Introduction to Numerology Number 7

We all know about the magic of astrology. Astrology is the science that uses the position and movement of celestial objects like stars and planets in order to give us insights into an individual’s future. There is a branch of astrology that deals with numbers. This is known as Numerology. Numerology uses numbers to know an individual’s future. In numerology, the number 7 tends to hold a lot of importance and significance. As the number is a combination of 2 numbers 3 and 4, it tends to have combined traits of both these numbers.

Numerology uses an individual’s date of birth to know their number. It then further tells us about the individual based on their numerology number. An individual’s date of birth digits are added until the sum comes in a single digit. The numbers of numerology tend to range from number 1 to number 9. All these numbers are ascribed to different skills and traits. Moreover, each number has some positive and negative traits within themselves.

When we talk about the number 7 in numerology in specific, then you might get amazed to know that this number is a special number. Being the combination of 3 and 4, the natives of 7 number in numerology tend to have the skills of these numbers. Moreover, some interesting qualities of the natives involve them coming around as spiritually inclined. The natives also are serious individuals who tend to take things seriously in life. Moreover, individuals are always known to be cautious with themselves and the things that affect them.

If you want to know more about the number 7 natives, then continue reading the article for the same. Now, let us begin to uncover the secrets of Numerology Number 7.

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Numerology Number 7: Strengths and Weaknesses

Number 7 is considered to be a number that holds significant importance in Hinduism. Lord Sun had a chariot that had 7 horses. During Marriage, the groom and bride take 7 rounds around the fire. Moreover, the rainbow also tends to have 7 colours. Thus, 7 is a special number. Just as the number is special, the natives of this number are also known to be special. Let us look at some strengths and weaknesses of the natives of 7 number. These are as follows:

Numerology Number 7: Strengths

Mentioned below are some qualities of the individual which tend to count as their strengths. These qualities are known to enhance the personality of the native. Along with this, these qualities of the natives tend to make them likeable. These qualities are as follows:

  • The natives of number 7 of numerology are known to have amazing intellectual skills and abilities. The natives come around as intelligent and knowledgeable individuals to their peers.
  • Along with this, the natives also tend to come around as highly spiritually inclined individuals. The natives tend to have a keen interest in worshipping the supreme power.
  • The natives are also known to be very justice-loving individuals. The natives tend to be fair in every situation if it needs them to stand against their loved ones.
  • Along with this, the natives possess a deep love for their comfort. Because of their love for comfort, the natives often find an easy way of doing things.
  • Lastly, the natives are well known to love luxurious and materialistic items. This makes them always have the best of things.

Numerology Number 7: Weaknesses

Mentioned below are some qualities of the native that tend to be counted as their weakness. These qualities are as follows:

  • The natives of Numerology number 7 tend to love their privacy and alone time a lot. This tends to make the natives perceived as private individuals. Thus, this, in turn, makes the natives have a small circle of friends.
  • Along with this, the natives are known to have a dominating and intimidating attitude. This behaviour of the natives makes people fear them.
  • The natives are also known to be individuals having a lot of attitudes. The natives have a know-it-all attitude which sometimes makes them come around as disrespectful towards people.
  • Lastly, the native also has an attention-seeking attitude. The natives love attention and will always enjoy the atten they get.

Numerology Number 7: Ruling Planet

The ruling planet of Number 7 in numerology is Ketu. The planet is generally referred to as a malefic planet in astrology. However, this is not always true. Ketu planet is known to have malefic effects, but it sure does have some positive effects as well. These effects and qualities associated with planet Ketu are also known to be reflected in the individuals that tend to be the natives of Numerology number 7.

These qualities include the natives being knowledgeable and spiritually inclined individuals. Moreover, they are also known to be successful and will also be able to accumulate a lot of wealth in their life. Along with this, the natives will also suffer from certain family issues in their life and will also come around to have a serious nature.

Numerology Number 7: Personality and Physical Features

The natives of number 7 in astrology are known to be individuals who possess a lot of knowledge and are also spiritually inclined. The individuals are known to be individuals that live a simple life as they do not believe in the concept of showing off. Moreover, the individuals will also have a creative and artistic side.

They will have a fine eye for art and will also have a successful career if they go into the field of art. The natives are known to be dedicated and hard-working individuals. They tend to be justice-oriented and will also never be satisfied with the things they have. In terms of physical features, the natives of number 7 of numerology will come around to be tall individuals. They will have curved nose and will have good hairy eyebrows.

Numerology Number 7: Love and Marriage

In terms of numerology number 7 love, the natives of numerology number 7 will have a blessed love life. The natives are known to be romantic individuals. They also tend to have an obsession with their partner. However, one thing to note about the native is that they do not take love as a joke. They are very serious about their relationships and are not the people who will go for casual dating. In short, they date to marry, so the meaning of number 7 in love means seriousness. Moreover, the individuals are faithful and devotional towards their partners. These qualities of the natives indicate that the numerology number 7 marriage life will be good. The most compatible number with the natives of numerology number 7 is 2 and 4.

Numerology Number 7: Career

In general, the natives of numerology number 7 career will be good. The natives are known to be logical individuals. They have an analytical approach towards life. Moreover, they also have a keen interest in travelling. There is a high chance that the natives will get a foreign job. Moreover, the natives are also known to be workaholic individuals. They love to work. Moreover, they also like being an authoritative figure in their office. Moreover, the natives are knowledgeable individuals who tend to have deep knowledge about spirituality. This makes them the best and most suited for jobs like Astrologers, Psychic, Social workers, researchers, philosophers and also Writers.

Numerology Number 7: Lucky and Unlucky Items

Mentioned below are some lucky and unlucky items for the natives of numerology number 7. The use of these items in the everyday life of the native tends to attract positive or negative outcomes based on the items. Thus, it is important to know one’s lucky and unlucky items in order to maximise the attraction of positivity in one’s life and also to stay away from negative energies. Thus, these lucky and unlucky items for individuals are as follows:

Numerology Number 7: Lucky Items

Mentioned below is the list of some items for the individuals that are considered to be lucky for them. These items tend to bring good luck and fortune into the lives of the individuals and, thus, are termed to be lucky for them. Let us have a look at these lucky items for the individuals. These are as follows:

  • Colours: The lucky colour for number 7 is White.
  • Gemstone: The gemstone that is considered to be th luckiest for the natives is Cat’s Eye gemstone.
  • Date: The natives of the number 7 in numerology are known to have 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 25, 28, and 29 as their lucky dates.
  • Numbers: The numbers that are considered to be lucky for the natives are 1, 2, and 4.

Numerology Number 7: Unlucky Items

Mentioned below are some items that are considered to be unlucky for the natives of number 7 of numerology. This is because these attract negative results in the life of the individual. So, let us have a look at these unlucky items for the natives. These are as follows:

  • Colours: The unlucky colour for th natives of numerology number 7 is Black and also red.
  • Gemstone: The natives of the numerology number 7 should not pair their lucky gemstone with the Moonstone.
  • Date: Some days that are considered to be unlucky for the natives are 7, 8, 16, 17, 25, and 26.
  • Numbers: The number that are considered to be not so lucky for the native is number 8.


There you have it, folks! This was all out of the 7 date of birth numerology. This number is one of the most special numbers as it tends to contain the characteristics of both number 3 and number 4 of numerology. These characteristics are very well seen in the natives of Numerology 7 personality. Moreover, in numerology, the number 7 is often referred to as the Perfectionist. This is because the number tends to represent wholeness and perfection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Number 7 is considered to be a lucky number by many cultures around the world. Some of the evidence includes the 7 colours of the rainbow. The 7 circles that the bride and groom take and also the 7 horses of SuryaDev’s chariot.
The number 7 in numerology planet is Planet Ketu. Though Ketu is known to be a malefic planet, it does benefit the natives of number 7 in numerology by blessing them with intelligence and wit.
Number 7 meaning numerology tends to regard an individual as intelligent and also spiritual in nature. Moreover, they also come around to possess leadership qualities.
The natives of number 7 are known to be highly compatible with the natives of numbers 2 and 4 of numerology. The natives are said to have a blessed life if they marry the native of these numerology numbers.
Ketu is the ruling planet of Number 7. Thus, the natives of numerology number 7 personality tend to be affected by Ketu. These may include the native’s intelligence and wisdom.
Number 7 is considered to be highly auspicious in vedic astrology. The number 7 tends to denote power, wisdom, strength and stability. Moreover, the number 7 is also known to be very lucky and fruitful in Vastu and Numerology.

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