Benefits of yoga pose for fertility.

– Lower Distress & Anxiety by Stimulating the Ovaries & Womb – Increases Blood Flow & Circulation and Harmonizes Hormone Levels – Building Muscle energy – promotes a healthy immune system 

Supta Baddha Konasana

– Lower Distress & Anxiety by Stimulating the Ovaries & Womb – Increases Blood Flow & Circulation and Harmonizes Hormone Levels – Building Muscle energy – promotes a healthy immune system 


Here’s a yoga to increase fertility; pose that aids in stimulating the thyroid gland, whose malfunction can cause infertility. It also assists in stress relief and mental calmness.

Setu Bandhasana

Here’s a yoga to increase fertility; pose that aids in stimulating the thyroid gland, whose malfunction can cause infertility. It also assists in stress relief and mental calmness.