Wheel of fortune

This card could mean you will be on top of your game in any business or get a job promotion. But, on the other hand, it might also mean that you are going to get a downfall in your finances.

Ace of Wands

If you have gotten an Ace of Wands, you will be lucky, as the card represents faith, positivity and accomplishments.

The Sun

This sign in Tarot reading represents “abundance”. The nature of this card tells you that just like how the Sun outshines and fills everything up with light similarly, you would have an abundance of wealth and health.

Five of Pentacles

This tarot card is associated with a lack of financial wealth. You might find yourself helpless and alone over this period. 

Nine of Pentacles

This card tells you to appreciate your ability to achieve financial independence. You could have grown your own business or got promoted.

Ten of Pentacles

The tarot card 10 of Pentacles is extreme luck if you are looking for any answer related to your money matters. Whether it’s an investment, promotion, or a profit in business.

King of Wands

King of Wands, as the name suggests, this tarot card allows you to be the king in terms of finances. This card might have overwhelmed you, but it could take you to the top of your money game.

The Emperor

This card tells you that you will be in a great position with your finances. If you are a businessman or doing a job, you could expect great results.

Seven of Cups

According to the financial tarot card reading, a “Seven of Cups” shows you the mirror of what you will face if you keep on splurging your money.

Nine of Cups

Out of all the ten tarot cards, “Nine of Cups”, commonly known as the Wish Card, is the most fascinating. It brings clarity and gain of wealth in your future.