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Year of the Rooster

Popular for their active, outspoken, loud, and fun personalities, the Roosters are born in the Year of the Rooster. The Year of the Rooster meaning relates to 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029. People born in the Year of the Rooster are one of the best people because of their honest personalities, intelligence, intellect, and outgoing qualities. These people don't fear speaking their minds and are always there for others. If you're wondering where to read the Rooster zodiac horoscope, we have just what you seek. Head to the InstaAstro website and read the Chinese Horoscope 2023!

In Chinese Astrology, each year of an animal is ruled by an element. For example, the Water Rooster rules the Chinese Calendar year 1993. The following list of Rooster zodiac refers to the five types of Roosters. These five types are the five elements in nature:

January 26, 1933, to February 13, 1934Water Rooster
February 13, 1945, to February 1, 1946Wood Rooster
January 31, 1957, to February 17, 1958Fire Rooster
February 17, 1969, to February 5, 1970Earth rooster
February 5, 1981, to January 24, 1982Gold rooster
January 23, 1993, to February 9, 1994Water Rooster
February 9, 2005, to January 28, 2006Wood Rooster
January 28, 2017, to February 15, 2018Fire Rooster
February 13, 2029, to February 2, 2030Earth Rooster

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Characteristics of the Rooster Chinese zodiac sign

Individuals born in the Year of the Rooster tend to possess qualities similar to a Rooster. For example, most natives of the Year of the Rooster are careful about their words, conscious about their time, helpful, focused on the details, and confident. Read more to find out about the Rooster Chinese zodiac personality aspects:

  • Outgoing: Roosters are known for their confidence and outgoing nature. They are often self-assured, unafraid to express their opinions or take on leadership roles. Roosters tend to be extroverted and enjoy being in social settings.
  • Detail-oriented: Roosters are known for their strong work ethic. They are diligent and dedicated individuals who pay attention to detail. They have a skill of organisation and strive for perfection in their work.
  • Honest: Roosters are known for their honesty and straightforwardness. They speak their mind and value truthfulness in their interactions. Roosters are often seen as reliable and trustworthy individuals.
  • Time-conscious: Roosters have a strong sense of time and are usually punctual. They value efficiency and dislike wasting time. Roosters tend to be planners who appreciate structure and order in their daily lives.
  • Analytical: Roosters have a keen eye for detail and are often wise individuals. They can quickly analyse situations and make accurate judgments. Roosters have often been sought after for their sharp insights and problem-solving abilities.
  • Courageous: Roosters possess a natural assertiveness and courage. They are not afraid to speak up for themselves or defend others when necessary. Roosters can be fierce and brave in the face of challenges.
  • Fashionable: Roosters have a strong sense of style and take pride in their appearance. They often have a meticulous approach to grooming and fashion. Roosters tend to pay attention to trends and may enjoy expressing themselves through their style.

While Roosters are terrific workers and team players, they can often be unstable in their decisions, stubborn, commanding, and even arrogant.

Life Aspects of Rooster Zodiac

The Rooster zodiac sign inherits stubborn qualities into the natives born in the Year of the Rooster. These elements play a significant role in the lives of the natives. The following is the list of the lucky and unlucky factors for Rooster zodiac natives:

Lucky Factors for the Rooster:

  • Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 8
  • Lucky Colours: Gold, brown, yellow
  • Lucky Directions: South, southeast, northeast
  • Lucky Months: Chinese lunar months 2, 5, 11
  • Lucky Flowers: Chrysanthemum, Marigold
  • Lucky Gemstones: Citrine, Carnelian

Unlucky Factors for the Rooster:

  • Unlucky Numbers: 1, 3, 9
  • Unlucky Colours: White, green
  • Unlucky Directions: West, northwest
  • Unlucky Months: Chinese lunar months 3, 9, 12
  • Unlucky Objects: Pointed or sharp objects
  • Unlucky Zodiac Signs: Rat, Rabbit, Dog

Now that we know what the lucky and unlucky factors in the life of a Rooster Chinese zodiac person are let's read what the various aspects of their life have in store for them. In addition, let's also know what Roosters should do in their lives:


Relationships: Roosters are typically loyal and committed partners. They value honesty and expect the same sincerity from their loved ones. Roosters can be protective of their relationships and tend to be cautious about matters of the heart. They appreciate stability and seek partners who share their values.

Career: Roosters are known for their hardworking nature and attention to detail, which can benefit them in their careers. They excel in roles that require precision, organisation, and analytical skills. Roosters are often drawn to professions such as law, accounting, research, or any field that values their detailed approach.

Finances: Roosters generally have a responsible and disciplined approach to finances. They are careful with their money and tend to make well-thought-out financial decisions. Roosters' attention to detail and ability to analyse situations can also be advantageous when investing and managing their wealth.

Health: Roosters are usually conscious of their health and strive to maintain a balanced lifestyle. They value regular routines and may incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits into their daily lives. However, their perfectionist tendencies may also make them susceptible to stress and overworking, so it's crucial for Roosters to find ways to relax and recharge.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is widely believed and accepted in Chinese culture that people get bad luck in the years of their zodiac sign. So, natives born in the Year of the Rooster before 2029 will face bad luck in the coming Year of the Rooster.
The Rooster woman personality traits say that Rooster women are kind, loving, caring, and affectionate. These women care for the people around them, know how to maintain their relationships, and are very family-oriented. In addition, they value the connections they have with others.
Rooster zodiac individuals are not compatible with natives born in the Year of the Rat, Rabbit, and Dog. These people are entirely incompatible and find it challenging to fit in with each other. Moreover, these signs possess opposite qualities or personality traits.
In Chinese Astrology, Roosters possess Yin energy. This says that Roosters possess calm and peaceful energy. This energy is opposite to Yang energy, for example, the Tiger.
To be a Rooster Chinese zodiac means being hardworking, diligent, detail-oriented, helpful, and headstrong. Individuals born under the Rooster are good at work and always ready to help others.
In China, the Rooster is a symbol of good luck, power, confidence, observation skills, protection, and loyalty. Many people keep images of Rooster at home for good luck.