Negative Aspects for Natives

Although the configuration gives you a neutral aspect to consider if the 8th House dominates Venus in your composition, this could make you pay in both personal and professional ways.

Failed Marriage

The Natives of Venus in the 8th House are blessed with excellent looks and confident personalities. However, they are usually often self-obsessed and egoistic.

Loss in Wealth

As of a Weak Venus, the 8th House dominates a significant portion of this placement in these natives’ birth charts.

Bad Behaviour

This configuration could lead to the natives being very hard on other people. A weak or deliberated Venus in the 8th House is also a sign of you not being a people person.

Positive aspects of Natives

A firmly placed Venus in the 8th House cuts down the negativities from your life. This could be a good sign.

An Easy Life

Natives with strong Venus on this planet usually lead an easy and comfortable life. They don’t have to struggle too much for things.

No Fear of Death

This configuration means that they understand the basic concept of life and death at a very young age. They accept that if someone is born, they must go one day or the other.

Lean towards Spirituality

Usually, after their 30s, they find peace with themselves and start looking at life with a broader perspective.