Direction to Sleep

Every moment of our lives, including sleep, is filled with cosmic energy. Both positive and harmful energy are present around us in the world, and the directions we use enable us to harness good vibes.

Head Towards North

The magnetosphere can stress the heart and brain because it affects the blood flow carrying more iron. Additionally, it may result in nerve damage and long-term sleeplessness.

which direction should we not sleep?

According to Hindu custom, Vastu says the deceased sleep in this orientation until cremation. Hence, according to Vastu, it is the worst sleeping direction and must be avoided at all costs.

Head Towards South

It is a fact that this direction is considered the home of the god Yama and is therefore connected with acquiring prosperity, health, and happiness; Vastu scholars claim that this is the most advantageous sleeping orientation.

Head Towards West

Sleeping on this side is the best if you want to succeed at your job or in commerce. Vastu believes this will help the flourishing of government or corporate workers.

Head Towards East

one of the best directions to sleeping is this one. Additionally, it improves attention and memory concerning academics.

Feng Shui sleeping head direction

Feng shui is generally concerned with the comfort of your sleep, just like Vastu shastra. But rather than the direction you sleep, this practice primarily focuses on the factors in your environment and how they affect chi (energy) flow.