Number 1 (Birth Dates: 1, 10, 19, 28)

According to weekly numerology, in this week you will give yourself some space and time to get healed from the past troubles you’ve faced.

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Number 2 (Birth Dates: 2, 11, 20, 29)

This week will bring certain situations you need to analyse from every perspective. Try to be flexible in certain conditions, even if you are not entirely convinced.

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Number 3 (Birth Dates: 3, 12, 21, 30)

Release all the toxicity and negativity you’ve filled within yourself and let go. Ignore or cut the unwanted relations from your surroundings.

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Number 4 (Birth Dates: 4, 13, 22, 31)

The numerology prediction indicates that it’s time to analyse that what you speak shouldn’t affect other people’s emotions.

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Number 5 (Birth Dates: 5, 14, 23)

It’s a week where you’ll be appreciated and recognised for the hard work that you have done in your personal and professional areas.

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Number 6 (Birth Dates: 6, 15, 24)

This card has arrived to make you realise that you’re self-sufficient enough to fight your battles, so it’s time to start believing in yourself.

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Number 7 (Birth Dates: 7, 16, 25)

This week reminds you that you’re on a journey where you need to maintain the balance between your ego and humbleness.

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Number 8 (Birth Dates: 8, 17, 26)

This week indicates that you have come to an end of a circle where you have learned and managed to cope with the situations as a new beginning is on your way.

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Number 9 (Birth Dates: 9, 18, 27)

Numerology predictions shows that this week will bring solutions for many of your problems. There are bright chances of expansion and growth in your personal and professional life.

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