Element: Fire Sun Sign: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Tarot Card of the Day:Nine of Pentacles

Your weekly tarot predictions say that the universe will be kind to you at the start of this week and shower its blessings upon you.

Element: Earth Sun Sign: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Tarot Card of the Day : The Devil

our weekly tarot spread advises you to draw a line between your desires and your partner’s personal space to run your relationship smoothly.

Element: Air Sun Sign: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius Tarot Card of the Day: Two of Swords

the Two of Swords tarot card predicts that you are stuck in the middle and asks you to make difficult choices.

Element: Water Sun Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Tarot Card of the Day: Ten of Swords

Your weekly tarot predictions indicate that the current situation will encourage you to make drastic decisions in your life that will put an end to your problems.