How do Crystals work as Healing Properties?

People start overthinking and getting frustrated due to every little thing in life that can spoil their peace of mind. So, in that case, wearing a gemstone can help you calm down and be stress-free by soothing your chakras like Ajna Chakra and Nirvana Chakra.

1. Blue Lace Agate Crystal

Blue Lace Agate has very soothing and calming effects that can improve your mood and allow relaxation. It has a soft and gentle energy that can energise your self-confidence and self-expression.

2. Black Tourmaline Crystal

Black Tourmaline is a silicate crystal which is made up of Sodium Iron Aluminum. This gemstone is connected to our chakras that allow you to be away from negative energies.

3. Sodalite Crystal

Sodalite is in a blue or purple shade that helps you connect with your true self. This stone is lightweight and brings a soothing effect.

4. Lepidolite Crystal

Lepidolite is believed to be the natural source of Lithium. This crystal is made of silicate and is purple in colour.

5. Shungite Crystal

Shungite is a pure crystal stone that can help you reduce the negative influences. Moreover, people in earlier times often referred to this crystal as “the stone of life” due to its excellent abilities and wide range of benefits.