Number 1

First on the list of weekly numerology predictions is the number 1. The overall energy of this upcoming week will let you enjoy family gatherings as per vastu numerology.

Number 2

The lucky number for Libra brings a balance to your emotional aspects.

Number 3

This upcoming week gives you a chance to let go of toxicity, loops or misunderstandings, especially in your personal life.

Number 4

As per the vastu numerology for number 4, the energies for this upcoming week will be somewhat mixed or imbalanced.

Number 5

As per the weekly numerology horoscope, you will be surrounded by feelings of doubts, confusion or mess.

Number 6

this week, you will focus on letting go of the past hurt, disappointment or pain.

Number 7

For number 7, this week brings the energies of freedom, carefreeness and harmony.

Number 8

The lucky number for Libra predicts that this upcoming week will serve you with position and power, especially in your career and personal life.

Number 9

The overall energies of this upcoming week revolve around spirituality. As a result, your major focus will be towards getting all sorts of information, wisdom and knowledge.