Sun Mahadasha - Period of Experiencing Royalty

Are you wondering what the term Mahadasha means? What are its effects on an individual’s life? Or how does Sun Mahadasha affect an individual’s life and what are its impacts? Well worry not as we have answers to all your questions. A Mahadasha is a period of time that has a specific planet ruling it in an individual’s life. The ruling plan tends to bring positive or negative changes in an individual’s life based on its benefic or malefic position.

A Mahadasha is a period in one's life that can either make their life and give them all the joys that life has to offer or can even turn out to be one of the lowest phase of their life. If a planet is placed in a house which belongs to that specific planet or is placed in a friendly planet’s house then the effects of that particular planet will be strong and it will, in most cases, have positive influence and effects in an individual’s life. However, on the other hand, if the planet is placed in a house that belongs to its enemy then the effects of that planet will be weak, moreover, the planet, in most cases, might also have a negative influence and effect on an individual’s life.

Planet Sun is considered one of the greatest source of light and heat in the entire universe. In astrology, however, its significance and meaning differ. In astrology, planet Sun is associated with qualities that include ego, self-centrism and also dominance. Moreover, planet Sun is known to bring in individual leadership skills and also a deep desire to learn and accumulate knowledge of new things. The entrance of planet Sun is termed to be one of the most auspicious time in an individual’s life.

Sun Mahadasha - Significance And Importance

When we talk about the Mahadasha of planet Sun, then an individual must know that it will come around to be the best time in their life. The period of Surya Mahadasha or Sun Mahadasha is known to go on for about 6 years. Sun Mahadasha or Surya Mahadasha comes around to be a time in an individual’s life where it seems that life is sweet and that the Gods and Goddesses are very happy with them. Moreover, it is also a time that will bless an individual with anything and everything that their heart wants and desires. Additionally, it is a time which will help an individual build their persona and personality better and will also be favourable for them in all aspects.

To know more about Sun Mahadasha read the entire blog and enlighten yourself with this knowledge. Also, if you want to know, which Mahadasha is currently going on in your life, then check InstaAstro’s website or download the app in order to get a free Kundli analysis done. Moreover, you can also talk to the best astrologers in order to get answers and solutions to your questions and problems.

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Surya Dasha Positive Effects

As we have already established that Sun Dasha and Surya Mahadasha is a period in an individual’s life that will bring luck and fortune in their life. Let us now have a look at all the effects that a positive Surya Dasha has on an individual. These are as follows:

  • The individual is termed to have a huge and good monetary inflow in their life. There are sources from which money and wealth will come to an individual that they could have never imagined.
  • The individual is termed to gain popularity and fame. The Dasha makes an individual very popular among their peers.
  • The individual might also experience a sudden positive and upward shift in their social status.
  • One of the positive effects of Surya Dasha also includes an individual getting ample government support. This means that an individual will do extremely good if they take up any job in the government sector.
  • Moreover, a positive Surya Dasha also ensures that an individual gives birth to a Son. Planet Sun is associated with male figure, thus, while its Mahadasha is going on an individual will have a high chance of giving birth to a son.
  • The individual is also termed to take leadership roles. This could also mean that they will have or get a promotion in their workplace.
  • The individual will also get highly spiritually included during the ongoing period of Sun Mahadasha.
  • Moreover, an individual will also experience good health and will not suffer from any major health issues during the period of these Dasha.
  • The individual is also termed to get a lot of respect and honour during the period of this Dasha. Sun is a planet associated with ego and pride, thus, during its Mahadasha an individual will surely experience a sense of respect and honour for themselves from others.
  • Sun is termed to be a male planet, thus, according to this, the individual will also have a fruitful and healthy relationship with their father and also their brother. The relations between these will be very strong and will not be affected by any external factors.

Surya Dasha Negative Effects

The effects of Surya mahadahs are termed to be mostly favourable and positive. However, there are also some negative effects that must not be completely ruled out. Let us now have a look at these negative Sun effect. The Sun Mahadasha bad effects are as follows:

  • One of the first negative Sun effect includes that the individual might have to suffer separation from their family. The individual might have to go away for their career or academics and might have to leave their family behind. There are also chances that an individual will get cut off from their family completely.
  • There are also high chances that an individual will have a difficult relationship with their father. The individual will experience lack of love and respect from their father’s side. Moreover, this same condition also applies to an individual’s brother as well.
  • An individual might also have to suffer from incidents that will make them lose their respect in the eyes of other people.
  • Moreover, the negative effects of Sun’s Mahadasha also includes an individual experiencing changes in their behaviour. The individual will observe themselves to get more aggressive and short tempered in nature.
  • The individual might also have to suffer from depressive episodes in their life and can also become prone to suffering from depression.
  • The individual might also have to suffer from mental stress and traumatic episodes in their life.
  • Mental health is something that will always be a topic of issue for an individual. There are very high chances that an individual will suffer from manic and depressive episodes in their life. The individual will also be prone to a lot of stressful situations in their life.
  • There might also be episodes in an individual’s life where they will lose all or most of their wealth and money at some given time.
  • Another Sun Mahadasha bad effects include an individual will also have a lot of enemies in their life during this going Dasha. Moreover, they will also have an increase in their enemies. Additionally, it is also advised that an individual should be very careful and cautious while making friends as they might also be backstabbers.
  • During the period of Surya Dasha or Mahadasha an individual will also feel like they are getting karma for their previous bad or ill deeds.
  • Moreover, the individual might also catch himself in episodes that might end up with getting publicly humiliated.

Surya Mahadasha and Antardasha

Antardashas are known to be the extended period of a Mahadasha. An Antardasha is ruled by a specific planet within a Mahadasha that will cause some changes in an individual’s life. These changes can either be positive or negative depending on the nature of the planet and the relation it has with the ruling planet of the Mahadasha. Let us now have a look at the effects that the Mahadasha of Sun will have while the Antardasha is going on of different planets. The effects of the Sun Mahadasha and Antardasha are as follows:

  • Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha

The period of Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha is known to go on for exactly about 110 days which when comprehended comes around to be around 3 months and 18 days. The effects of Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha are as follows:

  • Auspicious results
  • Wealth accumulation
  • Promotion in work sphere
  • Anger issues
  • Problems with comprehending emotions, mainly grief
  • Sun Mahadasha Moon Antardasha

183 days is the time period for which Sun Mahadasha Moon Antardasha goes on in an individual’s life. The effects of this Antardasha are as follows:

  • Gaining honour and respect
  • Support from parents
  • Good career
  • Benefits from friends
  • Deep sexual desires
  • Sun Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha

Sun Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha goes on for 317 days which refers to a period of 10 months and 5 days. Let us now have a look at the effects of Sun Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha on an individual:

  • Foreign tour and trips
  • High respect
  • Gaining fame and popularity
  • Intelligent individuals
  • Luxurious life
  • Sun Mahadasha Venus Antardasha

365 days is the time period of the Sun Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha. The effects it has on an individual includes the following:

  • Ups and Down in life
  • Issues in marriage
  • Cautious about money
  • Health issues
  • Dishonour
  • Sun Mahadasha Mars Antardasha

Sun Mahadasha Mars Antardasha goes on a period of 128 days that means a period of 4 months and 5 days. The effects of the Sun Mahadasha Mars Antardasha on an individual’s life are as follows:

  • Peace of mind
  • Career oriented
  • Good business opportunities
  • Benefits in sectors of land and agriculture
  • Chances of arguments with friends
  • Sun Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha

The period of Sun Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha goes on a period for 292 days which means a period of 9 months and 17 days. Mentioned below are the effects Sun Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha has on an individual’s life:

  • Child born to be a son
  • Wedding yoga
  • Soulmate match
  • Learning oriented behaviour
  • Spiritually inclined
  • Sun Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha

347 days is the time period for which the Sun Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha goes on, this means it is for a period of 11 months and 12 days to be precise. The effects of Sun Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha on an individual’s life are as follows:

  • Issues with father and brother
  • Differences with seniors at work
  • Increase in enemies
  • Confused and conflicted state of mind
  • Sun Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha

The Sun Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha goes on for a period of 326 days which is 10 months and 23 days to be precise. Moreover, the effects that Sun Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha has on an individual are as follows:

  • Health related issues
  • Defamation
  • Enemy related issues
  • Depressive episodes
  • Chances of imprisonment
  • Sun Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha

128 days is the time period for which the Sun Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha goes on in an individual’s life. To be precise, it goes on for 4 months and 3 days. The effects this Antardasha has on an individual’s life are as follows:

  • Increase in enemies
  • Career related issues
  • Loss in business
  • Accumulation of a lot of debt
  • Physical pain and health related issues

Remedies For Surya Mahadasha/ Sun Mahadasha

Did the above mentioned negative effects of Sun Mahadasha scare you? Well, worry not as we have some remedies that you can use in order to prevent the onset of these effects over you or your loved ones. Moreover, the use of these remedies will also help strengthen your Sun or Surya planet. These Sun Mahadasha remedies are as follows:

  • It is advised that an individual must wear colours like saffron, yellow and red. Moreover, these colours should be worn mostly on Sundays.
  • An individual, in order to prevent and protect themselves from the harmful effects of Surya Mahadasha, one should always remember to treat their elders respectfully. This term specifically refers to the individual’s father.
  • An individual should also perform regular Surya Namaskar and should also regularly offer water to Sun.
  • Moreover, it is also recommended that an individual must chant Surya mantra for about 108 times in order to please the Sun God or Surya Dev.
  • An individual should also feed jaggery and wheat to cows regularly. This will help please Surya Dev and will weaken any negative effect that Surya Mahadasha will have on an individual.
  • Additionally, it is also advised that an individual must chant the Aditya Hridaya Stotram in order to protect themselves from the negative effects of Sun Mahadasha.
  • Moreover, wearing siddha surya dev yantra to protect one against the negative effects of Surya Dasha is also advised by many astrologers and is also termed to be one of the most beneficial Sun Mahadasha remedies.
  • Donation is considered to be one of the most auspicious and beneficial acts in Hinduism. Thus, in order to please Surya Dev one must donate the following items - wheat, jaggery, copper products and lentils.
  • It is also advised that an individual must watch the rising sun with his or her naked eyes.
  • Lastly, worshipping Lord Vishnu is also one of the things an individual can do in order to protect themselves from the negative effects of Surya Mahadasha.


These were the positive as well as negative effects of Surya Mahadasha in an individual’s life. In general we know that the time period of Sun Mahadasha is known to have favourable and positive impacts in an individual’s life, however, we cannot have a blind eye towards its negative impacts. If you want to know about which Mahadasha you are experiencing right now you can check InstaAstro’s website or download the app and talk to the best astrologers for the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having a strong Sun makes an individual go throu gh a very happy married life. Moreover, the individual tends to enjoy each and every marital bliss life has to offer. It seems as if they have married their soulmate. However, on the other hand, there is also a negative effect that makes an individual argue and quarrel a lot with their partners. The individual might also have to go through separation or divorce in their life. Thus, it is advised that an individual must keep their calm and composure and should know that this is a phase that too shall pass. This is the relation between the Sun Mahadasha and marriage.
Surya or Sun Mahadasha is a Mahadasha period in which an individual will feel that they are being punished for their previous bad or ill deeds. Thus, there is no specific change that happens when there is a transition from Venus to Sun Mahadasha. However, if an individual might have done any bad deeds and gained any bad karma then, the score will be settled in Surya Mahadasha.
An individual’s Dasha starts right after their birth, so if the first Dasha an individual experiences is Sun Dasha then we can say that they are lucky. We know that Sun Mahadasha is considered to be a very lucky period in the life of an individual. It tends to make an individual spiritually inclined and also makes them have a deep interest in acquiring more knowledge. Thus for someone born in Sun Mahadasha, they will since birth have an intellectual mind and will also be highly spiritually inclined.
During the period of Sun Mahadasha an individual must wear a lot of red, yellow and saffron colour. Also, it is advised that they must avoid dull colours like beige and grey. Moreover, an individual should also chant the Surya mantra and worship Lord Vishnu.
There is no specific Mahadasha that comes after Surya or Sun Mahadasha. It varies from individual to individual that the Mahadasha of which planet will they experience after the Sun planet’s Mahadasha.
The Antardasha that is considered to be the most beneficial for Sun Mahadasha is termed to be the Saturn Antardasha under Sun Mahadasha. The Antardasha of this planet tends to bring out the best in an individual by helping to gain fame, popularity and much more.
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