What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic Astrology, a 5000-year-old science, studies the position of the planets and stars in the sky at the time of birth. It is based on ancient Vedic scriptures that are believed to have been written by Rishi (sages).


How does Vedic Astrology work?

Vedic astrology is a science that studies the movements of celestial bodies like planets and stars and their influence on human lives. It is also known as Maharishi Vedic Astrology or Hindu Astrology.


How does a tarot card reading work?

Tarot card reading is a system that works upon your decisions, your actions, the things that you do and the wave of energies around you.


Why are tarot cards not reliable?

You see, the tarot card reader is not a specialist in tarot cards. They are also not an astrology specialist. The same applies to numerology and palmistry as well
