About The Harry Potter House Quiz

Watching the wondrous Harry Potter series, we once wondered which Hogwarts house we would be in. Well, to answer this question, we have the Which Harry Potter House Am I quiz. Just answer some questions to know which Hogwarts house is your destiny.

Which Harry Potter House Are You?

Take our FREE quiz to know which Harry Potter House fits you the best!

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How To Play The Which Harry Potter House Are You Quiz?

Knowing your Harry Potter house through this quiz is extremely simple. Follow the steps below to find out which house from Harry Potter are you in.

  • To start the ‘What Is My Hogwarts House’ quiz, click on the Start Now button.
  • You will be presented with a set of questions.
  • In each question, you will have a couple of options. You must choose the option that feels the most.
  • Once you have answered all the questions, the quiz will then present you with the Hogwarts house that fits you the best.

Why Should You Play The Harry Potter House Quiz?

Playing The Harry Potter House Quiz can be an interesting and informative way to know about yourself. Let’s look at some reasons to do so.

  • By playing the Harry Potter House Quiz, you will be able to determine which Harry Potter House suits you the best.
  • By knowing your Hogwarts house, you can understand a lot about your personality based on the choices you make.
  • Knowing your house also lets you know your strong behavioural aspects and, thus, allows you to work on your weaker ones.
  • All in all, it is a fun way to understand more about your personality while connecting with your favourite Harry Potter Character.

About Hogwarts Houses

As we know, there are 4 houses of Harry Potter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each student is placed into one house, which is decided by the magical sorting hat. This hat is placed on the student’s head which analyses their characteristics and personality traits and thus assigns them to a house. Each house represents different qualities and traits, and the students are put in the houses that match their characteristics. Let us learn more about the houses. These 4 houses of Harry Potter are as follows:

  • Gryffindor: The house of braves. Gryffindor symbolises values of bravery, courage and determination. This house in Hogwarts holds individuals with high morale and fearlessness.
  • Slytherin: Often seen in a negative light, the Slytherin house of Hogwarts is known to value ambition, persistence, and greatness. The individuals of this house are said to get what they want.
  • Hufflepuff: The Hufflepuff house in Hogwarts houses people who value loyalty in their lives. These individuals are empathetic and are often seen doing the right thing to benefit not just one but all.
  • Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw house in Hogwarts is also known as the House of the smartest. This house values intellect and cognitive abilities. Along with this, it is also known to house individuals who possess wisdom and wit.

Frequently Asked Questions

The four houses of Hogwarts tend to represent different qualities. These are Ravenclaw - Intelligence, Slytherin - Ambition, Gryffindor - Bravery, and Hufflepuff - Loyalty.
Two houses claim the title of being the most popular. These include Gryffindor and Slytherin House of Hogwarts.
Harry Potter is a part of the Gryffindor house. Along with him, Hermoine and Ron also belong to Gryffindor House.
There are four houses in Hogwarts: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. The colours associated with each house are Red - Gryffindor, Yellow - Hufflepuff, Green - Slytherin, and Blue - Ravenclaw.
The house with less number of members is the Hufflepuff House. This is because the Hufflepuff house is for the pure of intentions and loyalty, which is rare to find.
The smartest house in Hogwarts is considered to be the Ravenclaw House. This house is also called the house of the wise or Intellect.
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