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Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, known for its successful and sensitive individuals, is also one of the most well-known for its connection with the freedom of the soul. Let us know more about this nakshatra and how it affects its people’s lives.
Mentioned below are some important dates for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2025. These are as follows:
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Date & Day 2025 | Start Time End Time |
4 January 2025 Saturday | 09:23 P.M., Jan 04 08:18 P.M., Jan 05 |
1 February 2025 Saturday | 04:14 A.M., Feb 01 02:33 A.M., Feb 02 |
28 February 2025 Friday | 01:40 P.M., Feb 28 11:22 A.M., Mar 01 |
28 March 2025 Friday | 12:34 A.M., Mar 28 10:09 P.M., Mar 28 |
24 April 2025 Thursday | 10:49 A.M., Apr 24 08:53 A.M., Apr 25 |
21 May 2025 Wednesday | 06:58 P.M., May 21 05:47 P.M., May 22 |
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Date & Day 2025 | Start Time End Time |
18 June 2025 Wednesday | 01:01 A.M., Jun 18 12:23 A.M., Jun 19 |
15 July 2025 Tuesday | 06:26 A.M., Jul 15 05:46 A.M., Jul 16 |
11 August 2025 Monday | 01:00 A.M., Aug 11 11:52 A.M., Aug 12 |
7 September 2025 Sunday | 09:41 P.M., Sep 07 08:02 P.M., Sep 08 |
5 October 2025 Sunday | 08:01 A.M., Oct 05 06:16 A.M., Oct 06 |
1 November 2025 Saturday | 06:20 P.M., Nov 01 05:03 P.M., Nov 02 |
29 November 2025 Saturday | 02:49 A.M., Nov 29 02:22 A.M., Nov 30 |
26 December 2025 Friday | 09:00 A.M., Dec 26 09:09 A.M., Dec 27 |
Here are some important features of Purva Bhdraada Nakshatra. These are as follows:
Known for their intelligence and polite behaviour, let us look at the overall personality traits of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra individuals. We will look at the positive as well as the negative aspects of their personality. These are as follows:
The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra individuals are spiritually inclined. They are peace-loving individuals who also love their private space very much. They are hard-working, curious, and very focused. They are also quite straightforward and are known to speak their mind fearlessly.
The individuals of this nakshatra come around to be orthodox in nature. They value morals, which can sometimes cause problems in their life. They are also a bit egoistic in nature, especially males. The individuals of this nakshatra have a strict liking for their personal space and will not let anyone interrupt their “Me-Time”.
Let us look at some of the characteristics of the male individuals of Purvabhadra Nakshatra in English. These are as follows:
The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra male characteristics in terms of physical appearance include moderate or average height. They are not quite blessed with the riches of good looks but will eventually develop a well-built physique. He may also have a significant birthmark or a mole on his face.
The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra compatibility of the male individuals with their families will not be smooth. He will have a rocky relationship with his mother. On the other hand, the Purvabhadra nakshatra male marriage life will be perfect. He will be blessed with a loving wife and will have a perfect relationship with his children.
The males of Purvabhadra nakshatra career look very promising. They will have a well-balanced life. Moreover, they will be inclined to be in a Government Job, and if they work hard, there is a high chance of the individual achieving his goal. Moreover, there is a high chance that they will enter the business front.
In terms of health, the individuals of this Nakshatra are not that lucky. They will have to face certain severe health-related issues throughout their life. If they do not take proper care of his health, he may even suffer from some deadly diseases.
Let us look at some of the characteristics of female individuals in Purav Bhadrapada nakshatra. These are as follows:
The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra female's physical appearance includes her being very beautiful and having an attractive personality. She loves dressing up and will always present herself at her best to others. Moreover, the Purvabhadra nakshatra female will be fair-skinned and of average height.
Their compatibility with her family will be very good. She will be extremely loved by her family and especially by her father. The Purvabhadra Nakshatra female marriage life will be very smooth as well. She will be blessed with a loving, caring, and wealthy husband. There is a chance that she will face some issues with her children.
The females of this Nakshatra will be very good academically. She will possess excellent knowledge, and the fields of science, technology, and astrology will interest her the most. Moreover, there is a high chance that they will succeed if she takes up her field of interest as her career.
In terms of health, the female individuals will not be so blessed. She will have to face some issues regarding her liver or kidneys, but these will be solved by gaining early treatment and taking good care of her diet. Therefore, it is advised that she focuses on her health.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra rashi is also divided into four padas. These divisions are based on the Moon's position during a person's birth. Being born in a different pada, even of the same nakshatra, can significantly impact a person’s life. So, let us look at what the individuals of different padas will be like.
The individuals of this pada belong to the Aries Navamsa. They come around to be aggressive in nature, which is accompanied by their lack of patience. They will also be very energetic and focused. If given a task, they will do it with utmost sincerity.
The individuals born in this pada belong to the Taurus Navamsa and are quite materialistic. As Venus is the ruling planet of this pada, the individuals will also possess a great desire for sexual pleasures. They will also have a lot of relationships in their life.
The individuals born in this pada belong to the Gemini Navamsa and have a curious nature. They will always be asking questions. As Mercury is the ruling planet of this pada, the individuals will also have excellent communication skills and be very sensitive.
The individuals born in this pada belong to the Cancer Navamsa and will be quite sensitive and emotionally vulnerable. As the Moon is the ruling planet of this pada, these people will be very concerned and considerate about the feelings of their fellows.
The position of different planets in a Nakshatra can change the course of a person’s life. It can either bless the individuals with all the joys and happiness life has to offer or can make them suffer considerably. Let us see what the effects of the placement of different planets will be in the lives of the individuals of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Knowing all the qualities of the people of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra makes one wonder which nakshatra will be their ideal partner. Well, here we have the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Compatibility to help you know about the compatible and incompatible nakshatras for the same. These are as follows:
The nakshatras are considered to be the perfect match for the people of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, which includes the people of Swati, Revati, and Anuradha Nakshatras. These individuals are believed to have an understanding nature, which can come in handy in understanding the complex emotional expression of the Poorva Bhadrapada people.
The individuals of the Jyestha, Hasta, and Ashlesha Nakshatras are not considered good matches for the people of Purva Bhadrapada individuals. The simple reason for this is the similarities in their egoistic nature that can cause fights and arguments between them, according to the predictions of Purvabhadra Nakshatra marriage life.
Mentioned below are the dos and don’ts one must follow during an ongoing period of the Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra. These are as follows:
Want to know some effective yet easy remedies for the Purva Bhadrapa Nakshatra? Below are some of the same.
Some Purva Bhadrapada celebrities born in this Nakshatra include the following people.
Read About Other Nakshatras: