Measuring your fame quotient as per the birth chart

Different houses and planets in the birth chart indicate a huge reputation. Yogas for massive fame are not present in every kundali. There are a few kundali’s that are enriched with a fame quotient.


The Position of the Moon

It is the condition of the natal Moon that sets the quotient of fame the native will get. • You will get fame if the Moon enjoys a prominent position in the natal chart.


Horoscope and houses

Fame in astrology depends upon a few houses in the horoscope. • The 7th house in kundali also matters the most as it relates to the house of desires and masses.


Horoscope and houses

• Have a close look at the 5th, 9th, and 10th houses of the horoscope. •An afflicted 4th or 12th house is the biggest hurdle that makes one deprived of popularity.


Horoscope and houses

• Fame as per astrology comes to a person who has a well-placed Moon in the 10th house. In such a case, the native gets abundant fame.
