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Year of the Snake

All about calmness and humour, the Snake is the sixth zodiac in the list of Chinese Zodiacs. The people born in the Year of the Snake, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, and 2025, are highly intuitive, wise, and calm. These people don't let their emotions play with their minds and are always ready to face any problem and use their logical reasoning to solve it. In China, people believe that Snakes are the image or representation of peace, intelligence, and great thoughts. The people born in these years possess qualities which make them natural leaders and guides. When surrounded by problems, these people ground themselves and look for solutions.

In Chinese Astrology, there are five types of Snake Chinese zodiac signs. For example, these five types are actually five elements. There's a Metal Snake, Water Snake, Wood Snake, Fire Snake, and Chinese Earth Snake. The following list is about the five types of Snake zodiac sign:

January 23, 1917, to February 10, 1918Fire Snake
February 10, 1929, to January 29, 1930Earth Snake
January 27, 1941, to February 14, 1942Gold Snake/Metal Snake
February 14, 1953, to February 3, 1954Water Snake
February 2, 1965, to January 20, 1966Wood Snake
February 18, 1977, to February 6, 1978Fire Snake
February 6, 1989, to January 26, 1990Earth Snake
January 24, 2001, to February 11, 2002Gold Snake/Metal Snake
February 10, 2013, to January 30, 2014Water Snake
January 29, 2025, to February 16, 2026Wood Snake

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Characteristics of the Snake Chinese zodiac sign

As we know, Snakes are calm and composed individuals who make decisions only after careful thought and planning. They are never irresponsible with their choices and always weigh the pros and cons of a situation before making a judgement. Here are the Snake Chinese zodiac personality traits:

  • Wise: Snakes are known for their wisdom and intuition. They have a deep understanding of the world around them and can sense the motives and intentions of others. Snakes often trust their instincts and rely on their inner wisdom to make decisions.
  • Reserved: Snakes have mysterious and unexplainable qualities. They are often reserved and prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings private. Snakes may not readily open up to others but form deep connections with a few they trust.
  • Calm: Snakes possess calm and composed behaviour. They have the ability to remain collected even in stressful situations. Snakes think carefully before acting and rarely show impulsive behaviour.
  • Observant: Snakes are highly observant and have a keen eye for detail. They notice even the subtlest changes in their environment and the people around them. Snakes are analytical thinkers who carefully consider all aspects before reaching conclusions.
  • Goal-oriented: Snakes are focused and determined individuals. Once they set their sights on a goal, they relentlessly pursue it. Snakes have the ability to patiently wait for the right moment to strike, like their namesake in nature.
  • Charming: Snakes possess a magnetic charm and seductive aura. They can captivate others with their presence and persuasive abilities. Snakes have a way with words and can be charismatic in social interactions.
  • Independent: Snakes value their independence and prefer to rely on themselves. They are self-reliant and have a strong sense of self. Snakes are comfortable with privacy and often require periods of introspection to recharge.

The Snake Chinese zodiac personality qualities say that these people are independent, charming, and smart. However, natives born in the Year of the Snake sign can also be sentimental, weak in their resolutions, and can often fall prey to procrastination.

Life Aspects of Snake Zodiac

Snakes are considered to be symbols of steadiness, peace, and harmony. The Snake sign is also seen to be promising for people. Here are some lucky and unlucky factors surrounding the Snake Chinese zodiac:

Lucky Factors for the Snake:

  • Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 9
  • Lucky Colours: Red, Yellow, Black
  • Lucky Directions: Northeast, Southwest, South
  • Lucky Months: Chinese lunar months 1, 5, 6, 9
  • Lucky Flowers: Orchid, Cactus
  • Lucky Gemstones: Amethyst, Topaz

Unlucky Factors for the Snake:

  • Unlucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7
  • Unlucky Colours: White, Golden, Brown
  • Unlucky Directions: Northwest, West, North
  • Unlucky Months: Chinese lunar months 4, 7, 10
  • Unlucky Objects: Pointed or sharp objects
  • Unlucky Zodiac Signs: Pig, Monkey, Tiger

The following elaborate on the role of Snake individuals in their lives and how their choices influence the different aspects of their life. Read more to find out what life has in store for them:


Relationships: Snakes approach relationships cautiously and tend to be selective in choosing their partners. They value loyalty and deep emotional connections. Snakes can be intensely passionate and devoted in their relationships but also need personal space and independence. Trust and open communication are essential for a lasting and fulfilling partnership.

Career: Snakes are often drawn to careers that allow them to utilise their analytical and intuitive abilities. They excel in fields that require a depth of knowledge, such as research, psychology, investigation, or strategic planning. Snakes are often successful due to their ability to make calculated decisions and navigate complex situations.

Finances: Snakes tend to be financially wise and good at managing resources. They are cautious with their finances and have an eye for spotting opportunities. Snakes may be skilled at making strategic investments or saving for the future, but they should also be mindful of taking calculated risks when it comes to financial decisions.

Health: Snakes generally prioritise their health and well-being. They understand the importance of balance and often take proactive measures to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Snakes may be prone to stress-related ailments and should focus on stress management techniques, relaxation, and regular exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Snake Chinese zodiac signs should get married to Dragon and Rooster natives. For example, if a Chinese Earth Snake gets married to a Dragon or Rooster individual, their marital life will be full of luck, bliss, and joy. These two signs gel well with each other.
In Chinese culture, it is believed that spotting a snake is good luck, and you will get several new opportunities. Maintaining this belief, the Snake sign is lucky and auspicious. Most Snake natives have good luck and stability in their life.
In China, Snakes symbolise humour, calmness, stability, faith, steadiness, and peace. It is widely accepted that Snake Chinese zodiac sign individuals are the representation of good luck, security, composed behaviour, and stability.
The Pig, Monkey, and Tiger are the worst enemies of the Snake zodiac sign. These signs don't possess positive qualities or personality traits. Thus, they find it hard to mix with each other. In addition, these signs don't like each other.
Mahatma Gandhi, Taylor Swift, Stephen Hawking, and Shahrukh Khan are some of the famous personalities born in the Year of the Snake. These people possess the Snake Chinese zodiac personality traits such as effective communication and having a way with their words.
One of the major weaknesses of the Snake Chinese zodiac is that these individuals can have a rude temperament sometimes and are often self-centred. They find it tough to trust people easily and thus end up overworking or burdening themselves.