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The Magha Nakshatra in English translates to the 'Royal constellation'. According to Vedic astrology, people born in this nakshatra are blessed with great reputation, power, dominance and superior respect. They also have generational wealth.
Some important dates in 2025 for the people of Magha are as follows. Worshipping Ketu on these dates will be highly auspicious.
Magha Nakshatra Date & Day 2025 | Start Time End Time |
16 January 2025 Thursday | 11:16 A.M., Jan 16 12:45 P.M., Jan 17 |
12 February 2025 Wednesday | 07:35 P.M., Feb 12 09:07 P.M., Feb 13 |
12 March 2025 Wednesday | 02:15 A.M., Mar 12 04:05 A.M., Mar 13 |
8 April 2025 Tuesday | 07:55 A.M., Apr 08 09:57 A.M., Apr 09 |
5 May 2025 Monday | 02:01 P.M., May 05 03:52 P.M., May 06 |
Magha Nakshatra Date & Day 2025 | Start Time End Time |
1 June 2025 Sunday | 09:36 P.M., Jun 01 10:55 P.M., Jun 02 |
29 June 2025 Sunday | 06:34 A.M., Jun 29 07:20 A.M., Jun 30 |
26 July 2025 Saturday | 03:52 P.M., Jul 26 04:23 P.M., Jul 27 |
23 August 2025 Saturday | 12:16 A.M., Aug 23 12:54 A.M., Aug 24 |
19 September 2025 Friday | 07:05 A.M., Sep 19 08:05 A.M., Sep 20 |
16 October 2025 Thursday | 12:42 P.M., Oct 16 01:57 P.M., Oct 17 |
12 November 2025 Wednesday | 06:35 P.M., Nov 12 07:38 P.M., Nov 13 |
10 December 2025 Wednesday | 02:22 A.M., Dec 10 02:44 A.M., Dec 11 |
The Makam Nakshatra ranges between 00.00 degrees and 13.20 degrees in the Leo zodiac sign. Let us look at the key characteristics it brings to the person.
Now, let us look at what personality traits Makam Nakshatra brings to its people.
Magha people are easily identified by their sense of responsibility, authority, and leadership. They are strongly focused on their dreams and goals. Their ambitious spirit has landed them highly positioned roles, and they also like to mentor others.
Sometimes, while exercising their leadership skills, the Makam nakshatra people let their ego and excessive pride come in between. This often appears arrogant, over-confident and short-tempered. Plus, they often get rigid on doing things the traditional way.
The ruling planet Ketu, as well as God Pitri, blesses men with unique qualities and features. Let us have a look below at the male Magha Nakshatra characteristics.
The Magha males are usually short and have a noticeable neck. Moles may be seen, probably in the hands and near the shoulder. They may also have hairy body. Their overall appearance is innocent-looking.
There will be love and understanding between Magha males and their partners. Hence, their married life will be smooth. However, a magha man may face a lot of responsibilities that can become overwhelming at times.
The Male born in Magha will inherit a lot of monetary and materialistic wealth due to his rich family background. So, he may either join the family business or switch multiple job roles without having to think about money. Success is guaranteed after 27.
The Magha male may have to be cautious about their eyes. They are prone to facing vision-related issues, such as night blindness. However, nothing will be severe until the age of 50. After that, there is a chance of prolonged illnesses like asthma.
Next, let us look at the Magha Nakshatra characteristics of females. The nakshatra plays a major role in defining their appearance, love life, career and health.
A Magha female physical features include heavy-lidded eyes with sleepy appearance, full lips, a broad triangular-tipped nose, and gaunt cheeks and under eyes. Moreover, if Saturn aspects Moon in Magha, they may likely have highly voluminous hair.
The females born in Magha may not have a very smooth life after marriage. They have a tendency to bring conflict in the family, i.e., between husband and in-laws. So, they must practice emotional control. Chances of two kids, a son and a daughter, are possible.
There is a high possibility for females to land top-level job positions in the government sector if Jupiter transits Magha during their birth. The Magha nakshatra career for females includes a high government official, a judge, or even a politician.
The Magha woman needs to take extra care of her health physically and mentally to lead a healthy life. They may have to face some severe health issues related to eyesight, blood and urine. Taking nutritious food at the correct time of the day is a must for them.
Below are four divisions or Padas of the Makam nakshatra, each revealing different aspects of Magha-born individuals.
The first Magha pada is dominated by the planet Mars and falls under Aries Navamsa. It is related to strong willpower and confidence. People of Pada 1 enjoy a rich lifestyle and have a high status. They like to stay in power.
The second Makam nakshatra pada is dominated by the planet Venus and belongs to Taurus Navamsa. The foundation here is to build a good and powerful image, work on your duties, and sort out materialistic needs.
The third Magha pada comes under the Gemini Navamsa and is dominated by the Mercury planet. The major highlights here are to focus on creating art and gaining knowledge by increasing mental capabilities.
The fourth Magha pada comes under the Cancer Navamsa and is dominated by the Moon. People of this Nakshatra are quite emotional and very close to their family members. They have their financial life sorted.
Let us have a look at the effects that different planets have when placed in Makam Nakshatra.
Below is a detailed insight into what nakshatras are compatible with the ones born in Magha Nakshatra, the grand constellation.
Ashwini, Mrigasirsha, and Aslesha nakshatras are most compatible with Magha individuals. They can possibly build a relationship based on respect and mutual interests. Their natural leadership qualities and strong family values make them a good marriage match.
The Mrigashira-borns are incompatible with the Chitra nakshatra person. This match highlights major trust issues, conflicts due to being in their private spaces and lack of communication or open discussion.
During Magha dates, it's important to be mindful of certain actions to match the favourable energies. Here are things to avoid:
Sometimes, due to the weak positioning of planets in Magha, people can face difficulties and challenges in life. Here are some effective remedies during Magha dates.
We have read briefly about the Maghas. Now, let us see the famous Magha nakshatra celebrities who made a mark in the world through their leadership spirit.
Read About Other Nakshatras: