Punarvasu Nakshatra Overview

In Vedic astrology, there are a total of 27 Nakshatras, and Punarvasu Nakshatra happens to be the 7th in order. Punarvasu comprises two words: Punar means again, or return/ repetition, and the second is Vasu means the Ray Of Light.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Dates 2025

Some important dates in 2025 for the people of Punarvasu Nakshatra are as follows.

Punarvasu Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
13 January 2025
10:38 A.M., Jan 13
10:17 A.M., Jan 14
9 February 2025
05:53 P.M., Feb 09
06:01 P.M., Feb 10
8 March 2025
11:28 P.M., Mar 08
11:55 P.M., Mar 09
5 April 2025
05:20 A.M., Apr 05
05:32 A.M., Apr 06
2 May 2025
01:04 P.M., May 02
12:34 P.M., May 03
29 May 2025
10:38 P.M., May 29
09:29 P.M., May 30

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Punarvasu Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
26 June 2025
08:46 A.M., Jun 26
07:22 A.M., Jun 27
23 July 2025
05:54 P.M., Jul 23
04:43 P.M., Jul 24
20 August 2025
01:07 A.M., Aug 20
12:27 A.M., Aug 21
16 September 2025
06:46 A.M., Sep 16
06:26 A.M., Sep 17
13 October 2025
12:26 P.M., Oct 13
11:54 A.M., Oct 14
9 November 2025
08:04 P.M., Nov 09
06:48 P.M., Nov 10
7 December 2025
06:13 A.M., Dec 07
04:11 A.M., Dec 08

Important Features Of Punarvasu Nakshatra

As Lord Ram was born in this Nakshatra, it is said the people may have qualities related to him. For example, They may have a huge family, and they will possess a deep love for their family. Let us look at some important aspects of the Punarvasu Nakshatra. These are as follows:

  • Punarvasu Nakshatra Symbol: Arrows
  • Punarvasu Nakshatra Lord Planet: Jupiter
  • Punartham Zodiac Sign: Gemini and Cancer
  • Punarvasu Nakshatra Lord: Aditi
  • Punartham Nakshatra Animal: Female Cat

Punarvasu Nakshatra Personality Traits

As mentioned, Purvashada Nakshatra rasi, or Zodiac Sign, is Kark and Mithun, which is translated into English for Cancer and Gemini. Let us now have a look at their positive as well as negative Characteristics.

Positive Aspects

The people of this Nakshatra are very kind and generous. They also come around to be spiritually inclined. Also, illegal activities will be intolerable to the people. They will not indulge in them and encourage anyone else to do the same. People will only respect the people they think deserve it, and not everyone will like them.

Negative Aspects

They will not shy away from presenting their opinions, which might sometimes even be the cause of them being seen as disrespectful. Moreover, people might find it a little hard to understand, as sometimes they might do things that are contrary to their nature. This will increase their complexity and give people a hard time understanding them. In later phases of life, due to the people’s success, they might become egoistic and mean to their juniors.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Characteristics Male

Here are detailed characteristics and overall behaviour of Male people of Punarvasu Nakshatra:

Physical Appearance

The Punarvasu Nakshatra male will have very distinctive features. They will be very attractive and fair-skinned. In some cases, They may also have a wheatish complexion. The male characteristics include having a birthmark or a mole on their face or back.

Love And Marriage

Punarvasu Nakshatra male marriage life will not be so good. There will be a lot of arguments and fights between the people and their spouses. This might even lead to separation or divorce. The marriage compatibility will not be great. Moreover, these constant arguments and conflicts in Punarvasu Nakshatra marriage life will cause damage to their health, and they might also have to seek treatment.


Let’s look into Punarvasu Nakshatra career. They have to be very careful while making important decisions. Because of the position of certain planets, people can make wrong decisions. However, once They turn 32, the stars will be in his favour. In terms of profession, they are most suited to work in the service sector.


They will not have mental peace in his life, which will cause him to suffer from mental trauma constantly. The chances of going through depression are high for the people. They will also experience physical issues like diabetes and high blood pressure in their old age.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Characteristics Female

Here are detailed characteristics and overall behaviour of Female people of Punarvasu Nakshatra:

Physical Appearance

They will have average looks but some wonderful features. Punarvasu Nakshatra female characteristics will also include her having bright red eyes. They will also have curly hair and a sharp, high nose. Moreover, They will have a soft and sweet voice.

Love And Marriage

Punarvasu Nakshatra female marriage life will be very fruitful. Punarvasu Nakshatra marriage prediction says that she will have a loving, caring and supportive husband. Moreover, her children will be her biggest pillars of strength.


They will be very creative. Moreover, they will possess a great love for music, art and fashion. Thus, there is a very high chance that people will gain success in these fields. The most suitable punarvasu nakshatra female career option will be in the fashion and acting industry. When her creative genius is combined with her passion, success is guaranteed.


The people will suffer from some ailments because she does not take proper care of their diet and health. However, if she gets treatment in time, she can recover from them.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada

Every Nakshatra is divided into four padas. The same goes for the Punarvasu Nakshatra. These padas help us understand the different characteristics the people born under them will have. Moreover, they give us an insight into the lives of the people by letting us know what the future holds for them.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 1

The people of Aries Navamsa tend to be adventurous. They will always desire to try new things. As Mars rules this Pada, they will be very hard-working and great friends to others. Moreover, by being an Aries, they also tend to love travelling.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 2

The people of Taurus Navamsa tend to be materialistic. The thing that brings them the most joy will be worldly pleasures. Also, as Venus is the ruler of this pada, They will be inclined towards sexual pleasures. However, they will also be very sensitive and possess a deep love for tourism.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 3

The people of Gemini Navamsa tend to be very intellectual. They will have great genius and knowledge and will have a tendency to make rational decisions. As Mercury is the ruler of this pada, They will have excellent creative abilities and also see success in this field.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 4

The people of Cancer Navamsa are very kind and helpful. There is a high chance of being a philanthropist. Also, as the Moon is the ruler of this pada, They will have a motherly and nurturing nature. Moreover, they may also have a unique sense of humour and be goofy around others.

Different Planets In Punarvasu Nakshatra

Punarvasu Nakshatra in English, also known as the Punartham nakshatra in english, translates to ‘Ray of Light Lunar Mansion’. The position and availability of different planets in a Nakshatra can affect the life of They. It can make them live a happy life or cause all the hardships life offers. So, let us look at the position of different planets in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

  • Venus in Punarvasu Nakshatra gives the people a very helpful nature. It generally gives them the tendency to be comforting to people after they have been in an accident.
  • Mars in Punarvasu Nakshatra makes the people aggressive. Moreover, the people will be courageous and athletic because of the presence of Mars.
  • Sun in Punarvasu Nakshatra makes them self-centred. They will love being the centre of attention and be charming and attractive.
  • Rahu in Punarvasu Nakshatra can lead to incidents of cheating by the people. This is because they will not find happiness with their partner,
  • Ketu in Punarvasu Nakshatra makes one spiritually inclined. When connected with God, they find peace and harmony. Thus, they tend to be interested in and knowledgeable about this topic.
  • Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra represents taking an interest in helping others. Therefore, they will have a very helpful, caring and loving nature.
  • Jupiter in Punarvasu Nakshatra tends to make individuals very shy and quiet. The people will also become very reserved.
  • Mercury in Punarvasu Nakshatra tends to make a very down-to-earth individual. Moreover, they also come around to be very knowledgeable people.
  • Saturn in Punarvasu Nakshatra comes around to make an individual possess good decision-making ability. The people will gain a lot of success because of this.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Compatibility

The people of the Punarvasu nakshatra are considered moody and have their own definitions of pleasure. So, to find an ideal match for them, they seek someone who is of the same mindset and is able to understand their desires. Let us see some compatible and incompatible signs with this nakshatra.

Compatible Nakshatra

The people of Punarvasu Nakshatra are the best compatible with the people of Swati Nakshatra, Pushya Nakshatra, and also Bharani Nakshatra. These individuals have similar thinking that can help them build a strong understanding of each other.

Incompatible Nakshatra

The signs Pushya Nakshatra is incompatible with come around to be Jyestha Nakshatra, Moola Nakshatra, and Shatabhisha Nakshatra. These Nakshatra people like to live a quiet and simple life, which can go around to contradict the Punarvasu people.

Dos and Don’ts During Punarvasu Nakshatra

Mentioned below are some things one needs to be mindful of during the period of Punarvasu Nakshatra. These are as follows:

  • Be careful of your thoughts, and try to spread kindness through your actions.
  • During this time, one must try to perform pooja or indulge in meditational practices every day.
  • Punarvasu nakshatra is an auspicious time during which one must practice forgiveness and not hold grudges against others.
  • It is best to keep one’s anger under control.
  • Punarvasu nakshatra is not considered an auspicious time to start new things in one’s life. From opening a business to starting new ventures, one must try to avoid doing so during this time.
  • One must also think twice before making any decision during this time.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Remedies

Let us have a look at some of the easy yet effective remedies for the people of Pushya Nakshatra. These are as follows:

  • Chanting Mantras: Chanting the following mantras can be quite beneficial. The mantras are as follows:
    1. || Om Brahmaye Vidmahe ||
    2. || Om Namah Shivaya ||
  • Donations: Donating items including jaggery, flowers, rice, and curd.
  • Wearing Certain Colours: Wear a lot of yellow and golden colours.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Mentioned below are some famous personalities born under Punarvasu Nakshatra. Let us have a look at them:

  • Shakira
  • Shinzo Abe
  • R.K. Laxman
  • Sachin Tendulkar
  • Sri Sri Ravishankar

Read About Other Nakshatras:

Frequently Asked Questions

Punarvasu Nakshatra is considered good for people in terms of career and family. However, they will not be good from a marriage perspective.
The chances of divorce for the male people of this Nakshatra can be high. Also, there is a chance that they will get married again.
The two special things about Punarvasu Nakshatra are that firstly, they are represented by the Brightest stars of the Gemini constellation and second,
Lucky letters for Punarvasu Nakshatra names are Ki, Ka, Ho, Hi, and Hee.
The most auspicious Nakshatra for them to marry is Bharani Nakshatra and Pushya Nakshatra.
Lord Ram was born on the Punarvasu Nakshatra.