
This card represents an intense conflict or a significant upheaval that makes you reevaluate how you perceive the world.

Ten of Swords

The picture on the Ten of Swords makes it quite evident that this card is about a traumatic, powerful, and possibly unexpected conclusion.

Three of Swords

Three swords penetrate a heart in the Three of Swords. The card denotes sadness, heartache, and suffering. When a fairly recent relationship has ended, this card can show up.


The Hermit is a lone figure who symbolises a period of seclusion and retreat from society. This is a sign of being “alone” and using the opportunity to consider one’s religious.

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords indicates that war has already been waged and lost.

Two of Cups reversed

The said card, when upright, represents the bonds and psychological ties between 2 people.

Seven of Swords

Defeat and ruin are represented by the Five of Pentacles. Anticipate feeling alone and “locked out” of a romance when this card is drawn, which could lead to some material and emotional loss.

Reversed Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles represents an existing relationship when it is straight, potentially a long-term marriage as well as a large family.

Three of Cups reversed

Reversed Three of Cups is not a good card to see in a love reading. It indicates that a third individual is present. That suggests that there is some cheating going on.


Once the Death tarot card comes in a love reading, it is a solid indication that the relation will die. The card of Death is one of finality and demise.