Passionate and Driven

Scorpions are brimmed with intense passion and drive; Virat Kohli is a prime example. No one can deny his passion and love for cricket.


Scorpions are not the ones who are afraid of taking risks and facing the consequences, come what may. Instead, they are the ones who are famous for their fearlessness and their willingness to take risks.

Emotional Intelligence

Do you know that the zodiac sign Scorpio tops the list of those with emotional intelligence and intuition? And being a Scorpion, Virat Kohli has these traits in abundance.

Natural Charisma and Sense of Humor

The natives of this zodiac sign are famous for their charisma, sense of humour and playful nature. But, of course, being a Virat Kohli fan, we don’t need to tell you about his sense of humour.


Virat Kohli has honed the craft of bouncing back from setbacks. Kohli’s career has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but he always succeeds in overcoming his obstacles and has come out even stronger.