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One of the first Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, Ashwini Nakshatra, revolves around feminine energy. The word Ashwini is derived from the Sanskrit word which means ‘a female horse’. This nakshatra blesses individuals with good health, education, and new beginnings.
Below are the dates for Aswini Star or Nakshatra for 2025 and their start and end times. Have a look:
Ashwin Nakshatra Date & Day 2025 | Start Time End Time |
07th January 2025 Tuesday | 17:50 P.M., Jan 07 16:29 P.M., Jan 08 |
03rd February 2025 Monday | 11:16 P.M., Feb 03 09:49 P.M., Feb 04 |
03rd March 2025 Monday | 06:39 A.M., Mar 03 04:29 A.M., Mar 04 |
30th March 2025 Sunday | 04:35 P.M., Mar 30 01:45 P.M., Mar 31 |
27th April 2025 Sunday | 03:39 A.M., Apr 27 12:38 A.M., Apr 28 |
24th May 2025 Saturday | 01:48 P.M., May 24 11:12 A.M., May 25 |
20th June 2025 Friday | 09:45 P.M., Jun 20 07:50 P.M., Jun 21 |
18th July 2025 Friday | 03:39 A.M., Jul 18 02:14 A.M., Jul 19 |
14th August 2025 Thursday | 09:06 A.M., Aug 14 07:36 A.M., Aug 15 |
10th September 2025 Wednesday | 04:03 P.M., Sep 10 01:58 P.M., Sep 11 |
08th October 2025 Wednesday | 01:28 A.M., Oct 08 10:44 P.M., Oct 08 |
04th November 2025 Tuesday | 12:34 P.M., Nov 04 09:40 A.M., Nov 05 |
01st December 2025 Monday | 11:18 P.M., Dec 01 08:51 P.M., Dec 02 |
29th December 2025 Monday | 07:41 A.M., Dec 29 06:04 A.M., Dec 30 |
Ashwini Nakshatra ranges from 000 00 degrees to 13o 20' in Aries. Let us understand more about Ashwini meaning in astrology by looking at its key characteristics:
Did you know that the positioning of the planets and stars can impact our personality? Let's now look closer at the Ashwini Nakshatra and explore the unique personality traits:
People born under Ashwini Natchathiram have a great sense of humour and larger-than-life personalities. Exploring new things and learning new skills are among their favourite things. Moreover, they are action-oriented and prefer to create opportunities rather than wait for them.
People born under Ashwini Natchathiram have challenging traits, such as a blunt, straightforward nature and a bossy attitude. They believe in ‘don’t forgive and never forget’ and actively plan revenge against those who have wronged them. These traits make it difficult for them to maintain peaceful relationships.
Below are the Male Characteristics of Aswini Star or Nakshatra. Look at the personality, love life, marriage, career and health:
Ashwini Natchathiram males have good physiques, broad shoulders, big noses and dark hair. However, their large eyes, high cheekbones and bigger lips give them a sharp and attractive appearance.
Ashwini Nakshatra males get married mostly after the age of 28. They prefer Ashwini Nakshatra compatibility the most when choosing their life partner. Their married life is filled with love, care, and affection, and they are known to be good fathers.
On the work front, Ashwini Nakshatra males are the ‘Jack of all trades’. They are highly likely to have stable and successful careers in every field or profession. However, their chances of success increase in the fields related to music, art, and dance.
Health issues related to stomach and digestion are common for males born under Ashwini Star. Moreover, these natives are more prone to seasonal health issues such as cough, common cold, and viral infections.
Below are the Female Characteristics of Aswini Star or Nakshatra. Have a look at the personality, love life, marriage, career and health.
A broad forehead, fuller cheeks, and a long nose are the physical features that make an Ashwini Nakshatra female attractive. Their small, sparkly fish-shaped eyes enhance their femininity and give them an overall magnetic physical appearance.
Females born under Ashwini Natchathiram get married between the ages of 23 and 26. The secret of their happy marriage solely lies in their efforts and commitment. However, in the case of love marriage or early marriage, there is a strong chance of divorce or separation.
On the work front, Ashwini Nakshatra females are confident, courageous, and excellent leaders. Due to their compassionate nature, they work exceptionally well in hospitality, healthcare, and the medical field. They work hard for a stable financial future and enjoy every luxury.
Females born under this nakshatra are more prone to suffer from mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression. However, according to astrological beliefs, they can expect minor injuries due to accidents while driving or cooking.
People born under different pada are said to have different personality traits and characteristics based on astrological beliefs. So, let us look at the different personalities of the people born under Ashwini Nakshatra Pada:
Mars, the planet that has power over Ashwini Nakshatra Pada, casts its shadow on Aries Navamsa. People born under Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 1 are natural-born leaders who love to take charge and lead others.
Venus rules the second pada of the Ashwini Nakshatra, which falls under the Taurus Navamsa. Venus's presence in this pada makes these individuals friendly, social, and organised.
Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, rules the Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 3. Mercury casts its shadow on Gemini Navamsa. People with this third pada are very good at talking and solving others' problems.
The Ashwini Nakshatra 4th Pada is ruled by the planet Moon and falls under the Cancer Navamsa. People born under this pada are born healers and compassionate towards others. Therefore, practising a medical career proves to be extremely lucky for them.
The placement of planets decides how blessed or challenging our life will be. Let's explore how each planet can impact us differently when placed in Ashwini Nakshatra.
Nakshatra Compatibility or Nakshatra Porutham is a concept in Vedic astrology that helps most in marriage matchmaking. Through this, one can easily learn the compatibility between different nakshatras. So, let us learn how compatible is the Ashwini Natchathiram.
Ashwini and Bharani Nakshatra make the best part and are most compatible with each other. This is because individuals with these nakshatras share similar personalities, goals and interests. With Revati Nakshatra, the relationship will be full of emotional intimacy, care and passion for each other. However, the couples may suffer from sexual compatibility.
Hastha Nakshatra and Ashwini Nakshatra are the two pairs that are the most incompatible. Possessiveness is the main factor that creates distance and problems between couples of these nakshatras.
Besides Hastha Nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is also considered incompatible with Ashwini Natchathiram. As per astrological beliefs, this relationship will lack trust and emotional intimacy.
Below are some of the things that one should follow or avoid if they are born under Ashwini Star:
Sometimes, the inauspicious periods and transits at the time of a person’s birth lead to financial health problems. In this case, performing below Ashwini Nakshatra remedies provides immediate relief and removes problems:
Now, after knowing the characteristics and personality traits of Ashwini Nakshatra, let us learn a bit more about Ashwini Nakshatra famous personalities:
Read About Other Nakshatras: