Swati Nakshatra: Power of Balance and Harmony

The word 'Swati' is derived from two Hindi words, Su, meaning good and pure, and Ati, meaning abundance. Therefore, the term Swati Nakshatra in English means purity or goodness in abundance. Come, let us learn more about the Swathi Natchathiram in detail.

Swati Nakshatra 2025 Dates

Mentioned below are the dates of Swati Nakshatra in 2025.

Swati Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
21 January 2025
11:36 P.M., Jan 21
02:34 A.M., Jan 23
18 February 2025
07:35 A.M., Feb 18
10:40 A.M., Feb 19
17 March 2025
02:47 P.M., Mar 17
05:52 P.M., Mar 18
13 April 2025
09:11 P.M., Apr 13
12:13 A.M., Apr 15
11 May 2025
03:15 A.M., May 11
06:17 A.M., May 12

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Swati Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
7 June 2025
09:40 A.M., Jun 07
12:42 P.M., Jun 08
4 July 2025
04:50 P.M., Jul 04
07:51 P.M., Jul 05
1 August 2025
1241 A.M., Aug 01
03:40 A.M., Aug 02
28 August 2025
08:43 A.M., Aug 28
11:38 A.M., Aug 29
24 September 2025
04:16 P.M., Sep 24
07:09 P.M., Sep 25
21 October 2025
10:59 P.M., Oct 21
01:52 A.M., Oct 23
18 November 2025
05:01 A.M., Nov 18
07:59 A.M., Nov 19
15 December 2025
11:08 A.M., Dec 15
02:09 P.M., Dec 16

Key Characteristics Of Swati Nakshatra

  • Swati Nakshatra Symbol: Young Plant Blowing In The Wind
  • Swati Nakshatra Lord Planet: Rahu
  • Swati Nakshatra Zodiac Sign: Libra
  • Lord of Swati Nakshatra: Vayu, the wind God
  • Swati Nakshatra Animal: Male Buffalo

Swati Nakshatra Personality Traits

Known to be pure at heart and with good intent. However, do they have some negatives to their personality, too? Come, let's find out by knowing the Swati Nakshatra good or bad personality aspects.

Positive Aspects

In this nakshatra, Rahu is the lord planet, which enables individuals to become experts in building relationships. Coupled with the traits of independence and agility, which are natural to the people of this nakshatra, Rahu ensures ample romance in the lives of the people of this nakshatra. They are likely to be demanding and talented individuals with lots of aspirations.

Negative Aspects

The individuals of this nakshatra tend to have a dominating and ambitious personality. This is good for them; however, sometimes, they forget to think about others while making decisions fueled by their passion. This is the only major negative aspect for the individuals of this nakshatra.

Swati Nakshatra Characteristics Males

The word Swati also implies the meaning of sword in Hindi. This signifies that those born during the rise of this nakshatra are talented and remarkable people with sharp and notable intellect. Come let us look at other characteristics of Swati Nakshatra male.

Physical Features

The Swati Nakshatra males seem quite tall and have a dominating personality. They might look innocent, but their nature is quite the opposite. They are people with a clean heart and might have a dusky appearance.

Love And Marriage

The males have an independent and romantic nature. They are more likely to be loving husbands and caring and sensitive fathers. However, their love for their own independence and arrogance can cause problems in Swati Nakshatra marriage life. Thus, they might have to face some problems in their love life.


The individuals of this nakshatra are likely to be very successful in professions such as politics, the software industry, and scientific research. They are also expected to be required to travel a lot during their lifetime and their jobs, even though they may not like to do so. Owing to their industrious nature, they can also succeed as entrepreneurs and successfully operate their businesses.


The health of male individuals of this nakshatra is in good shape. They will have a good life with no significant issues if they properly care for themselves. They need to keep a check on their eating habits to avoid future troubles in their life.

Swati Nakshatra Characteristics Females

The individuals of this nakshatra are independent, confident and self-reliant individuals. They are able to determine, direct and pursue their own path in life and seldom seek guidance. Let us look at other characteristics of Swati Nakshatra females.

Physical Features

Females of this nakshatra are likely to have a remarkable sense of aesthetics, arts and beauty. This enables them to present their own image in a good light, which is why they are likely to appear well-groomed, attractive and visually pleasing. The Swati Nakshatra female appearance includes average-height females with delicate structures.

Love And Marriage

The generous nature of Swati Nakshatra females makes them compatible and romantic partners, which is why they are more likely to have a prosperous and peaceful married life. Their children will greatly love them. The ideal age for a beneficial Swati nakshatra female marriage life would be after 30.


Because the presiding God of this nakshatra is Vayu (Wind God), who represents the divine breath of Gods, the females of this nakshatra are also likely to be proficient in performing yoga asanas and can build bright careers as yoga instructors. The most suited careers for them also include law, education and academics.


The health of the individuals of this nakshatra is quite good. It seems that they are blessed by the divine. However, they need to keep their eating habits in check. Also, some issues relating to stress and anxiety can be seen in their life.

Padas of Swati Nakshatra

There are four padas of Swati nakshatra. All of these padas have different locations, and consequently, being born in any of these padas could have a range of other impacts on individuals' lives.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 1

The first pada of this nakshatra is located in the Sagittarius Navamsa, ruled by Jupiter. Individuals of this pada are spiritually and religiously conscious. They are remarkably knowledgeable people with a curious nature, which can cause restlessness and impatience if their hunger for knowledge is not satisfied.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 2

Saturn rules the second pada of this nakshatra and falls in the Capricorn Navamsa. Individuals born in this pada are firmly grounded, which means they have a strong connection with their roots. They are humble, compassionate, and infinitely patient, which makes them ideal individuals for establishing and conducting businesses of their own.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 3

The third pada of this nakshatra is situated in the Aquarius Navamsa, with Saturn as its Lord. Individuals born in this pada are energetic and creative. This helps them to work efficiently in group settings and interact with people excellently. Due to these qualities, they are also romantic and likely to establish long-term relationships successfully.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 4

Jupiter is the Lord of the fourth pada of this nakshatra, which falls in the Pisces Navamsa. The individuals born in this pada are naturally very jovial and friendly. This implies that they successfully establish and benefit from social connections. However, this also means they are more likely to follow the crowd than lead independently.

Different Planets In Swati Nakshatra

The placement of different planets in kundli significantly affects a person’s life. Let us explain what effects the placement of different planets will have on the individuals of Swati Nakshatra. These are as follows:

  • Venus in Swati Nakshatra has serious effects on an individual’s spouse. Moreover, the individual’s spouse might be affected by illness most of the time.
  • Jupiter in Swati Nakshatra makes individuals make rash decisions, which might result in them losing their names.
  • Rahu in Swati Nakshatra causes an individual to suffer from health-related issues most of the time.
  • Mars in Swati Nakshatra makes an individual prone to suffering from long-term illnesses and diseases.
  • Sun in Swati Nakshatra causes an individual to suffer from a sudden loss of all their wealth.
  • Moon in Swati Nakshatra makes an individual lazy and inactive in nature.
  • Mercury in Swati Nakshatra negatively affects an individual's health and wealth.
  • Saturn in Swati Nakshatra can cause an individual to face many challenges and problems in their career growth.
  • Ketu in Swati Nakshatra gives an individual a show-off personality, and the people also come around to have bad relationships with their peers and fellow mates.

Swati Nakshatra Compatibility

Want to know which lucky nakshatras are compatible with the people of this pure nakshatra? The individuals of this nakshatra have a lot of preferences for their partners; thus, finding the ideal match is quite different sometimes. Let us look at the signs of this nakshatra and their incompatible signs.

Compatible Nakshatras

According to the marriage compatibility, the individuals of this Nakshatra are likely to be highly compatible with the people of the Ardra, Punarvas, Purva Phalguni and Anuradha Nakshatra. The individuals of these nakshatras can understand the emotions and aspirations of the Swati nakshatra individuals.

Incompatible Nakshatras

The individuals of the Magha, Ashlesha, Purva Ashadha and Uttara Phalguni are highly incompatible with the people of Swati nakshatra. Their natures and tendencies differ, which can cause problems for the individual and their bond. The bond between these nakshatras can only survive if both partners agree to work towards it.

Swati Nakshatra Celebrities

Want to know which of your favourite celebrities belong to the Swati Nakshatra? Continue reading below to know some of the famous celebrities of this nakshatra.

  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • Bill Gates
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Kevin Kline

Read About Other Nakshatras:

Frequently Asked Questions

Vayu, the God of wind, who represents the divine breath of the Gods, is the presiding God of Swati nakshatra.
Rahu is the ruling planet of Swati Nakshatra. The existence of Rahu gives the individuals of this nakshatra a dominating and ambitious nature.
Yes, Swati nakshatra is known to bring in good fortune and prosperity. It is known to make its people prosperous.
The numbers considered lucky for the individuals of Swati Nakshatra include the numbers 4, 13, 22, and 31.
All four charades of the Swati nakshatra are located in the Libra zodiac.
The ideal marriage age of the people of Swati Nakshatra is after they have completed 30 years of age.