Remedy 1

Rahu in 4th house for cancer ascendant and others are not advised to build a kitchen under their stairs. Per the Vastu Shastra, this could bring in a lot of negativity and health issues.

Remedy 2

So, if you have a strong Rahu, you are advised to keep the northeast extremely clean and ventilated and avoid garbage or toiletries in this direction of your home.

Remedy 3

For the Rahu in 4th house for Leo ascendant and others, these people are advised to go and get a job somewhere far from their birthplace.

Remedy 4

As per the Rahu allocation astrology, the native has to face many financial difficulties and could have definite poor living conditions.

Remedy 5

To solve this problem, throw some coriander seeds or Dhaniya daana in the water on a Thursday. This will give you positive results in improving your living conditions.

Remedy 6

If you have any health issues related to the heart or brain because of the malefic of Rahu. Then throwing a handful of barley groats or jaw ke dane in water.

Remedy 7

If Rahu is in the 4th house for Virgo ascendant and others are dealing with or stuck with any legal issue. In such cases, charcoal or koyla should be thrown in running water.