Dhanishta Nakshatra Meaning

Known as the Musical nakshatra, the Dhanishta or Avittam nakshatra in English translates to “the wealthiest one”. People born under it are inclined towards music and the arts and, therefore, associated with union, peace and celebration.

Dates for Dhanishta Nakshatra 2025

The following are the dates and days of Dhanishta nakshatra in English for the year 2025. Note them to worship deity Vasu and Mars.

Dhanistha Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
2 January 2025
11:10 P.M., Jan 02
10: 22 P.M., Jan 03
30 January 2025
07:15 A.M., Jan 30
05:50 A.M., Jan 31
26 February 2025
05:23 P.M., Feb 26
03:43 P.M., Feb 27
26 March 2025
03:49 A.M., Mar 26
02:30 A.M., Mar 27
22 April 2025
12:44 P.M., Apr 22
z 12:07 P.M., Apr 23
19 May 2025
07:29 P.M., May 19
07:32 P.M., May 20

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Dhanistha Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
16 June 2025
01:00 A.M., Jun 16
01:13 A.M., Jun 17
13 July 2025
06:53 A.M., Jul 13
06:49 A.M., Jul 14
9 August 2025
02:23 P.M., Aug 09
01:52 P.M., Aug 10
5 September 2025
11:38 P.M., Sep 05
10:55 P.M., Sep 06
3 October 2025
09:34 A.M., Oct 03
09:09 A.M., Oct 04
30 October 2025
06:33 P.M., Oct 30
06:51 P.M., Oct 31
27 November 2025
01:32 A.M., Nov 27
02:32 A.M., Nov 28
24 December 2025
07:07 A.M., Dec 24
08:18 A.M., Dec 25

Key Characteristics of Dhanishta Nakshatra

People are born in this Dhanishta when the Moon lies between Capricorn 23.20’ and Aquarius 6.40’ degrees. Their key characteristics are as follows:

  • Dhanishta Nakshatra Symbol: Drum
  • Dhanishta Nakshatra Lord Planet: Mars
  • Dhanishta Nakshatra Zodiac Sign: Capricorn and Aquarius
  • Dhanishta Nakshatra God: Ashta Vasus (8 Vedic gods)
  • Dhanishta Nakshatra Animal: Lioness

Dhanishta Nakshatra Personality Traits

Every individual has strengths and weaknesses in their personality traits. Let us see them with respect to Dhanishta or Avittam nakshatra.

Positive Traits

People born in Dhanishta Nakshatra are quite social and multi-talented. They are great learners, religious, and have sharp minds. Besides, their communication skills, good manners and politeness always catch the attention.

Challenging Traits

The people of this nakshatra take their success and recognition to their heads and forget to remain grounded. Moreover, if Ketu is in Dhanishta Nakshatra, they are highly egoistic. Due to their changing nature, they often lose out on friends and family.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Male Characteristics

Mentioned below are the Dhanishta nakshatra characteristics male. Let us look into it briefly.

Physical Appearance

Dhanishta Nakshatra male have tall and lean bodies. Some of them are strong or heavily built. Their fingers on both hands and feet are slightly longer than usual. Moreover, their skin and hair colour mostly have warm undertones due to the presence of Mars.

Love Life & Marriage

Along with love, the Dhanishta nakshatra marriage life indicates good fortune to both husband and wife. The males of this nakshatra feel lucky to have their life partners. Although there are slight differences, such instances only make their bond stronger.


Dhanishta Nakshatra career male shows growth. Being of a musical nakshatra, some are inclined towards music and performing arts. They can become great singers, composers, instrument players, actors, and directors.


The health of the Dhanishta Nakshatra male is a matter of concern. They may face health issues but may ignore them. They may find remedies or medication only when the situation gets risky. Possible problems include fever, cold, cough and anaemia.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Female Characteristics

Similarly, below are the Dhanishta nakshatra characteristics female – their physical appearance, love life and marriage, career, and health.

Physical Appearance

Dhanishta nakshatra female look unbelievably young, even when they reach 40. Their most attractive feature is their beautiful, long, downturned lips. They may also have a rounded nose, triangular or rectangular face, broad jaw, and protruding teeth.

Love Life & Marriage

Dhanishta Nakshatra female marriage life is a joyride. In fact, their dating life before the wedding has a fair share of good memories. They manage the house and work efficiently. As a result, they get enough quality time with their partners, leaving no room for conflicts.


The females of this nakshatra have great dreams and aspirations. However, they spend a lot of money irresponsibly. That’s why they pursue careers of high qualifications and honour. Their interests are observed in literature, the sciences and acting.


The females of Dhanishta have a careless attitude towards their health. Just like the male, they tend to ignore health unless it is too severe. They may have to face blood-related issues like anaemia, uterus infections and frequent fevers.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Padas

Vedic history mentions that each Nakshatra is classified into four padas to draw better insights into people’s lives. Let us look at each Dhanista nakshatra pada.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Pada 1

Born in the Leo Navamsa, people of this pada succeed in anything they get into, except they may have a challenging marriage. Besides, the Sun in Dhanishta rules this pada, which brings great achievements to its people’s door.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Pada 2

The people of Dhanishta nakshatra pada 2 excel in life if they pursue athletics or music. Born in the Virgo navamsa and having Mercury as the ruler, the whole influence is on the specific career field they follow. But just like the previous pada, marriage life may be difficult.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Pada 3

The people of the third Dhanishta pada belong to the Libra Navamsa and are ruled by Venus. They will enjoy their personal life and have good mental health. These individuals are inclined towards performing arts, astrology and spirituality.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Pada 4

The Dhanishta nakshatra pada 4 comes under Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. People born under it are physically strong and quite involved in outdoor activities. They are also interested in acts of charity but may not share a good bond with family.

Different Planets in Dhanishta Nakshatra

Next, we will see what happens when different planets visit Dhanishta. Below is a quick insight into each.

  • Venus in Dhanishta Nakshatra: This is not a favourable placement, due to which it brings relationship challenges.
  • Jupiter in Dhanishta Nakshatra: Jupiter in Dhanishta makes an individual very greedy in nature. He will always be wanting more and will never be satisfied.
  • Rahu in Dhanishta Nakshatra: This combination either blesses a person with a rich family or else they create wealth through hard work. It is also linked to obsession.
  • Mars in Dhanishta Nakshatra: This setup makes an individual very hardworking and goal-oriented.
  • Sun in Dhanishta Nakshatra: When the Sun is seated in Dhanishta, a person is highly responsible and takes care of her duties.
  • Moon in Dhanishta Nakshatra: The Moon in Dhanishta makes an individual organised, punctual, and creative. They also travel a lot.
  • Mercury in Dhanishta Nakshatra: This arrangement makes an individual very intellectual. People praise them for their knowledge.
  • Saturn in Dhanishta Nakshatra: This makes an individual very materialistic in nature. They always desire the best items in their life.
  • Ketu in Dhanishta Nakshatra: This placement makes an individual spiritually inclined. These people are very good at teaching meditation.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Compatibility

Understanding between two partners as well as friends is ensured if we carefully analyse the compatibility of two people. Let us see the compatibility of the Dhanista people.

Compatible Nakshatras

The Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra governed by the lion is very compatible with the energy of the lioness– the Dhanishta born. Both will easily understand each other’s mindsets and, hence, will make a good match. Other partially compatible ones include Sravana, Poorvashada and Uttarashada.

Incompatible Nakshatras

The lioness may witness the worst compatibilities with the people of Mrigasira and Chitra nakshatras. Vedic studies show a lot of conflicts between them. Hence, the Dhanishta people can avoid forming relationships with people of these nakshatras.

Dos and Don’ts During Dhanishta Nakshatra

During Dhanishta dates, everyone must practice certain dos and don’ts, especially those born under it. Read them below.

  • Participate in activities that express your artistic side, like dance, music, painting or any other form of art.
  • As Dhanishta favours union and celebration, plan spending time with family and friends. Alongside, you can organise social gatherings.
  • Dhanishta deity will benefit you if you are mindful of the needs of others. Also, practice avoiding any sort of conflict or dispute.
  • Do not indulge in overspending and any kind of intoxication like alcoholism or smoking during Dhanishta Tithis.

Effective Remedies for Dhanishta Nakshatra

Sometimes, the position of Dhanishta is weak in a person’s kundli, which poses difficulties. In such a case, one must practice the following Dhanishta nakshatra remedies:

  • Visit to Korukkai: People born in Dhanishta should visit “The Sri Pushpavalli Samedha Sri Brahma Gnana Pureeswarar Temple” in Korukkai near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu, India at least once in their lifetime for success and good health.
  • Wear a lucky gemstone: Red Coral is the lucky stone for Dhanishta. Those born under this nakshatra should wear it for fortune and focus.
  • Chant Mantras: Chant Shiva Moola Mantra– "Om Namah Shivaya" or the Dhanvantari Mantra. These mantras help in healing and boost health.
  • Meditate: Meditate on the symbol of a drum to attract creativity and rhythm. This also pleases the presiding deities, Astha Vasus (8 Vedic gods), who come under Nataraja (Lord Shiva).

Famous Personalities Born in Dhanishta Nakshatra

Mentioned below are the names of some famous personalities of Dhanishta/Avittam nakshatra in English.

  • Jaya Prada
  • Rakhee Gulzar
  • Princess Diana
  • Sunil Dutt
  • Ricky Ponting
  • Salman Khan
  • JRD Tata

Read About Other Nakshatras:

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Dhanishta dates are auspicious for a person in terms of boosting growth, creativity and health. Worshipping the Ashta Vasus on these dates can bring your strong focus, determination and leadership.
The Ashtha Vasus, also known as the Eight Vedic gods, blesses a person born in Dhanishta. These are Apah (Water or Lord Varuna), Dhruva (Polestar), Dhara (Earth), Anila (Wind), Anala (Fire), Pratyusha (Sun), Pravasha (Sky), Soma (Moon). They all come under Lord Nataraja.
Dhanishta Nakshatra Rasi or Zodiac signs are Capricorn and Aquarius. A person born in Dhanishta Nakshatra is polite, family-oriented, and sympathetic.
The Dhanishta weaknesses are impatience and restlessness. They are quick to anger and struggle a lot to calm down and maintain patience.
The people born in Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra can marry Dhanishta-borns. They will make the best match as they will understand each other’s interests, priorities and moral ethics.
The Dhanishta lucky letter is G, and the lucky numbers are 8 and 9. These can be used to attract good well-being for a Dhanishta newborn baby.