts. You should also focus on your health.

Virgo natives should meditate regularly to avoid any health issues. In addition, you should keep your internal self happy. Virgo will notice that this transit will bring peace and satisfaction and boost their confidence.

Venus transit 2023 in Libra

Libra natives, for you, Venus is ruling the eighth house. The eighth house is considered for life and death. Venus is very important to you. Venus is going to be with Saturn in the fifth house. The fifth house is about education, knowledge and expression. You might observe a suppression of expression. On the other hand, you will also be on the side of justice and truth.

During this transit, you will learn a lot about your life; you will learn a lot about yourself. Natives of this sign should read the Bhagavad Gita, which will help them handle this transit well. There can be some situations that might not be in your favour or might be hard on you. You might read some message or speak the truth even when you don’t want to.

You should consider this a fight for a cause. You need to be there. You will learn a lot during this transition. Try donating things to the poor. If you are planning to start something, this is your ideal time. But you only need to remember that you should learn before execution.

Venus transit 2023 in Scorpio

For Scorpio ascendant, Venus rules the seventh and twelfth house. This will impact your import and export transactions or business trade deals. It can increase your expenses. For example, you might spend on travelling. There can be expenses especially related to real estate, home and renovation. You may likely buy an asset.

During this transit, you might have to let go of your behaviour, either desire or attitude, to get stability in your business or marriage. First, however, you have to stay grounded and accept the situation as it is. If you try to fight the situation, it will not work.

Your presence will be required in the life of the people that you love and admire. People might need your help and guidance. You will be available for them and carry your energies to help them balance their life. There are some situations where you regret past decisions. You will be advised to forget the past, and it's time to move on.

Venus transit 2023 in Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, ascendant Venus rules the sixth and eleventh house. This house is responsible for your daily expenses. Venus is going to rule your third house. During this time, you will have to make bold decisions. You have to rediscover your boundaries. There will be long-term initiatives towards your career. So, you might have to start something new during this time.

You will have to be more diplomatic while making decisions. Otherwise, there can be disputes. This is the ideal time to work towards your goals and pursue your ambitions. Everything will be the biggest hurdle and challenge, so you must be on top of everything. You will have to be proactive. Hence, you will have to bring in all your energy.

It is the time when your relationship with your siblings can go bad. You will have to be very polite and caring towards them. Avoid speaking hard words that will hurt someone’s feelings. This is the time when silence can make you win many losing situations. Avoid taking unnecessary loans.

Venus transit 2023 in Capricorn

For the Capricorn ascendant, Venus rules the fifth and tenth house. These houses deal with our expression and productivity. The fifth house is also about your children. So, if you are a parent, you must be responsible for speaking with your kids.

Being too harsh or too straightforward is not going to work out. It has to be a mixture of strictness and comfort, as Venus will be with Saturn in your second house. But, on the other hand, it will be exceptionally good from your career perspective. It is going to be good because you will speak the truth. You will stand for the truth and justice.

It will make you work towards your finances and give you financial stability. It will allow you to speak up for yourself. Also, if you deserve a promotion, you will get one. This transit is going to be a mix for you. If you are careful about a few things, this transit might bring positive changes. Hard work is important. If you are willing to generate wealth, this is the ideal time.

Venus transit 2023 in Aquarius

For Aquarius, ascendant Venus rules the fourth and ninth house. Venus will enter your first house. It is an exceptionally positive time when the first and ninth Lords are together. Your ascendant talks about your personal growth. It talks about you being more and more comfortable with your existence. This is the time when you can expect some changes. You have to accept a few things in your life. Few things will make you feel good.

Saturn’s and Venus combination is said to be a young combination. It’s a combination where Grace comes automatically. This transit will manage things at your home. Time management and skill management will be part of this transition.

Your business will grow. You will see positive growth. This is the time when you have to show your spiritual side as well. Doing yoga will be beneficial. You have to plan your personal goals and life for 2023. During this period, luck will favour you.

Venus transit 2023 in Pisces

For Pisces, Venus rules your third house and eighth house. It is said to be a rare rulership. This rules out your efforts and uncertainty. Venus is like fighting your Maya. Saturn and Venus are going to the twelfth house together. The twelfth house is the place where Venus is mighty. So there can be unexpected expenses, or you might spend more to comfort yourself. Hence, you have to limit yourself.

Because of the presence of Saturn, you might not have resources. Therefore, your money will be consumed somewhere else. This will frustrate you. Hence, this is a great time to let go of any memory or emotion.

The more you chase your dream, the more it will run away. So discard any unnecessary clothes or items.

Frequently Asked Questions

Venus will move into Aquarius on 22nd January,2023. It will move to Pisces on 15th February,2023 from Aquarius.
The orbit of Venus around a single zodiac sign takes anything from 23 days to two months for completion. The transit of Venus in 2023 has the potential to bring many blessings, particularly in the areas of prosperity and romance. In addition, Venus is always located at a distance of two signs from the Sun.
The orbit of Venus around a single zodiac sign takes anything from 23 days to two months for completion.
The next Venus transit will happen on 10-11 December, 2117 and 8 December, 2125.
You can consult experienced astrologers here at InstaAstro at INR 1 only if you are looking for an almost free consultation and want to know how Venus's transit will affect you. You can download our application or visit our website.
Aries ascendant Venus rules your second and seventh house. It is placed in the 11th house during this transit. This transit will be very good for you. You will get a reality check regarding your family and personal life during this time. If any contract bounds you, it will benefit you, but you need to understand your limitations. This is a Venus and Saturn Conjunction, and during this Venus, natives will face reality.
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