Be confident

Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to approach the person you like. You can start with a simple hello.

Show interest

It is advised that to keep a conversation going you should talk about different things. This will help keep the spark alive in the conversation as well.

Use open-ended questions

If you want to keep the conversation alive and keep the spark intact then you should ask questions that have possibilities of multiple answers.

Make a connection

Having the same interest can help the conversation grow and also make it quite interesting. This also makes the conversation that she will look forward to continue.

Be yourself

Trying to impress someone can be quite a task. However, do not forget the concept of originality. Be true to who you are, and don’t try to be someone you’re not.

Be respectful

It is quite important for a person to feel respected by their peers. Thus, always remember to be respectful of the other person’s boundaries and personal space.

Be positive

f you want to keep a conversation alive then you must keep a positive attitude and try to have fun. This will help the girl like you even more.

Be a good listener

Listen actively to what the person is saying and make an effort to understand their perspective.