Number 1

The universe is asking you to stay patient and positive. You should stand firm in your decisions and be flexible and dynamic in terms of new opportunities that come to you.


Number 2

It would be best to maintain a healthy balance between your spiritual and worldly life. This week calls for good management skills regarding your desires and needs.


Number 3

This is the best time to realise your worth, work on yourself, chase your dreams, and expand your horizon.


Number 4

Your weekly numerology predictions urge you to take a back seat from all the exhausting and draining situations that have hampered your energy.


Number 5

Trust the Universe and God and expect a miracle or good news to reach you immediately. 


Number 6

You should pay attention to what you say, plan your course of action, adopt a rational and traditional approach to your tasks, and avoid delays in all your professional matters.


Number 7

You’ll get the perfect chance to relax, sit back, and enjoy your time. It is seen that you have been struggling for a long time, but you’ll get the success that you crave.


Number 8

You’ll be appreciated, respected, and recognised for all your efforts and hard work. In terms of money and income, you’ll be able to increase your revenue through an appraisal or promotion.


Number 9

This week may be tiring with respect to your budget or expenses as you may be spending more than what you’re saving.
