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Abhijit Nakshatra Meaning

Abhijit Nakshatra lies between Uttarashada Nakshatra and Shravana Nakshatra and is a rare case in Vedic Astrology. The word “Abhijit” means “victory” or “undefeatable”. People are born in this nakshatra when the moon's position stands between 6:40 degrees and 10:53 degrees in the Abhijit Nakshatra zodiac sign.

Dates for Abhijit Nakshatra 2025

Mentioned below are the Abhijit Muhurat dates for 2025.

Abhijit Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
1 January 2025
05:52 P.M., Jan 1
01:20 A.M., Jan 2
29 January 2025
02:33 A.M., Jan 29
09:53 A.M., Jan 29
25 February 2025
12:42 P.M., Feb 25
08:03 P.M., Feb 25
24 March 2025
10:29 P.M., Mar 24
06:01 A.M., Mar 25
21 April 2025
06:29 A.M., Apr 21
02:15 P.M., Apr 21
18 May 2025
12:38 P.M., May 18
08:32 P.M., May 18

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Abhijit Nakshatra
Date & Day 2025
Start Time
End Time
14 June 2025
06:08 P.M., Jun 14
02:01 A.M., Jun 15
12 July 2025
12:28 A.M., July 12
08:14 A.M., July 12
8 August 2025
08:24 A.M., Aug 8
04:04 P.M., Aug 8
4 September 2025
05:39 P.M. Sep 4
01:20 A.M., Sep 5
2 October 2025
03:00 A.M., Oct 2
10:52 A.M., Oct 2
29 October 2025
11:07 A.M., Oct 29
07:11 P.M., Oct 29
25 November 2025
05:29 P.M., Nov 25
01:41 A.M., Nov 26
22 December 2025
11:05 P.M., Dec 22
07:15 A.M., Dec 23

Features of Abhijit Nakshatra

Let us look at the auspicious Abhijit Nakshatra characteristics below.

  • Abhijit Nakshatra Symbol: Horse Head
  • Abhijit Nakshatra Lord Planet: Mercury or Ketu
  • Abhijit Nakshatra Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Abhijit Nakshatra God: Lord Brahma or Mahavishnu
  • Abhijit Nakshatra Animal: Female Elephant

Abhijit Nakshatra Personality Traits

People born in Abhijit Nakshatra are rare and, therefore, special to be born under its auspicious Muhurat. They have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Let us have a look.

Positive Aspects

Below are the Abhijit Nakshatra benefits or strengths of people born under this Nakshatra:

  • The victorious energy in the nakshatra keeps the people safe from financial problems.
  • They earn well and hold reputed positions in society.
  • When it comes to wealth, individuals born here are grounded and work hard continuously to maintain finances.
  • Through their continuous hard work and determination, they receive all worldly pleasures and get blessed with the goddess Laxmi.
  • Polite by nature, they are full of compassion and kindness.
  • They create an impact when they talk. They are honest and speak the truth.

Negative Aspects

Below are the weaknesses of the individual born in this Nakshatra.

  • People of this Nakshatra bond well with their partners, but they may fight and argue a lot.
  • Abhijit Nakshatra individuals are less capable of keeping long-term commitments. There is a chance that they may face divorce or separation.
  • Some individuals born in this Nakshatra are against marriage; hence, if they marry under family pressure.
  • They get easily angry and do not take others’ advice well.
  • These individuals are in a habit of making impulsive decisions. They act without thinking and end up in trouble.
  • They can’t take a loss easily and get disappointed quite quickly.

Abhijit Nakshatra Characteristics Male

Let us have a look at Abhijit Nakshatra male characteristics. Below, we talk about their personality, love life, marriage, career and health.

Physical Characteristics

The males of Abhijit Nakshatra tend to have average height. However, they do have a great physique. They have a well-proportionate body and may have a dusky skin tone. Along with this, they might also have a scar or birthmark on the right side of their body.

Love Life and Marriage

The Abhijit Nakshatra males marry early, usually around 23 years of age. Due to quick decisions on marriage, their compatibility with their wife is average. Some of them also end up in a divorce and decide to have a second marriage later. They treat their wife with respect and love, but certain impulsive behaviour causes difficulties in love life.


You will find most of the entrepreneurs to be the males of this nakshatra. They tend to work in top-level positions and wish to lead a team. Victory is assured in whatever they want to pursue. They are go-getters and very ambitious. However, it is always a matter of concern for the family that they might go deep into spirituality and religious activities.


Abhijit Nakshatra males are fit but have minor health issues. They should keep themselves healthy through a basic lifestyle and simple food. Doing so can help them avoid further risk of health concerns.

Ashwini Nakshatra Characteristics Female

Now let us go through the Abhijit nakshatra female characteristics, i.e. their personality, love life, marriage, career and health.

Physical Appearance

The females of this nakshatra are tall and have an attractive appearance. She will have an oval-shaped face with a chance of a double chin. She might also appear overweight, but her charm will capture the hearts of all.

Love Life and Marriage

Due to bad examples of marriage that the females of this nakshatra have observed in their childhood, they tend to be against marriage for a broad period of time. However, after some time, their perspective changes as they open their doors to love and marriage. The Abhijit nakshatra female marriage life runs smoothly, and they nurture good children.


As Abhijit Nakshatra female characteristics involve a helping nature, they are interested in social work and frequently contribute to worshipping places, Dharamshala and orphanages. However, chief executives, investment bankers, marine engineers, scientists, and researchers are the professions they prefer the most.


Before becoming 18, females here frequently get ill. They are likely to face continuous cough, arthritis, inflammatory diseases and skin disorders. Parents have to take special care of them.

Abhijit Nakshatra Pada

The division of the Nakshatra into Padas helps us examine the changes in attributes that occur as we move from one pada to another. Next are the four padas of the Abhijit Nakshatra.

Abhijit Nakshatra Pada 1

The individuals of Pada 1 inherit all characteristics like hard work, strong communication skills, courage, sharp-mindedness and intellect. In this pada, they belong to the Aries Navamsa; people have a strong desire to win over others. Things may get fiery as their ego clashes with their fellow mates, and this may end up in disputes.

Abhijit Nakshatra Pada 2

People of Abhjit Nakshatra Pada 2 have a practical approach to dealing with things. They reside in the Taurus Navamsa. These people put in their best efforts while keeping all the rights and wrongs in mind. Governed by Venus, they tend to perform better and give good results at their workplace.

Abhijit Nakshatra Pada 3

People born in Pada 3 have bright brains. They are smart and academically inclined. They reside in the Gemini Navamsa. They love science as a subject, and people praise them for their analytical minds. Governed by Mercury, they have strong communication skills and are sweet in behaviour.

Abhijit Nakshatra Pada 4

People of Pada 4 find their interest in anatomy, i.e. the study of the human body and are part of the Cancer Navamsa. They are curious about the inner workings of our living bodies. They are keen to cut and examine the bodies and help repair and heal them. This brings us to the family of surgeons or doctors in this pada.

Different Planets In Abhijit Nakshatra

Planets move from one nakshatra to another, bringing various changes and impacts to individuals' lives on Earth. Let us see what happens when different planets get seated in the auspicious Abhijit Nakshatra.

  • Venus in Abhijit Nakshatra: When Venus resides in this Nakshatra, an individual encounters a delay in their marriage. Moreover, there is also the chance that they will have a love marriage.
  • Jupiter in Abhijit Nakshatra: This arrangement helps individuals attain and gain a lot of success in their lives. Moreover, those who have this arrangement in their birth chart come out to be very wealthy individuals.
  • Rahu in Abhijit Nakshatra: Individuals with Rahu seated in this Nakshatra do whatever it takes to win the battle. Rahu can either make a person very cunning, almost criminal or encourage a person to win power with honesty.
  • Mars in Abhijit Nakshatra: When Mars visits this Nakshatra, it makes an individual keen on politics. Moreover, they can pursue this interest as a career and become very successful individuals.
  • Sun in Abhijit Nakshatra: The Sun in Abhijit makes an individual desire a position of authority and power. Moreover, they gain positive and beneficial outcomes in any goal they set.
  • Moon in Abhijit Nakshatra: The Moon in Abhijit brings intellect, knowledge and wisdom to an individual. Such individuals are fit physically and mentally and hence enjoy good health.
  • Mercury in Abhijit Nakshatra: When Mercury meets Abhjit Nakshatra, it offers success to individuals in all aspects of life. Be it love, marriage, career, finances or health, you will face favourable situations in all areas.
  • Saturn in Abhijit Nakshatra: The Saturn in Abhjit Nakshatra indicates many bad and negative results in an individual’s life. However, it eventually ends, and a person ultimately grows financially and intellectually.
  • Ketu in Abhijit Nakshatra: This setup brings leadership and academic expertise to individuals. It represents spirituality, moksha, liberation and enlightenment.

Abhijit Nakshatra Compatibility

The individuals born in Abhijit Nakshatra have qualities that are a mix of two nakshatras. Thus, they need someone special to understand their complex nature and love them even at their lowest. Let us look at their compatible and incompatible nakshatras.

Compatible Nakshatras

Ashwini, Moola, and Bharani Nakshatras are some of the most compatible nakshatras with the individuals of Abhijit Nakshatra. These individuals will be able to understand the logical yet possessive thinking of the Abhijit individuals making them form a bond built on trust and love.

Incompatible Nakshatras

Nakshatras, including the Hasta, Uttara Phalguni, and Chitra Nakshatras, are believed to be not the ideal match for the individuals of the Abhijit Nakshatra. These individuals can be too controlling for the individuals of this nakshatra, which can cause frequent arguments and fights between the two.

Dos And Don’ts During Abhijit Nakshatra

Mentioned below are some dos and don’ts during Abhijit Nakshatra. These are as follows:

  • Engage in spiritual acts, and feel free to explore your spiritual horizons.
  • Starting new ventures can also result in beneficial outcomes for individuals during this time.
  • Abhijit nakshatra is also considered an auspicious nakshatra to engage in important life events. Occasions of marriage, engagements, and other auspicious ceremonies can be held during this time.
  • Abhijit nakshatra timing is considered auspicious; however, one must pay close attention to the muhurat timings.
  • Starting ventures that have risk involved or a high chance of failure is something one must stay away from during this time.
  • Lastly, during this time, one must practice meditation to keep one's mind calm and not engage in any negative argument.

Abhijit Nakshatra Remedies

Being an auspicious nakshatra, there are still ways in which this nakshatra can cause ill effects in your life. Let us have a look at some remedies to protect one from the same. These are as follows:

  • Chanting Gayatri Mantra.
  • Worshipping Lord Vishnu every day.
  • Engage in acts of kindness like charity and donations.

Read About Other Nakshatras:

Frequently Asked Questions

Abhijit's nakshatra rashi is Capricorn. With the ruling planet Mercury, Capricorns are wise, smart, helpful, and deeply interested in spirituality.
Lord Krishna was believed to have been born in Abhijit Muhurta.
The answer to Abhijit Muhurat is good or bad is that it is considered to be the most auspicious nakshatra. It is called the Abhijit muhurta.
Abhijit Nakshatra is known to be the son of the Moon. They may initially seem introverted and would hide that they are working hard.
Mercury is the lord Planet of Abhijit Nakshatra. It brings intelligence, sharp-mindedness, intelligence and honesty to individuals born in this nakshatra.
The most compatible nakshatras for the Abhijit nakshatra are Bharani, Mrigashira, Moola and Ashwini.