
Mars, being the parent planet of Aries, brings a lot of passion and energy. These qualities make them go to extremes in everything.


A Taurean Zodiac is associated with the element Earth, making them grounded as Venus is ruling them, the planet of immense love and beauty.


Mercury, the fastest-moving planet, governs people in this Zodiac. So if you see a Gemini, don’t get overwhelmed with their never-ending energy.


Cancer, a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, is very emotional. They are very generous, loving, and caring people you will ever meet.


This Sun governed Zodiac is known for its outstanding and confident personality. Even in a relationship, they are meant to be the dominating ones.


They are associated with the planet of intellect and communication, Mercury, which makes Virgo very strong-minded and critical at times.


Controlled by the planet Venus, it is most likely to have similar qualities to a Taurus. But the core element for this Zodiac is water.


For any Scorpion, love marriage is absolutely on the charts because they are the most romantic and “silly in love” partners you could get.


A Jupiter-governed Sagittarius is the most compassionate and beautiful being you will ever meet. A person’s inner beauty usually attracts them.


Saturn, the planet of passion and authority, rules over this earth sign. A Capricorn is responsible, ambitious, and independent.


Governed by Saturn, an Aquarius is passionate as well as logical when it comes to love. 

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Pisces are known to be the most emotional zodiac sign out of all the 12. This cardinal sign is ruled by Jupiter, which also makes it intelligent and humble to others.

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