Astrology of Palm lines

The palm lines on your hands say a lot about you. In palmistry, the study of palm reading, four main lines are examined: the heart line, head line, life line, and fate line.

What your palm line says about you

Many different palm lines can say a lot about a person. The most common ones are the business line, career line, job line, and many more.

Carrer line in the palm and its meaning

A deep and long career line indicates a successful career, while a faint or short line may mean that you will face difficulties achieving your goals.

Business line in palmistry and their benefits

The business line in palmistry is also known as the ‘money line’. It is the horizontal line running from the base of the thumb toward the little finger.

Job line in the palm and its benefits

The job line in palmistry is also known as the fate line or the Saturn line. It is said to represent your career, work, and public reputation.