Major Yogas in Gautam Adani Kundli Gajakesari Yoga

With Leo Lagna and Jupiter in Kendra, the Gaj Kesari Yoga makes him efficient, comfortable, famous, reputed, intelligent, and capable enough to grab the life of his dreams.

Major Yogas in Gautam Adani Kundli Karak Yoga

The combination of Mercury, Jupiter, and Moon in a Kendra form this Yoga where honour, fame, dignity, luck, and financial stability.

Major Yogas in Gautam Adani Kundli Dhan Yoga

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn along with Venus and Moon brings the Dhan Yoga. The Dhan or Money Yoga will bring him wealth from all sorts of sources.

Minor Yogas in Gautam Adani Kundli Anapha Yoga

When the planet is in the 12th House from the Moon.

Minor Yogas in Gautam Adani Kundli Adhi Yoga

When the positive planets are in the 6th, 7th, and 8th House from the Moon.

Minor Yogas in Gautam Adani Kundli Mahabhagya Yoga

This Yoga forms when the man is born during daytime and the Sun, Moon, and Lagna are in odd signs. It’s the opposite for women.