Left slanted

If this is how you write, your views are contrary to popular beliefs, and you want to work in solitude. You may also try to rebel against worldly opinions and ways of living.


Right slant

Writing with slants to the right means that you are open to new experiences and are willing to mingle around with friends of your own.


No slant

You’re one of the pragmatists and believe in logical thinking. But moreover, Secrets Your Handwriting Tells you that you shouldnt let your emotions take centre stage or control over yourself.


Closed loops

The closed circles indicate that you’re reticent and restrict yourself in front of others.


Open loops

People who write like this are spontaneous, quick on their feet and tend to socialise frequently.  


Round 'S'

You have a likeable personality if you write a rounded “s”. It implies that you’re big on pleasing others and avoiding conflicts.


Pointy 'S'

Sharp and edgy! This hints that you are intellectually intelligent and fond of studying new things. The higher and sharper the peaks, the more ambitious you are.


Text size

Large: The literal meaning, people who write in large letters, have a “grand” personality.  Small: You tend to emphasise the details and have a higher concentration power than the rest.


Text size

Medium: Following the middle ground, your adjustment levels are higher than people your age.
