Let Vishnu Sahasramavali Guide You to Peace

Vishnu Sahasranamam is a compilation of 1000 names of Lord Vishnu, the protector and preserver of the universe. These powerful hymns are believed to clear past life karma and help individuals attain moksha in their afterlife.

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1000 Names of Lord Vishnu List

Lord Vishnu only blesses those who chant his name and protects them from all sorts of problems. Recite all the thousand names of Lord Vishnu to receive his blessings and protection:

Sr No.1000 Names Of VishnuMantra in EnglishMeaning in English
1VishvamOm Vishvaya NamahUniverse; Virat-Purusha
2VishnuhOm Vishnave NamahAll-Pervading
3VashatkaarahOm Vashatkaraya NamahInvoked for Oblations
4Bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuhOm Bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhave NamahLord of Past, Present, Future
5Bhoota-kritOm Bhoota-krite NamahCreator of All Creatures
6Bhoota-bhritOm Bhoota-bhrite NamahSustainer of All Creatures
7BhaavahOm Bhavaya NamahBecomes All Things
8Bhoota-atmaaOm Bhoota-atmane NamahSoul of All Beings
9Bhoota-bhaavanahOm Bhoota-bhaavanaya NamahCause of Creation
10PootaatmaaOm Pootaatmane NamahPure Essence
11ParamaatmaaOm Paramaatmane NamahSupreme Soul
12Muktaanaam paramaa gatihOm Muktaanaam paramaa gataye NamahLiberated Souls' Final Goal
13AvyayahOm Avyayaya NamahIndestructible
14PurushahOm Purushaya NamahDweller in the Body
15SaaksheeOm Saaksine NamahWitness
16KshetrajnahOm Kshetrajnaya NamahKnower of the Field
17AksharaOm Aksharaya NamahImperishable
18YogahOm Yogaya NamahRealized Through Yoga
19Yoga-vidaam netaaOm Yoga-vidaam netre NamahGuide of Yogis
20Pradhaana-purusheshvarahOm Pradhaana-purusheshvaraya NamahLord of Pradhana and Purusha
21Naarasimha-vapuhOm Naarasimha-vapushe NamahMan-Lion Form
22ShreemaanOm Shreemate NamahAlways with Shri (Lakshmi)
23KeshavahOm Keshavaya NamahBeautiful-Haired
24PurushottamahOm Purushottamaya NamahSupreme Controller
25SarvahOm Sarvaya NamahEverything
26SharvasOm Sharvaya NamahAuspicious
27ShivahOm Shivaya NamahEternally Pure
28SthaanuhOm Sthaanave NamahImmovable Truth
29BhootaadihOm Bhootaadaye NamahCause of Elements
30Nidhir-avyayahOm Nidhir-avyayaya NamahImperishable Treasure
31SambhavahOm Sambhavaya NamahSelf-Manifested
32BhaavanahOm Bhaavanaya NamahGiver of Everything
33BhartaaOm Bhartre NamahSupporter of the World
34PrabhavahOm Prabhavaya NamahSource of All Elements
35PrabhuhOm Prabhave NamahAlmighty Lord
36EeshvarahOm Eeshvaraya NamahSupreme Controller
37SvayambhoohOm Svayambhoove NamahSelf-Manifested
38ShambhuhOm Shambhave NamahBestower of Happiness
39AadityahOm Aadityaya NamahSon of Aditi
40PushkaraakshahOm Pushkaraakshaya NamahLotus-Eyed
41MahaasvanahOm Mahaasvanaya NamahThundering Voice
42Anaadi-nidhanahOm Anaadi-nidhanaya NamahWithout Beginning or End
43DhaataaOm Dhaatrey NamahSupporter of All
44VidhaataaOm Vidhaatrey NamahDispenser of Fruits of Action
45DhaaturuttamahOm Dhaaturuttamaya NamahSubtlest Atom
46AprameyahOm Aprameyaya NamahBeyond Comprehension
47HrisheekeshahOm Hrisheekeshaya NamahLord of the Senses
48PadmanaabhahOm Padmanaabhaya NamahLotus-Naveled
49AmaraprabhuhOm Amaraprabhave NamahLord of the Devas
50VishvakarmaaOm Vishvakarmane NamahCreator of the Universe
51ManuhOm Manave NamahProgenitor of mankind
52TvashtaaOm Tvashtre NamahCreator of forms
53SthavishtahOm Sthavishtaya NamahImmense
54Sthaviro DhruvahOm Sthaviraaya Dhruvaaya NamahAncient and eternal
55AgraahyahOm Agraahyaya NamahImperceptible
56ShaashvatahOm Shaashvataaya NamahEternal
57KrishnahOm Krishnaya NamahDark-complexioned
58LohitaakshahOm Lohitaakshaaya NamahRed-eyed
59PratardanahOm Pratardanaaya NamahDestroyer
60PrabhootahOm Prabhootaya NamahEver-full
61TrikakubdhaamaOm Trikakubdhaamaaya NamahSupport of three worlds
62PavitramOm Pavitramaya NamahPurifier
63Mangalam ParamOm Mangalaaya Parasmai NamahSupreme auspiciousness
64EeshanahOm Eeshanaaya NamahRuler
65PraanadahOm Praanadaaya NamahGiver of life
66PraanahOm Praanaaya NamahLife force
67JyeshthahOm Jyeshthaaya NamahEldest
68ShreshthahOm Shreshthaaya NamahMost glorious
69PrajaapatihOm Prajaapataye NamahLord of creatures
70HiranyagarbhahOm Hiranyagarbhaaya NamahGolden womb
71BhoogarbhahOm Bhoogarbhaaya NamahWomb of the earth
72MaadhavahOm Maadhavaaya NamahConsort of Lakshmi
73MadhusoodanahOm Madhusoodanaaya NamahSlayer of Madhu
74EeshvarahOm Eeshvaraaya NamahSupreme controller
75VikrameeOm Vikramine NamahCourageous
76DhanveeOm Dhanvine NamahArmed with bow
77MedhaaveeOm Medhaavine NamahWise
78VikramahOm Vikramaaya NamahValor
79KramahOm Kramaaya NamahAll-pervading
80AnuttamahOm Anuttamaaya NamahIncomparably great
81DuraadharshahOm Duraadharshaaya NamahUnassailable
82KritajnahOm Kritajnaaya NamahKnower of all
83KritihOm Kritaye NamahRewarder of actions
84AatmavaanOm Aatmavate NamahSelf-existent
85SureshahOm Sureshaaya NamahLord of gods
86SharanamOm Sharanaaya NamahRefuge
87SharmaOm Sharmaaya NamahBliss
88VishvaretaahOm Vishvaretaaya NamahSeed of the universe
89PrajaabhavahOm Prajaabhavaaya NamahSource of all beings
90AhahOm Ahaaya NamahDay; time
91SamvatsarahOm Samvatsaraaya NamahYear; time
92VyaalahOm Vyaalaaya NamahSerpent; formidable
93PratyayahOm Pratyayaaya NamahFaith; knowledge
94SarvadarshanahOm Sarvadarshanaaya NamahAll-seeing
95AjahOm Ajaaya NamahUnborn
96SarveshvarahOm Sarveshvaraaya NamahLord of all
97SiddhahOm Siddhaaya NamahPerfected one
98SiddhihOm Siddhaye NamahAchievement; success
99SarvaadihOm Sarvaadaye NamahBeginning of all
100AchyutahOm Achyutaaya NamahInfallible
101VrishaakapihOm Vrishaakapaye NamahUplifter of Dharma
102AmeyaatmaaOm Ameyaatmane NamahOf immeasurable nature
103Sarva-yoga-vinissritahOm Sarva-yoga-vinissritaya NamahFree from all attachments
104VasuhOm Vasave NamahSupporter of all elements
105VasumanaahOm Vasumanaaya NamahPure-minded
106SatyahOm Satyaya NamahTruth
107SamaatmaaOm Samaatmane NamahEqual-minded
108SammitahOm Sammitaya NamahAccepted by authorities
109SamahOm Samaya NamahEqual
110AmoghahOm Amoghaya NamahEver useful
111PundareekaakshahOm Pundareekaakshaya NamahLotus-eyed
112VrishakarmaaOm Vrishakarmane NamahRighteous in action
113VrishaakritihOm Vrishaakritaye NamahEmbodiment of Dharma
114RudrahOm Rudraya NamahRemover of sorrows
115Bahu-shiraahOm Bahu-shiraaya NamahMany-headed
116BabhrurOm Babhrave NamahProtector
117VishvayonihOm Vishvayonaye NamahSource of the universe
118Shuchi-shravaahOm Shuchi-shravaaya NamahPure-sounding
119AmritahOm Amritaya NamahImmortal
120Shaashvatah-sthaanurOm Shaashvatah-sthaanave NamahEternal and firm
121VaraarohoOm Varaarohaaya NamahSupreme destination
122MahaatapaahOm Mahaatapase NamahGreat penance
123SarvagahOm Sarvagaaya NamahAll-pervading
124Sarvavid-bhaanuhOm Sarvavid-bhaanave NamahAll-knowing and effulgent
125VishvaksenahOm Vishvaksenaya NamahConqueror of all armies
126JanaardanahOm Janaardanaaya NamahBenefactor of people
127VedahOm Vedaya NamahThe Vedas
128VedavidOm Vedavide NamahKnower of the Vedas
129AvyangahOm Avyangaya NamahWithout imperfections
130VedaangahOm Vedaangaya NamahLimbs of the Vedas
131VedavitOm Vedavite NamahContemplator of the Vedas
132KavihOm Kave NamahSeer
133LokaadhyakshahOm Lokaadhyakshaya NamahOverseer of the worlds
134SuraadhyakshoOm Suraadhyakshaya NamahLord of the gods
135DharmaadhyakshahOm Dharmaadhyakshaya NamahOverseer of Dharma
136Krita-akritahOm Krita-akritaya NamahCreator and non-creator
137ChaturaatmaaOm Chaturaatmane NamahFourfold self
138ChaturvyoohahOm Chaturvyoohaya NamahFourfold manifestation
139ChaturdamstrahOm Chaturdamstraaya NamahFour-tusked
140ChaturbhujahOm Chaturbhujaya NamahFour-armed
141BhraajishnurOm Bhraajishnave NamahSelf-effulgent
142BhojanamOm Bhojanaya NamahSustenance
143BhoktaaOm Bhoktre NamahEnjoyer
144SahishnuhOm Sahishnave NamahPatient
145JagadaadijahOm Jagadaadijaya NamahBorn of the universe
146AnaghahOm Anaghaya NamahSinless
147VijayahOm Vijayaaya NamahVictorious
148JetaaOm Jetre NamahEver-successful
149VishvayonihOm Vishvayonaye NamahSource of the universe
150PunarvasuhOm Punarvasave NamahEver-dwelling
151UpendrahOm Upendraaya NamahYounger brother of Indra
152VaamanahOm Vaamanaaya NamahDwarf form
153PraamshuhOm Praamshave NamahTall
154AmoghahOm Amoghaya NamahEver useful
155ShuchihOm Shuchaye NamahPure
156OorjitahOm Oorjitaya NamahVigorous
157AteendrahOm Ateendraaya NamahBeyond Indra
158SamgrahahOm Samgrahaya NamahAll-embracing
159SargahOm Sargaya NamahCreator
160DhritaatmaaOm Dhritaatmane NamahSelf-sustained
161NiyamoOm Niyamaya NamahThe appointing authority
162YamahOm Yamaya NamahThe administrator
163VedyahOm Vedyaya NamahThat which is to be known
164VaidyahOm Vaidyaya NamahThe Supreme doctor
165Sadaa-yogeeOm Sadaa-yogine NamahAlways in yoga
166VeerahaaOm Veerahaaya NamahDestroyer of heroes
167MaadhavoOm Maadhavaya NamahLord of all knowledge
168MadhuhOm Madhuve NamahSweet
169AteendriyoOm Ateendriyaya NamahBeyond the senses
170MahaamayoOm Mahaamayaya NamahMaster of all Maya
171MahotsaahoOm Mahotsaahaya NamahGreat enthusiast
172MahaabalahOm Mahaabalaaya NamahSupremely strong
173MahaabuddhirOm Mahaabuddhaye NamahSupremely intelligent
174Mahaa-veeryahOm Mahaa-veeryaya NamahSupreme essence
175Mahaa-shaktihOm Mahaa-shaktaye NamahAll-powerful
176Mahaa-dyutihOm Mahaa-dyutaye NamahGreatly luminous
177Anirdeshya-vapuhOm Anirdeshya-vapushe NamahIndescribable form
178ShreemaanOm Shreemate NamahAlways with glories
179AmeyaatmaaOm Ameyaatmane NamahImmeasurable essence
180Mahaadri-dhrikOm Mahaadri-dhrige NamahSupporter of great mountain
181MaheshvaasahOm Maheshvaasaya NamahWielder of Shaarnga
182MaheebhartaaOm Maheebhartre NamahHusband of Earth
183ShreenivaasahOm Shreenivaasaya NamahAbode of Lakshmi
184Sataam gatihOm Sataam gataye NamahGoal for virtuous people
185AniruddhahOm Aniruddhaya NamahUnobstructed
186SuraanandoOm Suraanandaya NamahGiver of happiness
187GovindahOm Govindaaya NamahProtector of cows
188Govidaam-patihOm Govidaam-pataye NamahLord of the wise
189MareechihOm Mareechaye NamahEffulgence
190DamanahOm Damanaaya NamahController of demons
191HamsahOm Hamsaya NamahThe swan
192SuparnahOm Suparnaaya NamahBeautiful-winged
193BhujagottamahOm Bhujagottamaya NamahThe serpent Ananta
194HiranyanaabhahOm Hiranyanaabhaya NamahGolden-naveled
195SutapaahOm Sutapaaya NamahGlorious tapas
196PadmanaabhahOm Padmanaabhaya NamahLotus-naveled
197PrajaapatihOm Prajaapataye NamahSource of all creatures
198AmrityuhOm Amrityave NamahImmortal
199Sarva-drikOm Sarva-drishe NamahSeer of everything
200SimhahOm Simhaaya NamahDestroyer
201SandhaataaOm Sandhaatree NamahRegulator
202SandhimaanOm Sandhimane NamahConditioned
203SthirahOm Sthiraya NamahSteady
204AjahOm Ajaaya NamahUnborn
205DurmarshanahOm Durmarshanaaya NamahInvincible
206ShaastaaOm Shaastre NamahRuler of the universe
207VisrutaatmaaOm Visrutaatmane NamahKnown as Atma in Vedas
208SuraarihaaOm Suraarihaaya NamahDestroyer of Deva's enemies
209GuruhOm Gurave NamahTeacher
210GurutamahOm Gurutamaya NamahGreatest teacher
211DhaamaOm Dhaamne NamahThe goal
212SatyahOm Satyaya NamahTruth
213Satya-paraakramahOm Satya-paraakramaya NamahDynamic truth
214NimishahOm Nimishaya NamahClosed-eyed
215AnimishahOm Animishaya NamahEver-knowing
216SragveeOm Sragvine NamahGarlanded
217Vaachaspatir-udaara-dheehOm Vaachaspataye Udaara-dheeye NamahEloquent lord
218AgraneehOm Agraneeh NamahGuide
219GraamaneehOm Graamaneeh NamahLeader
220ShreemaanOm Shreemate NamahGlorious
221NyaayahOm Nyaayaaya NamahJustice
222NetaaOm Netre NamahLeader
223SameeranahOm Sameeranaya NamahAdministrator
224Sahasra-moordhaaOm Sahasra-moordhne NamahThousand-headed
225VishvaatmaaOm Vishvaatmane NamahUniversal soul
226SahasraakshahOm Sahasraakshaya NamahThousand-eyed
227SahasrapaatOm Sahasrapade NamahThousand-footed
228AavartanahOm Aavartanaya NamahDynamic
229NivritaatmaaOm Nivritaatmane NamahWithdrawn soul
230SamvritahOm Samvritaya NamahVeiled
231Sam-pramardanahOm Sam-pramardanaya NamahPersecutor
232AhassamvartakahOm Ahassamvartakaya NamahDay-energizer
233VahnihOm Vahnaye NamahFire
234AnilahOm Anilaya NamahAir
235DharaneedharahOm Dharaneedharaya NamahEarth-supporter
236SuprasaadahOm Suprasaadaya NamahFully satisfied
237PrasanaatmaaOm Prasanaatmane NamahBlissful self
238Vishva-dhrikOm Vishva-dhrishe NamahWorld supporter
239VishvabhukOm Vishvabhujaya NamahWorld enjoyer
240VibhuhOm Vibhave NamahAll-pervading
241SatkartaaOm Satkartre NamahAdorer of good
242SatkritahOm Satkritaya NamahAdored by good
243SaadhurOm Saadhave NamahRighteous
244JahnuhOm Jahnave NamahLeader
245NaaraayanahOm Naaraayanaaya NamahResides in waters
246NarahOm Naraya NamahGuide
247AsankhyeyahOm Asankhyeyaya NamahNumberless
248AprameyaatmaaOm Aprameyaatmane NamahUnknowable soul
249VishishtahOm Vishishtaya NamahTranscendent
250Shishta-kritOm Shishta-krite NamahLaw-maker
251ShuchihOm Shuchaye NamahPure
252SiddhaarthahOm Siddhaarthaya NamahPossessor of all
253SiddhasankalpahOm Siddhasankalpaaya NamahWish-fulfiller
254SiddhidahOm Siddhidaaya NamahGiver of boons
255SiddhisaadhanahOm Siddhisaadhanaya NamahPower behind sadhana
256VrishaaheeOm Vrishaahe NamahController of actions
257VrishabhahOm Vrishabhaya NamahShowerer of dharma
258VishnuhOm Vishnave NamahAll-pervading
259VrishaparvaaOm Vrishaparvaaya NamahLadder to dharma
260VrishodarahOm Vrishodaraaya NamahSource of life
261VardhanahOm Vardhanaya NamahThe nurturer and nourisher
262VardhamaanahOm Vardhamaanaya NamahHe who can grow into any dimension
263ViviktahOm Viviktaya NamahSeparate
264Shruti-saagarahOm Shruti-saagaraya NamahThe ocean for all scripture
265SubhujahOm Subhujaya NamahHe who has graceful arms
266DurdurdharahOm Durdurdharaya NamahHe who cannot be known by great yogis
267VaagmeeOm Vaagmine NamahHe who is eloquent in speech
268MahendrahOm Mahendraya NamahThe lord of Indra
269VasudahOm Vasudaya NamahHe who gives all wealth
270VasuhOm Vasave NamahHe who is Wealth
271Naika-roopoOm Naika-roopaya NamahHe who has unlimited forms
272Brihad-roopahOm Brihad-roopaya NamahVast, of infinite dimensions
273ShipivishtahOm Shipivishtaya NamahThe presiding deity of the sun
274PrakaashanahOm Prakaashanaya NamahHe who illuminates
275Ojas-tejo-dyutidharahOm Ojas-tejo-dyutidharaya NamahThe possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
276PrakaashaatmaaOm Prakaashaatmane NamahThe effulgent self
277PrataapanahOm Prataapanaya NamahThermal energy; one who heats
278RiddhahOm Riddhaya NamahFull of prosperity
279SpashtaaksharoOm Spashtaaksharaya NamahOne who is indicated by OM
280MantrahOm Mantraya NamahThe nature of the Vedic mantras
281ChandraamshuhOm Chandraamshave NamahThe rays of the moon
282Bhaaskara-dyutihOm Bhaaskara-dyutaye NamahThe effulgence of the sun
283AmritaamsoodbhavoOm Amritaamsoodbhavaya NamahThe moon who gives flavor to vegetables
284BhaanuhOm Bhaanave NamahSelf-effulgent
285ShashabindhuhOm Shashabindhave NamahThe moon who has a rabbit-like spot
286SureshvarahOm Sureshvaraya NamahA person of extreme charity
287AushadhamOm Aushadhaya NamahMedicine
288Jagatas-setuhOm Jagatas-setave NamahA bridge across the material energy
289Satya-dharma-paraakramahOm Satya-dharma-paraakramaya NamahOne who champions heroically for truth and righteousness
290Bhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathahOm Bhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathaya NamahThe Lord of past, present and future
291PavanahOm Pavanaya NamahThe air that fills the universe
292PaavanahOm Paavanaya NamahHe who gives life-sustaining power to air
293AnalahOm Analaya NamahFire
294KaamahaaOm Kaamahaaya NamahHe who destroys all desires
295KaamakritOm Kaamakrite NamahHe who fulfills all desires
296KaantahOm Kaantaya NamahHe who is of enchanting form
297KaamahOm Kaamaya NamahThe beloved
298KaamapradahOm Kaamapradaaya NamahHe who supplies desired objects
299PrabhuhOm Prabhave NamahThe Lord
300Yugaadi-kritOm Yugaadi-krite NamahThe creator of the yugas
301YugaavartahOm Yugaavartaya NamahThe law behind time
302NaikamaayahOm Naikamaayaya NamahHe whose forms are endless and varied
303MahaashanahOm Mahaashanaaya NamahHe who eats up everything
304AdrishyahOm Adrishyaya NamahImperceptible
305VyaktaroopahOm Vyaktaroopaya NamahHe who is perceptible to the yogi
306SahasrajitOm Sahasrajite NamahHe who vanquishes thousands
307AnantajitOm Anantajite NamahEver-victorious
308IshtahOm Ishtaya NamahHe who is invoked through Vedic rituals
309VisishtahOm Visishtaya NamahThe noblest and most sacred
310SishteshtahOm Sishteshtaya NamahThe greatest beloved
311ShikhandeeOm Shikhandine NamahHe who wears a peacock feather
312NahushahOm Nahushaya NamahHe who binds all with maya
313VrishahOm Vrishaya NamahHe who is dharma
314KrodhahaaOm Krodhahaaya NamahHe who destroys anger
315Krodhakrit-kartaaOm KrodhakritHe who generates anger against the lower tendency
316VisvabaahuhOm Visvabaahave NamahHe whose hand is in everything
317MaheedharahOm Maheedharaaya NamahThe support of the earth
318AchyutahOm Achyutaaya NamahHe who undergoes no changes
319PrathitahOm Prathitaaya NamahHe who exists pervading all
320PraanahOm Praanaaya NamahThe prana in all living creatures
321PraanadahOm Praanadaaya NamahHe who gives prana
322VaasavaanujahOm Vaasavaanujaaya NamahThe brother of Indra
323Apaam-nidhihOm Apaam-nidhaye NamahTreasure of waters (the ocean)
324AdhishthaanamOm Adhishthaanaaya NamahThe substratum of the entire universe
325ApramattahOm Apramattaaya NamahHe who never makes a wrong judgement
326PratishthitahOm Pratishthitaaya NamahHe who has no cause
327SkandahOm Skandaaya NamahHe whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya
328Skanda-dharahOm Skanda-dharaaya NamahUpholder of withering righteousness
329DhuryahOm Dhuryaaya NamahWho carries out creation etc without hitch
330VaradahOm Varadaaya NamahHe who fulfills boons
331VaayuvaahanahOm Vaayuvaahanaaya NamahController of winds
332VaasudevahOm Vaasudevaaya NamahDwelling in all creatures although not affected by that condition
333Brihat-bhaanuhOm Brihat-bhaanuve NamahHe who illumines the world with the rays of the sun and moon
334AadidevahOm Aadidevaaya NamahThe primary source of everything
335PurandarahOm Purandaraaya NamahDestroyer of cities
336AshokahOm Ashokaaya NamahHe who has no sorrow
337TaaranahOm Taaranaaya NamahHe who enables others to cross
338TaarahOm Taaraaya NamahHe who saves
339ShoorahOm Shooraaya NamahThe valiant
340ShaurihOm Shauraye NamahHe who incarnated in the dynasty of Shoora
341JaneshvarahOm Janeshvaraaya NamahThe Lord of the people
342AnukoolahOm Anukoolaaya NamahWell-wisher of everyone
343SataavarttahOm Sataavarttaaya NamahHe who takes infinite forms
344PadmeeOm Padmine NamahHe who holds a lotus
345PadmanibhekshanahOm Padmanibhekshanaaya NamahLotus-eyed
346PadmanaabhahOm Padmanaabhaaya NamahHe who has a lotus-navel
347AravindaakshahOm Aravindaakshaaya NamahHe who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus
348PadmagarbhahOm Padmagarbhaaya NamahHe who is being meditated upon in the lotus of the heart
349ShareerabhritOm Shareerabhrite NamahHe who sustains all bodies
350MaharddhiOm Maharddhaye NamahOne who has great prosperity
351RiddhahOm Riddhaaya NamahHe who has expanded Himself as the universe
352VriddhaatmaaOm Vriddhaatmaane NamahThe ancient self
353MahaakshahOm Mahaakshaaya NamahThe great-eyed
354GarudadhvajahOm Garudadhvajaaya NamahOne who has Garuda on His flag
355AtulahOm Atulaaya NamahIncomparable
356SharabhahOm Sharabhaaya NamahOne who dwells and shines forth through the bodies
357BheemahOm Bheemaaya NamahThe terrible
358SamayajnahOm Samayajnaaya NamahOne whose worship is nothing more than keeping an equal vision of the mind by the devotee
359HavirharihOm Havirharaye NamahThe receiver of all oblation
360Sarva-lakshana-lakshanyahOm Sarva-lakshana-lakshanyaaya NamahKnown through all proofs
361LakshmeevaanOm Lakshmeevaanaya NamahConsort of Lakshmi
362SamitinjayahOm Samitinjayaya NamahEver-victorious
363ViksharahOm Viksharaya NamahImperishable
364RohitahOm Rohitaya NamahFish incarnation
365MaargahOm Maargaya NamahThe path
366HetuhOm Hetave NamahThe cause
367DaamodarahOm Daamodaraya NamahOne with rope-bound belly
368SahahOm Sahaya NamahAll-enduring
369MaheedharahOm Maheedharaya NamahBearer of the earth
370MahaabhaagoOm Mahaabhaagaya NamahGreatest share receiver
371VegavaanOm Vegavanaaya NamahSwift
372AmitaashanahOm Amitaashanaya NamahEndless appetite
373UdbhavahOm Udbhavaya NamahOriginator
374KshobhanahOm Kshobhanaya NamahAgitator
375DevahOm Devaaya NamahHe who revels
376ShreegarbhahOm Shreegarbhaaya NamahContaining all glories
377ParameshvarahOm Parameshvaraaya NamahSupreme Lord
378KaranamOm Karanaya NamahThe instrument
379KaaranamOm Kaaranaya NamahThe cause
380KartaaOm Kartre NamahThe doer
381VikartaaOm Vikartre NamahCreator of varieties
382GahanahOm Gahanaaya NamahThe unknowable
383GuhahOm Guhaaya NamahDwells in the heart's cave
384VyavasaayahOm Vyavasaayaaya NamahResolute
385VyavasthaanahOm Vyavasthaanaaya NamahThe substratum
386SamsthaanahOm Samsthaanaaya NamahUltimate authority
387SthaanadahOm Sthaanadaaya NamahConfers right abode
388DhruvahOm Dhruvaaya NamahThe changeless
389PararddhihOm Pararddhaye NamahSupreme manifestations
390ParamaspashtahOm Paramaspashtaaya NamahExtremely vivid
391TushtahOm Tushtaaya NamahContented
392PushtahOm Pushtaaya NamahEver-full
393ShubhekshanahOm Shubhekshanaaya NamahAll-auspicious gaze
394RaamahOm Raamaaya NamahMost handsome
395ViraamahOm Viraamaaya NamahAbode of perfect rest
396VirajoOm Virajaaya NamahPassionless
397MaargahOm Maargaya NamahThe path
398NeyahOm Neyaaya NamahThe guide
399NayahOm Nayaaya NamahOne who leads
400AnayahOm Anayaaya NamahWithout leader
401VeerahOm Veeraaya NamahThe valiant
402Shaktimataam-shresthahOm Shaktimataam-shresthaaya NamahBest among powerful
403DharmahOm Dharmaaya NamahThe law of being
404DharmaviduttamahOm Dharmaviduttamaaya NamahHighest among realized
405VaikunthahOm Vaikunthaaya NamahPrevents wrong paths
406PurushahOm Purushaaya NamahDwells in all bodies
407PraanahOm Praanaaya NamahLife
408PraanadahOm Praanadaaya NamahGiver of life
409PranavahOm Pranavaaya NamahPraised by the gods
410PrituhOm Pritave NamahThe expanded
411HiranyagarbhahOm Hiranyagarbhaya NamahThe creator
412ShatrughnahOm Shatrughnaya NamahDestroyer of enemies
413VyaptahOm Vyaptaya NamahThe pervader
414VayuhOm Vayave NamahThe air
415AdhokshajahOm Adhokshajaya NamahBeyond sensory perception
416RituhOm Ritave NamahThe seasons
417SudarshanahOm Sudarshanaya NamahAuspicious vision
418KalahOm Kalaya NamahTime
419ParameshthiOm Parameshtine NamahSupreme dweller
420ParigrahahOm Parigrahaya NamahThe receiver
421UgrahOm Ugraya NamahThe fierce
422SamvatsarahOm Samvatsaraya NamahThe year
423DakshahOm Dakshaya NamahThe skillful
424VishramahOm Vishramaya NamahThe resting place
425VishvadakshinahOm Vishvadakshinaya NamahSkillful in all
426VistaarahOm Vistaraya NamahThe extension
427Sthavarah-SthaanuhOm Sthavaraya Sthaanave NamahFirm and immovable
428PramaanamOm Pramaanaya NamahThe proof
429BeejamavyayamOm Beejamavyayaya NamahImmutable seed
430ArthahOm Arthaya NamahThe goal
431AnarthahOm Anarthaya NamahWithout needs
432MahaakoshahOm Mahaakoshaya NamahGreat treasury
433MahaabhogahOm Mahaabhogaya NamahGreat enjoyer
434MahaadhanahOm Mahaadhanaya NamahSupremely rich
435AnirvinnahOm Anirvinnaya NamahWithout despondency
436SthavisthahOm Sthavisthaya NamahImmense
437A-BhoohOm A-Bhooh NamahUnborn
438Dharma-YoopahOm Dharma-Yoopaya NamahPillar of dharma
439Mahaa-MakhahOm Mahaa-Makhaya NamahThe great sacrificer
440Nakshatra-NemirOm Nakshatra-Nemaye NamahNave of the stars
441NakshatreeOm Nakshatrine NamahLord of the stars
442KshamahOm Kshamaya NamahThe efficient
443KshaamahOm Kshaamaya NamahEver content
444SameehanahOm Sameehanaya NamahAuspicious desires
445YajnahOm Yajnaya NamahThe sacrifice
446IjyahOm Ijyaya NamahWorthy of worship
447MahejyahOm Mahejyaya NamahMost worshipped
448KratuhOm Kratave NamahThe ritual
449SatramOm Satramaya NamahProtector of the good
450Sataam-GatihOm Sataam-Gataye NamahRefuge of the good
451SarvadarsheeOm Sarvadarsheeye NamahAll-seeing
452VimuktaatmaaOm Vimuktaatmne NamahEver-liberated self
453SarvajnoOm Sarvajnaaya NamahOmniscient
454JnaanamuttamamOm Jnaanamuttamaya NamahSupreme knowledge
455SuvratahOm Suvrataya NamahOf good vows
456SumukhahOm Sumukhaya NamahPleasant-faced
457SookshmahOm Sookshmaya NamahThe subtlest
458SughoshahOm Sughoshaya NamahOf auspicious sound
459SukhadahOm Sukhadaaya NamahGiver of happiness
460SuhritOm Suhrite NamahFriend of all
461ManoharahOm Manoharaya NamahMind-stealer
462Jita-krodhahOm Jita-krodhaya NamahConqueror of anger
463VeerabaahurOm Veerabaahave NamahMighty-armed
464VidaaranahOm Vidaaranaya NamahOne who splits asunder
465SvaapanahOm Svaapanaya NamahInducer of sleep
466SvavashahOm Svavashaya NamahSelf-controlled
467VyaapeeOm Vyaapeeye NamahAll-pervading
468NaikaatmaaOm Naikaatmaaya NamahMany-souled
469NaikakarmakritOm Naikakarmakrite NamahDoer of many actions
470VatsarahOm Vatsaraya NamahAbode
471VatsalahOm Vatsalaya NamahAffectionate
472VatseeOm Vatseeye NamahFather
473RatnagarbhahOm Ratnagarbhaya NamahJewel-wombed
474DhaneshvarahOm Dhaneshvaraaya NamahLord of wealth
475DharmagubOm Dharmagubhe NamahProtector of dharma
476DharmakritOm Dharmakrite NamahDoer of dharma
477DharmeeOm Dharmeeye NamahSupporter of dharma
478SatOm Sataya NamahExistence
479AsatOm Asataya NamahNon-existence
480KsharamOm Ksharaya NamahPerishable
481AksharamOm Aksharaya NamahImperishable
482AvijnaataaOm Avijnaataaya NamahNon-knower
483SahasraamshurOm Sahasraamshave NamahThousand-rayed
484VidhaataaOm Vidhaatree NamahAll-supporter
485KritalakshanahOm Kritalakshanaya NamahFamous for qualities
486GabhastinemihOm Gabhastinemaye NamahHub of universal wheel
487SattvasthahOm Sattvasthaaya NamahSituated in sattva
488SimhahOm Simhaya NamahLion
489Bhoota-maheshvarahOm Bhoota-maheshvaraaya NamahGreat lord of beings
490AadidevahOm Aadidevaaya NamahFirst deity
491MahaadevahOm Mahaadevaaya NamahGreat deity
492DeveshahOm Deveshaya NamahLord of devas
493Devabhrit-guruhOm Devabhrit-gurave NamahAdvisor of Indra
494UttarahOm Uttaraaya NamahLifts from samsara
495GopatihOm Gopataye NamahShepherd
496GoptaaOm Goptaaya NamahProtector
497JnaanagamyahOm Jnaanagamyaya NamahKnown through knowledge
498PuraatanahOm Puraatanaaya NamahAncient
499Shareera-bhootabhritOm Shareera-bhootabhrite NamahNourisher of nature
500BhoktaaOm Bhoktaaya NamahEnjoyer
501KapeendrahOm Kapeendraaya NamahLord of monkeys
502BhooridakshinahOm Bhooridakshinaaya NamahGenerous giver
503SomapahOm Somapaaya NamahDrinker of Soma
504AmritapahOm Amritapaaya NamahDrinker of nectar
505SomahOm Somaaya NamahMoon
506PurujitOm Purujite NamahConqueror of many
507PurusattamahOm Purusattamaaya NamahGreatest of the great
508VinayahOm Vinayaaya NamahHumiliator of unrighteous
509JayahOm Jayaaya NamahVictorious
510SatyasandhahOm Satyasandhaaya NamahTruthful in resolve
511DaashaarhahOm Daashaarhaya NamahBorn in the Dasarha race
512Saatvataam-patihOm Saatvataam-pataye NamahLord of the Satvatas
513JeevahOm Jeevaya NamahThe living being
514Vinayitaa-saaksheeOm Vinayitaa-saaksine NamahWitness of humility
515MukundahOm Mukundaya NamahGiver of liberation
516AmitavikramahOm Amitavikramaya NamahOf immeasurable prowess
517Ambho-nidhirOm Ambho-nidhaye NamahOcean, repository of waters
518AnantaatmaaOm Anantaatmane NamahInfinite self
519MahodadhishayahOm Mahodadhishayaya NamahRests on the great ocean
520AntakahOm Antakaya NamahThe ender, death
521AjahOm Ajaaya NamahUnborn
522MahaarhahOm Mahaarhaya NamahDeserving highest worship
523SvaabhaavyahOm Svaabhaavyaya NamahOf inherent nature
524JitaamitrahOm Jitaamitraya NamahConqueror of enemies
525PramodanahOm Pramodanaya NamahEver joyful
526AanandahOm Aanandaya NamahBliss
527NandanahOm Nandanaya NamahDelightful
528NandahOm Nandaya NamahFree from worldly pleasures
529SatyadharmaaOm Satyadharmaaya NamahTrue to his dharma
530TrivikramahOm Trivikramaaya NamahConqueror of three worlds
531Maharshih KapilaachaaryahOm Maharshaye Kapilaachaaryaya NamahGreat sage Kapila
532KritajnahOm Kritajnaaya NamahKnower of creation
533MedineepatihOm Medineepataye NamahLord of the earth
534TripadahOm Tripadaaya NamahThree-stepped
535TridashaadhyakshoOm Tridashaadhyakshaya NamahLord of three states
536MahaashringahOm Mahaashringaya NamahGreat-horned
537KritaantakritOm Kritaantakrite NamahDestroyer of creation
538MahaavaraahoOm Mahaavaraahaya NamahGreat boar
539GovindahOm Govindaaya NamahProtector of cows
540SushenahOm Sushenaya NamahHaving a charming army
541KanakaangadeeOm Kanakaangadaya NamahWearing golden armlets
542GuhyoOm Guhyaya NamahMysterious
543GabheerahOm Gabheeraya NamahUnfathomable
544GahanoOm Gahanaaya NamahImpenetrable
545GuptahOm Guptaya NamahWell-concealed
546Chakra-gadaadharahOm Chakra-gadaadharaaya NamahBearer of discus and mace
547VedhaahOm Vedhaaya NamahCreator of the universe
548SvaangahOm Svaangaya NamahOne with well-proportioned limbs
549AjitahOm Ajitaya NamahUnconquered
550KrishnahOm Krishnaya NamahDark-complexioned
551DridhahOm Dridhaya NamahFirm
552SankarshanochyutahOm Sankarshanochyutaaya NamahAbsorber of creation
553VarunahOm Varunaaya NamahLord of waters
554VaarunahOm Vaarunaaya NamahSon of Varuna
555VrikshahOm Vrikshaaya NamahThe tree
556PushkaraakshahOm Pushkaraakshaaya NamahLotus-eyed
557MahaamanaahOm Mahaamanaaya NamahGreat-minded
558BhagavaanOm Bhagavate NamahPossessor of six opulences
559BhagahaaOm Bhagahaaya NamahDestroyer of wealth
560AanandeeOm Aanandine NamahGiver of delight
561VanamālīOm Vanamālīye NamahWearer of forest garlands
562HalāyudhahOm Halāyudhāya NamahWielder of the plough
563ĀdityahOm Ādityāya NamahSon of Aditi
564Jyotir-ādityahOm Jyotir-ādityāya NamahResplendent like the sun
565SahishnuhOm Sahishnave NamahEnduring
566Gati-sattamahOm Gati-sattamāya NamahSupreme refuge
567SudhanvāOm Sudhanvāya NamahWielder of the bow Śārnga
568Khanda-parashurOm Khanda-parashave NamahWielder of the axe
569DārunahOm Dārunāya NamahMerciless towards the wicked
570Draviṇa-pradahOm Draviṇa-pradāya NamahBestower of wealth
571Divah-sprikOm Divah-sprike NamahSky-reaching
572Sarva-drik-vyāsahOm Sarva-drik-vyāsāya NamahAll-seeing and expansive
573Vāchaspati-ayonijahOm Vāchaspati-ayonijāya NamahMaster of speech, unborn
574TrisāmāOm Trisāmāya NamahEmbodiment of the three Sāmas
575SāmagahOm Sāmagāya NamahSinger of the Sāma Veda
576SāmaOm Sāmāya NamahThe Sāma Veda
577NirvāṇamOm Nirvāṇāya NamahLiberation
578BheshajamOm Bheshajāya NamahMedicine
579BhishakOm Bhishakāya NamahPhysician
580Sannyāsa-kritOm Sannyāsa-krite NamahInstitutor of sannyāsa
581SamahOm Samāya NamahEqual
582ShāntahOm Shāntāya NamahPeaceful
583NishthāOm Nishthāya NamahAbode
584ShāntihOm Shāntaye NamahPeace
585ParāyanamOm Parāyanāya NamahSupreme goal
586ShubhāngahOm Shubhāngāya NamahAuspicious-limbed
587Shānti-dahOm Shānti-dāya NamahGiver of peace
588ShrashtāOm Shrashtre NamahCreator
589KumudahOm Kumudāya NamahDelighter in the earth
590KuvaleshayahOm Kuvaleshayāya NamahReclining in the waters
591GohitahOm Gohitāya NamahWell-wisher of cows
592GopatihOm Gopataye NamahLord of the earth
593GoptāOm Goptre NamahProtector
594VrishabhākshahOm Vrishabhākshāya NamahRighteous-eyed
595Vrisha-priyahOm Vrisha-priyāya NamahLover of righteousness
596AnivartīOm Anivartine NamahNon-retreating
597NivrittātmāOm Nivrittātmane NamahSelf-restrained
598SamksheptāOm Samksheptre NamahCondenser
599Kshema-kritOm Kshema-krite NamahDoer of good
600ShivahOm Shivāya NamahAuspicious
601Shrīvatsa-vakshāhOm Shrīvatsa-vakshāya NamahBearer of Shrīvatsa mark
602ShrīvāsahOm Shrīvāsāya NamahAbode of Lakshmi
603ShrīpatihOm Shrīpataye NamahConsort of Lakshmi
604Shrīmatām-varahOm Shrīmatām-varāya NamahBest among the glorious
605ShrīdahOm Shrīdāya NamahGiver of wealth
606ShrīshahOm Shrīshāya NamahLord of wealth
607ShrīnivāsahOm Shrīnivāsāya NamahAbode of fortune
608ShrīnidhihOm Shrīnidhaye NamahTreasure of Lakshmi
609Shrī-vibhāvanahOm Shrī-vibhāvanāya NamahDistributor of wealth
610ShrīdharahOm Shrīdharāya NamahBearer of fortune
611ShreekarahOm Shreekaraya NamahGiver of prosperity
612ShreyahOm Shreyase NamahLiberation
613ShreemaanOm Shreemate NamahPossessor of wealth
614Loka-trayaashrayahOm Loka-trayaashrayaya NamahShelter of three worlds
615SvakshahOm Svakshaya NamahBeautiful-eyed
616SvangahOm Svangaya NamahBeautiful-limbed
617ShataanandahOm Shataanandaya NamahOf infinite joys
618NandihOm Nandaye NamahInfinite bliss
619Jyotir-ganeshvarahOm Jyotir-ganeshvaraya NamahLord of luminaries
620VijitaatmaaOm Vijitaatmne NamahConqueror of senses
621VidheyaatmaaOm Vidheyaatmne NamahObedient soul
622Sat-keertihOm Sat-keertaye NamahOf pure fame
623ChinnasamshayahOm Chinnasamshayaya NamahDoubtless
624UdeernahOm Udeernaya NamahThe transcendent
625Sarvatah-chakshuhOm Sarvatah-chakshushe NamahAll-seeing
626AneeshahOm Aneeshaya NamahWithout a lord
627Shaashvata-sthirahOm Shaashvata-sthiraya NamahEternal and stable
628BhooshayahOm Bhooshayaya NamahRested on ocean shore
629BhooshanahOm Bhooshanaya NamahAdorner of the world
630BhootihOm Bhootaye NamahPure existence
631VishokahOm Vishokaya NamahSorrowless
632Shoka-naashanahOm Shoka-naashanaya NamahDestroyer of sorrows
633ArchishmaanOm Archishmane NamahThe effulgent
634ArchitahOm Architaya NamahWorshipped
635KumbhahOm Kumbhaya NamahThe pot
636VishuddhaatmaaOm Vishuddhaatmne NamahPurest soul
637VishodhanahOm Vishodhanaya NamahGreat purifier
638AniruddhahOm Aniruddhaya NamahInvincible
639ApratirathahOm Apratirathaya NamahWithout enemies
640PradyumnahOm Pradyumnaya NamahVery rich
641AmitavikramahOm Amitavikramaya NamahImmeasurable prowess
642Kaalanemi-nihaaOm Kaalanemi-nihaaya NamahSlayer of Kalanemi
643VeerahOm Veeraya NamahThe heroic victor
644ShauriOm Shauraye NamahInvincible prowess
645Shoora-janeshvarahOm Shoora-janeshvaraya NamahLord of the valiant
646TrilokaatmaaOm Trilokaatmane NamahSelf of three worlds
647TrilokeshahOm Trilokeshaya NamahLord of three worlds
648KeshavahOm Keshavaya NamahIllumines the cosmos
649KeshihaaOm Keshihaaya NamahKiller of Kesi
650HarihOm Haraye NamahThe destroyer
651KaamadevahOm Kaamadevaya NamahThe beloved Lord
652KaamapaalahOm Kaamapaalaya NamahFulfiller of desires
653KaameeOm Kaamaye NamahFulfilled all desires
654KaantahOm Kaantaya NamahEnchanting form
655KritaagamahOm Kritaagamaya NamahAuthor of scriptures
656Anirdeshya-vapuhOm Anirdeshya-vapushe NamahIndescribable form
657VishnuhOm Vishnave NamahAll-pervading
658VeerahOm Veeraya NamahThe courageous
659AnantahOm Anantaya NamahEndless
660DhananjayahOm Dhananjayaya NamahWealth through conquest
661BrahmanyahOm Brahmanyaya NamahProtector of Brahman
662BrahmakritOm Brahmakrite NamahCreator of Brahman
663BrahmaaOm Brahmane NamahCreator
664BrahmaOm Brahmane NamahThe Absolute Reality
665Brahma-vivardhanahOm Brahma-vivardhanaya NamahPromoter of Brahman
666BrahmavidOm Brahmavide NamahKnower of Brahman
667BraahmanahOm Braahmanaya NamahRealized Brahman
668BrahmeeOm Brahmane NamahAssociated with Brahma
669BrahmajnoOm Brahmajne NamahKnower of Brahman's nature
670Braahmana-priyahOm Braahmana-priyaya NamahDear to Brahmanas
671MahaakramoOm Mahaakramaya NamahOf great step
672MahaakarmaaOm Mahaakarmane NamahPerformer of great deeds
673MahaatejaahOm Mahaatejase NamahGreat resplendence
674MahoragahOm Mahoragaya NamahThe great serpent
675MahaakratuhOm Mahaakratave NamahThe great sacrifice
676MahaayajvaaOm Mahaayajvane NamahPerformer of great yajnas
677MahaayajnahOm Mahaayajnaya NamahThe great yajna
678MahaahavihOm Mahaahavaye NamahThe great offering
679StavyahOm Stavyaya NamahObject of all praise
680StavapriyahOm Stavapriyaya NamahInvoked through prayer
681StotramOm Stotraya NamahThe hymn
682StutihOm Stutaye NamahThe act of praise
683StotaaOm Stotre NamahOne who adores or praises
684RanapriyahOm Ranapriyaya NamahLover of battles
685PoornahOm Poornaya NamahThe complete
686PoorayitaaOm Poorayitaya NamahThe fulfiller
687PunyahOm Punyaya NamahThe truly holy
688Punya-keertirOm Punya-keertaye NamahOf holy fame
689AnaamayahOm Anaamayaya NamahFree from diseases
690ManojavahOm Manojavaya NamahSwift as the mind
691TeerthakaroOm Teerthakaraya NamahTeacher of the tirthas
692VasuretaahOm Vasuretase NamahGolden essence
693VasupradahOm Vasupradaya NamahFree-giver of wealth
694VasupradahOm Vasupradaya NamahGiver of salvation
695VaasudevoOm Vaasudevaya NamahSon of Vasudeva
696VasuhOm Vasave NamahRefuge for all
697VasumanaahOm Vasumanase NamahAttentive to everything
698HavihOm Havishe NamahThe oblation
699SadgatihOm Sadgataye NamahGoal of good people
700SatkritihOm Satkritaye NamahFull of good actions
701SattaOm Sattaya NamahOne without a second
702SadbhootihOm Sadbhootaye NamahRich in glories
703SatparaayanahOm Satparaayanaya NamahSupreme goal for the good
704ShoorasenaahOm Shoorasenaya NamahLeader of heroic armies
705Yadu-shresthahOm Yadu-shresthaya NamahBest among Yadavas
706SannivaasahOm Sannivaasaya NamahAbode of the good
707SuyaamunahOm Suyaamunaya NamahAttended by Yamuna people
708BhootaavaasoOm Bhootaavaasaya NamahDwelling place of elements
709VaasudevahOm Vaasudevaya NamahEnveloper of the world
710SarvaasunilayahOm Sarvaasunilayaya NamahAbode of all life energies
711AnalahOm Analaya NamahUnlimited wealth, power, glory
712DarpahaaOm Darpahaaya NamahDestroyer of pride in evil-minded
713DarpadahOm Darpadaaya NamahCreator of righteous pride
714DriptahOm Driptaaya NamahDrunk with infinite bliss
715DurdharahOm Durdharaaya NamahObject of contemplation
716AthaaparaajitahOm Athaaparaajitaaya NamahThe unvanquished
717VishvamoortihOm Vishvamoortaye NamahForm of the entire universe
718MahaamortirOm Mahaamortaye NamahThe great form
719DeeptamoortirOm Deeptamoortaye NamahResplendent form
720A-moortirmaanOm Amoortirmaane NamahFormless
721AnekamoortihOm Anekamoortaye NamahMulti-formed
722AvyaktahOm Avyaktaaya NamahUnmanifest
723ShatamoortihOm Shatamoortaye NamahOf many forms
724ShataananahOm Shataananaaya NamahMany-faced
725EkahOm Ekaaya NamahThe one
726NaikahOm Naikaaya NamahThe many
727SavahOm Savaaya NamahNature of sacrifice
728KahOm Kaaya NamahBliss
729KimOm Kime NamahWhat (to be inquired)
730YatOm Yate NamahWhich
731TatOm Tate NamahThat
732Padam-anuttamamOm Padam-anuttamaya NamahUnequalled state of perfection
733LokabandhurOm Lokabandhave NamahFriend of the world
734LokanaathahOm Lokanaathaaya NamahLord of the world
735MaadhavahOm Maadhavaaya NamahBorn in Madhu's family
736BhaktavatsalahOm Bhaktavatsalaaya NamahLover of devotees
737Suvarna-varnahOm Suvarna-varnaaya NamahGolden-colored
738HemaangahOm Hemaangaaya NamahGolden-limbed
739VaraangahOm Varaangaaya NamahBeautiful-limbed
740ChandanaangadeeOm Chandanaangadine NamahWears attractive armlets
741VeerahaaOm Veerahaaya NamahDestroyer of valiant heroes
742VishamaOm Vishamaaya NamahUnequalled
743ShoonyahOm Shoonyaaya NamahThe void
744GhritaaseehOm Ghritaaseeh NamahNeeds no good wishes
745AcalahOm Acalaaya NamahNon-moving
746ChalahOm Chalaaya NamahMoving
747AmaaneeOm Amaane NamahWithout false vanity
748MaanadahOm Maanadaaya NamahCauses false identification
749MaanyahOm Maanyaaya NamahTo be honored
750LokasvaameeOm Lokasvaamine NamahLord of the universe
751TrilokadhrikOm Trilokadhrishe NamahSupport of three worlds
752SumedhaaOm Sumedhase NamahPure intelligence
753MedhajahOm Medhajaaya NamahBorn of sacrifices
754DhanyahOm Dhanyaaya NamahFortunate
755SatyamedhahOm Satyamedhase NamahTrue intelligence
756DharaadharahOm Dharaadharaaya NamahSupport of the earth
757TejovrishoOm Tejovrishaaya NamahShowers radiance
758DyutidharahOm Dyutidharaaya NamahBears effulgent form
759Sarva-shastra-bhritaam-varahOm Sarva-shastra-bhritaam-varaaya NamahBest among weapon wielders
760PragrahahOm Pragrahaaya NamahReceiver of worship
761NigrahahOm Nigrahaya NamahThe controller
762VyagrahOm Vyagraya NamahThe tiger (valiant one)
763NaikashringahOm Naikashringaya NamahMany-horned
764GadaagrajahOm Gadaagrajaya NamahInvoked through mantra
765ChaturmoortihOm Chaturmoortaye NamahFour-formed
766ChaturbaahuhOm Chaturbaahave NamahFour-handed
767ChaturvyoohahOm Chaturvyoohaya NamahFourfold manifestation
768ChaturgatihOm Chaturgataye NamahFourfold refuge
769ChaturaatmaaOm Chaturaatmane NamahFourfold self
770ChaturbhaavasOm Chaturbhaavaya NamahSource of four
771Chatur-vedavidOm Chaturvedavide NamahKnower of four Vedas
772EkapaatOm Ekapadaya NamahOne-footed
773SamaavartahOm Samaavartaya NamahEfficient turner
774NivrittaatmaaOm Nivrittaatmane NamahDetached self
775DurjayahOm Durjayaya NamahInvincible
776DuratikramahOm Duratikramaya NamahDifficult to surpass
777DurlabhahOm Durlabhaya NamahHard to obtain
778DurgamahOm Durgamaya NamahHard to access
779DurgahOm Durgaya NamahDifficult to approach
780DuraavaasahOm Duraavaasaya NamahHard to dwell in
781DuraarihaaOm Duraarihaaya NamahSlayer of demons
782ShubhaangahOm Shubhaangaya NamahAuspicious-limbed
783LokasaarangahOm Lokasaarangaya NamahEssence of the world
784SutantuhOm Sutantave NamahBeautifully expanded
785Tantu-vardhanahOm Tantu-vardhanaaya NamahSustainer of continuity
786IndrakarmaaOm Indrakarmane NamahPerformer of great deeds
787MahaakarmaaOm Mahaakarmane NamahPerformer of great acts
788KritakarmaaOm Kritakarmane NamahAccomplished in acts
789KritaagamahOm Kritaagamaya NamahAuthor of scriptures
790UdbhavahOm Udbhavaya NamahOriginator
791SundarahOm Sundaraya NamahBeautiful
792SundahOm Sundaya NamahOf great mercy
793Ratna-naabhahOm Ratna-naabhaya NamahJewel-naveled
794SulochanahOm Sulochanaaya NamahBeautiful-eyed
795ArkahOm Arkaaya NamahRadiant
796VaajasanahOm Vaajasanaaya NamahGiver of food
797ShringeeOm Shringine NamahHorned one
798JayantahOm Jayantaaya NamahVictorious
799Sarvavij-jayeeOm Sarvavij-jayine NamahOmniscient victor
800Suvarna-binduhOm Suvarna-bindave NamahGolden-point
801AkshobhyahOm Akshobhyaaya NamahUnshakable
802Sarva-vaageeshvareshvarahOm Sarva-vaageeshvareshvaraaya NamahLord of speech
803MahaahradahOm Mahaahradaaya NamahGreat pool
804MahaagartahOm Mahaagartaaya NamahGreat chasm
805MahaabhootahOm Mahaabhootaaya NamahGreat being
806MahaanidhihOm Mahaanidhaye NamahGreat abode
807KumudahOm Kumudaaya NamahEarth-delighter
808KundarahOm Kundaraaya NamahUplifter of Earth
809KundahOm Kundaaya NamahPure
810ParjanyahOm Parjanyaaya NamahRain-bearing cloud
811PaavanahOm Paavanaya NamahOne who ever purifies
812AnilahOm Anilaya NamahOne who never slips
813AmritaashahOm Amritaashaya NamahOne whose desires are never fruitless
814AmritavapuhOm Amritavapushe NamahHe whose form is immortal
815SarvajnaOm Sarvajnaaya NamahOmniscient
816Sarvato-mukhahOm Sarvato-mukhaya NamahOne who has His face turned everywhere
817SulabhahOm Sulabhaya NamahOne who is readily available
818SuvratahOm Suvrataya NamahOne who has taken the most auspicious forms
819SiddhahOm Siddhaya NamahOne who is perfection
820ShatrujitOm Shatrujite NamahOne who is ever victorious over His hosts of enemies
821ShatrutaapanahOm Shatrutaapanaya NamahThe scorcher of enemies
822NyagrodhahOm Nyagrodhaya NamahThe one who veils Himself with Maya
823UdumbarahOm Udumbaraya NamahNourishment of all living creatures
824AshvatthahOm Ashvatthaya NamahTree of life
825Chaanooraandhra-nishoodanahOm Chaanooraandhra-nishoodanaya NamahThe slayer of Chanoora
826SahasraarchihOm Sahasraarchishe NamahHe who has thousands of rays
827SaptajihvahOm Saptajihvaya NamahHe who expresses himself as the seven tongues of fire
828SaptaidhaahOm Saptaidhaaya NamahThe seven effulgences in the flames
829SaptavaahanahOm Saptavaahanaya NamahOne who has a vehicle of seven horses (sun)
830AmoortihOm Amoortaye NamahFormless
831AnaghahOm Anaghaya NamahSinless
832AchintyahOm Achintyaya NamahInconceivable
833BhayakritOm Bhayakrite NamahGiver of fear
834BhayanaashanahOm Bhayanaashanaya NamahDestroyer of fear
835AnuhOm Anave NamahThe subtlest
836BrihatOm Brihate NamahThe greatest
837KrishahOm Krishaya NamahDelicate, lean
838SthoolahOm Sthoolaya NamahOne who is the fattest
839GunabhritOm Gunabhrite NamahOne who supports
840NirgunahOm Nirgunaya NamahWithout any properties
841MahaanOm Mahaane NamahThe mighty
842AdhritahOm Adhritaya NamahWithout support
843SvadhritahOm Svadhritaya NamahSelf-supported
844SvaasyahOm Svaasyaya NamahOne who has an effulgent face
845PraagvamshahOm Praagvamshaya NamahOne who has the most ancient ancestry
846VamshavardhanahOm Vamshavardhanaya NamahHe who multiplies His family of descendants
847BhaarabhritOm Bhaarabhrite NamahOne who carries the load of the universe
848KathitahOm Kathitaya NamahOne who is glorified in all scriptures
849YogeeOm Yogine NamahOne who can be realized through yoga
850YogeeshahOm Yogeeshaaya NamahThe king of yogis
851SarvakaamadahOm Sarvakaamadaaya NamahOne who fulfills all desires of true devotees
852AashramahOm Aashramaaya NamahHaven
853ShramanahOm Shramanaaya NamahOne who persecutes the worldly people
854KshaamahOm Kshaamaya NamahOne who destroys everything
855SuparnahOm Suparnaaya NamahThe golden leaf (Vedas)
856VaayuvaahanahOm Vaayuvaahanaaya NamahThe mover of the winds
857DhanurdharahOm Dhanurdharaaya NamahThe wielder of the bow
858DhanurvedahOm Dhanurvedaaya NamahOne who declared the science of archery
859DandahOm Dandaaya NamahOne who punishes the wicked
860DamayitaaOm Damayitri NamahThe controller
861DamahOm Damaya NamahSelf-restraint
862AparaajitahOm Aparajitaya NamahUnconquered
863SarvasahahOm Sarvasahaya NamahAll-enduring
864AniyantaaOm Aniyantre NamahWithout controller
865NiyamahOm Niyamaya NamahSelf-ruler
866AyamahOm Ayamaya NamahDeathless
867SattvavaanOm Sattvavate NamahFull of goodness
868SaattvikahOm Saattvikaya NamahPure
869SatyahOm Satyaya NamahTruth
870Satya-dharma-paraayanahOm Satya-dharma-paraayanaya NamahDevoted to truth and righteousness
871AbhipraayahOm Abhipraayaya NamahIntentions
872PriyaarhahOm Priyaarhaya NamahWorthy of love
873ArhahOm Arhaya NamahDeserving
874PriyakritOm Priyakrite NamahDoer of good
875PreetivardhanahOm Preetivardhanaya NamahEnhancer of joy
876Vihaayasa-gatihOm Vihaayasa-gataye NamahMover in space
877JyotihOm Jyotishe NamahLight
878SuruchihOm Suruchaye NamahBeautiful
879HutabhukOm Hutabhujaya NamahConsumer of offerings
880VibhuhOm Vibhave NamahAll-pervading
881RavihOm Ravaye NamahSun
882VirochanahOm Virochanaya NamahRadiant
883SooryahOm Sooryaya NamahSun God
884SavitaaOm Savitre NamahCreator
885RavilochanahOm Ravilochanaya NamahSun-eyed
886AnantahOm Anantaya NamahInfinite
887HutabhukOm Hutabhujaya NamahConsumer of offerings
888BhoktaaOm Bhoktre NamahEnjoyer
889SukhadahOm Sukhadaya NamahGiver of happiness
890NaikajahOm Naikajaya NamahBorn many times
891AgrajahOm Agrajaya NamahFirst-born
892AnirvinnahOm Anirvinnaya NamahWithout despondency
893SadaamarsheeOm Sadaamarshe NamahEver-forgiving
894LokaadhishthaanamOm Lokaadhishthaanaya NamahSupport of the worlds
895AdbhutahOm Adbhutaya NamahWonderful
896SanaatOm Sanaataya NamahEternal
897SanaatanatamahOm Sanaatanatamaya NamahMost ancient
898KapilahOm Kapilaya NamahSage Kapila
899KapihOm Kapaye NamahOne who drinks water
900ApyayahOm Apyayaya NamahSource of dissolution
901SvastidahOm Svastidaya NamahGiver of auspiciousness
902SvastikritOm Svastikrite NamahCreator of auspiciousness
903SvastiOm Svastaye NamahAuspiciousness
904SvastibhukOm Svastibhujaya NamahEnjoyer of auspiciousness
905SvastidakshinahOm Svastidakshinaya NamahDistributor of auspiciousness
906AraudrahOm Araudraya NamahNon-fierce
907KundaleeOm Kundaline NamahWears earrings
908ChakreeOm Chakrine NamahBearer of discus
909VikrameeOm Vikramine NamahCourageous
910Oorjita-shaasanahOm Oorjita-shaasanaya NamahStrong ruler
911ShabdaatigahOm Shabdaatigaya NamahOne who transcends all words
912ShabdasahahOm Shabdasahaya NamahAllows Himself to be invoked by Vedic words
913ShishirahOm Shishiraya NamahThe cold season, winter
914Sharvaree-karahOm Sharvaree-karaya NamahCreator of darkness
915AkroorahOm Akrooraya NamahNever cruel
916PeshalahOm Peshalaya NamahSupremely soft
917DakshahOm Dakshaya NamahPrompt
918DakshinahOm Dakshinaya NamahThe most liberal
919Kshaminaam-varahOm Kshaminaam-varaya NamahGreatest patience with sinners
920VidvattamahOm Vidvattamaya NamahOne with the greatest wisdom
921VeetabhayahOm Veetabhayaya NamahFearless
922Punya-shravana-keertanahOm Punya-shravana-keertanaya NamahHearing of whose glory brings holiness
923UttaaranahOm Uttaranaya NamahLifts us out of the ocean of change
924DushkritihaaOm Dushkritihaya NamahDestroyer of bad actions
925PunyahOm Punyaya NamahSupremely pure
926Duh-svapna-naashanahOm Duh-svapna-naashanaya NamahDestroyer of bad dreams
927VeerahaaOm Veerahaya NamahEnds rebirth
928RakshanahOm Rakshanaya NamahProtector of the universe
929SantahOm Santaya NamahExpressed through saintly men
930JeevanahOm Jeevanaya NamahLife spark in all creatures
931ParyavasthitahOm Paryavasthitaya NamahOne who dwells everywhere
932AnantaroopahOm Anantaroopaya NamahOne of infinite forms
933AnantashreehOm Anantashreeye NamahFull of infinite glories
934JitamanyuhOm Jitamanyave NamahOne who has no anger
935BhayapahahOm Bhayapahaya NamahDestroys all fears
936ChaturashrahOm Chaturashraya NamahDeals squarely
937GabheeraatmaaOm Gabheeraatmane NamahToo deep to be fathomed
938VidishahOm Vidishaya NamahUnique in giving
939VyaadishahOm Vyaadishaya NamahUnique in commanding power
940DishahOm Dishaya NamahAdvisor and giver of knowledge
941AnaadihOm Anaadaye NamahThe first cause
942Bhoor-bhuvoOm Bhoor-bhuvaya NamahSubstratum of the earth
943LakshmeehOm Lakshmeeye NamahGlory of the universe
944SuveerahOm Suveeraya NamahMoves through various ways
945RuchiraangadahOm Ruchiraangadaya NamahWears resplendent shoulder caps
946JananahOm Jananaya NamahDeliverer of all living creatures
947Jana-janmaadirOm Jana-janmaadaye NamahCause of all beings' birth
948BheemahOm Bheemaya NamahTerrible form
949Bheema-paraakramahOm Bheema-paraakramaya NamahProwess frightful to enemies
950AadhaaranilayahOm Aadhaaranilayaya NamahFundamental sustainer
951AdhaataaOm Adhaataya NamahSupreme commander
952PushpahaasahOm Pushpahaasaya NamahShines like an opening flower
953PrajaagarahOm Prajaagaraya NamahEver-awakened
954OordhvagahOm Oordhvagaya NamahOn top of everything
955SatpathaachaarahOm Satpathaachaaraaya NamahFollower of truth
956PraanadahOm Praanadaya NamahGiver of life
957PranavahOm Pranavaya NamahOmkara
958PanahOm Panaya NamahSupreme universal manager
959PramaanamOm Pramaanaya NamahForm of the Vedas
960PraananilayahOm Praananilayaya NamahHe in whom all prana is established
961PraanibhritOm Praanibhrite NamahHe who rules over all pranas
962PraanajeevanahOm Praanajeevanaya NamahMaintains the life-breath
963TattvamOm Tattvaya NamahThe reality
964TattvavitOm Tattvavite NamahRealised the reality
965EkaatmaaOm Ekaatmane NamahThe one self
966Janma-mrityu-jaraatigahOm Janma-mrityu-jaraatigaya NamahBeyond birth, death, and old age
967Bhoor-bhuvah-svas-taruhOm Bhoor-bhuvah-svas-tarave NamahTree of bhur, bhuvah, and svah
968TaarahOm Taaraya NamahHelper to cross over
969SavitaaOm Savitre NamahFather of all
970PrapitaamahahOm Prapitaamahaya NamahFather of the father (Brahma)
971YajnahOm Yajnaya NamahNature of yajna
972YajnapatihOm Yajnapataye NamahLord of yajnas
973YajvaaOm Yajvane NamahPerformer of yajna
974YajnaangahOm Yajnaangaya NamahLimbs are parts of yajna
975YajnavaahanahOm Yajnavaahanaya NamahCompletes yajnas
976YajnabhridOm Yajnabhride NamahRuler of yajnas
977YajnakritOm Yajnakrite NamahPerforms yajnas
978YajneeOm Yajnee NamahEnjoyer of yajnas
979YajnabhukOm Yajnabhukaya NamahReceiver of offerings
980YajnasaadhanahOm Yajnasaadhanaya NamahFulfills yajnas
981YajnaantakritOm Yajnaantakrite NamahPerforms concluding yajna act
982YajnaguhyamOm Yajnaguhyaya NamahRealised through yajna
983AnnamOm Annaya NamahOne who is food
984AnnaadahOm Annaadaya NamahOne who eats food
985AatmayonihOm Aatmayonaye NamahThe uncaused cause
986SvayamjaatahOm Svayamjaataya NamahSelf-born
987VaikhaanahOm Vaikhaanaya NamahCut through the earth
988SaamagaayanahOm Saamagaayanaya NamahSinger of sama songs
989Devakee-nandanahOm Devakee-nandanaya NamahSon of Devaki
990SrashtaaOm Srashtre NamahCreator
991KshiteeshahOm Kshiteeshaya NamahLord of the earth
992Paapa-naashanahOm Paapa-naashanaya NamahDestroyer of sin
993Samkha-bhritOm Samkha-bhrite NamahHolder of the divine Pancajanya
994NandakeeOm Nandakee NamahHolder of the Nandaka sword
995ChakreeOm Chakrine NamahCarrier of Sudarsana
996Shaarnga-dhanvaaOm Shaarnga-dhanvane NamahWielder of the shaarnga bow
997GadaadharahOm Gadaadharaya NamahHolder of the Kaumodakee club
998Rathaanga-paanihOm Rathaanga-paanaye NamahHas the wheel of a chariot as His weapon
999AkshobhyahOm Akshobhyaya NamahCannot be annoyed
1000Sarva-praharanaayudhahOm Sarva-praharanaayudhaya NamahPossesses all kinds of weapons for assault

Significance of Lord Vishnu Sahasranama Names

Vishnu Sahasranamam 1000 names comes from the Mahabharata, one of the greatest Hindu epics. It was first recited by a great warrior, Bhishma Pitamaha, on his deathbed, guiding others to the right path. Chanting Lord Vishnu's thousand names is believed to lead one to moksha as it frees one from the cycle of life and death.

Today, when stress and anxiety have become the new normal, chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam namavali can help individuals calm their minds. The one who attains the blessings of Lord Vishnu gets his protection and gets rid of the upcoming obstacles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chanting the 1000 Lord Vishnu names daily has some long-term benefits. It is believed to remove past life bad karma and make a person more spiritual. Moreover, the powerful names enhance the aura and make a person more confident and courageous.
Vishnu Sahasranamam is a spiritual practice that enhances a person’s spiritual growth and brings peace. People who chant the thousand names of Lord Vishnu are usually positive and self-confident.
Anyone who is a devotee of Lord Vishnu and wants to bring peace and joy can recite Vishnu Sahasranamam namavali. The only thing that matters is pure devotion towards Lord Vishnu.
West direction is ideal for chanting the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. This is because the east-facing west direction is the home of Lord Vishnu. Chanting the 1000 names of Vishnu in this direction will bring auspicious results.
Anushasana Parva (Mahabharata), Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, Garuda Purana, and Sundat Gutka are some of the versions of Vishnu Sahasranamam namavali. However, Anushasana Parva from the Mahabharata is the most popular version.
Maharishi Vyasa, the creator of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita, wrote 1000 names of Vishnu. According to mythological beliefs, Vyasa wrote a thousand names of Lord Vishnu on the 11th day of the waxing moon in the Magha month.
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